#! /bin/sh ## 2006-10-23, Ingo Lantschner (based on the work of Fredrik Wanglund) ## This Plugin gets the uptime from any host (*nix/Windows) by SNMP PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin PROGNAME=`basename $0` REVISION=`echo 'Revision: 0.2 ' ` NAGIOSPLUGSDIR=/usr/local/nagios/libexec WARN=$3 CRIT=$4 print_usage() { echo "Usage: $PROGNAME " } print_revision() { echo $PROGNAME - $REVISION } print_help() { print_revision echo "" print_usage echo "" echo "This plugin checks the Uptime through SNMP" echo "The treshholds (warning, critical) are in days" echo "" exit 0 } case "$1" in --help) print_help exit 0 ;; -h) print_help exit 0 ;; --version) print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION exit 0 ;; -V) print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION exit 0 ;; *) ## Einige Plausibilitaetstest if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then print_usage exit 3 fi if [ $WARN -lt $CRIT ]; then echo warning-level must be above the critical! exit 3 fi ## Now we start checking ... UPT=$($NAGIOSPLUGSDIR/check_snmp -H $1 -C $2 -o . -w $3 -c $4 | cut -d " " -f 1-4) RES=$? UPTMIN=$(expr $(echo $UPT | cut -d "*" -f2) / 6000 ) if [ $RES = 0 ]; then UPTDAY=$(expr $UPTMIN / 60 / 24 ) if [ $UPTDAY -lt $CRIT ]; then echo CRITICAL: Systemuptime $UPTMIN min. exit 2 fi if [ $UPTDAY -lt $WARN ]; then echo WARNING: Systemuptime $UPTMIN min. exit 1 fi if [ $UPTDAY -ge $WARN ]; then echo OK: Systemuptime $UPTDAY Tage exit 0 fi fi echo $UPT exit 3 esac