Uptime through SNMP


Checks the hosts uptime through SNMP. Based on but improved (help, no tempfiles, output in minutes and days).

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 23, 2009

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Project Notes
Checks the hosts uptime through SNMP. Based on but conforms more to the guidlines (no tempfiles, help). The output is in minutes (if critcial or warning), otherwise in days. Can be used to check any host (*nix, Windows). To change German output, pls. go into the script and change Tage to days.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Consider SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0
by pws, December 31, 2012

This plugin uses DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance which expresses uptime in 1/100 sec in a 32-bit value. So it will roll over in 496 days and may result in spurious alerts at that time. If your device supports SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0 (. that OID's result is expressed in seconds and can be monitored by simply using check_snmp. check_snmp -H router -C public -o SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0 -c 2000

it works
by swerrie, February 28, 2010

no Perf data and the plugin shows not very accurate info... But it works like a charm... I've edited myself for my needs: if [ $RES = 0 ]; then UPTDAY=$(expr $UPTMIN / 60 / 24 ) UPTMINT=$(( $UPTDAY * 1440 )) UPTMINM=$(( $UPTMIN - $UPTMINT )) UPTMINH=$(expr $UPTMINM / 60 ) UPTMINHM=$(( $UPTMINH * 60 )) UPTMINHMS=$(( $UPTMINM - $UPTMINHM )) if [ $UPTMIN -lt $CRIT ]; then echo CRITICAL: Systemuptime $UPTDAY Days $UPTMINH Hours $UPTMINHMS Mins'|Uptime='$UPTMIN'm;'$WARN';'$CRIT';0;0' exit 2 fi if [ $UPTMIN -lt $WARN ]; then echo OK: Systemuptime $UPTDAY Days $UPTMINH Hours $UPTMINHMS Mins'|Uptime='$UPTMIN'm;'$WARN';'$CRIT';0;0' exit 0 fi if [ $UPTMIN -ge $WARN ]; then echo WARNING: Systemuptime $UPTDAY Days $UPTMINH Hours $UPTMINHMS Mins'|Uptime='$UPTMIN'm;'$WARN';'$CRIT';0;0' exit 1 fi fi

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