Server Hardware

Nagios plugins to monitoring vendor-specific server hardware (by manfucaturer).

Showing 101-110 of 119 results.

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check_snmp_raid / check_sasraid_megaraid

This is a nagios plugin to monitor RAID controller and attached disks. Originally written to support LSI SCSI Megaraid cards (sold as Dell PERC3 and…

4.3 (4) License: GPL by: William Leibzon
HP (Compaq)
check_cciss – HP and Compaq Smart Array Hardware status

This plugin checks hardware status for Smart Array Controllers, using the HP Array Configuration Utility CLI / HPE Smart Storage Administrator. (Array, controller, cache, disk,…

4.3 (39) License: GPL by: Simone
HP (Compaq)
HP Hardware Plugin Check

This program is written and maintained by: vino duan - It is based on HP agent How To Use: Tar and put the check_hardware…

supermicro hardware monitoring

This check provides access to the hardware status information provided by supermicro's "Supermicro Doctor III" for Supermicro motherboards. Components to monitor: fans, temperature of CPU,…

Check_IPMI Plugin

Check IPMI Vales from the BMC on the Dell PowerEdge (or DRAC5) or other IPMI agent. Tested on FreeBSD 5x / 6x monitoring platform. Written…

OM Python Plugin

Nagios plugin to check the hardware status of a Dell machine using Dell's snmp extensions.


Usage: ./ [snmp community] [hostname/IP] The first version uploaded had a bug that caused it to not meet the design goal of avoiding the battery…


A perl plugin that checks Dell PowerEdge Servers via SNMP. At the moment there are checks for the following OMSA Sensor Groups: * PowerUnits *…

HP (Compaq)
HP-Compaq check health

This script can monitor fans, power supply, temperature, cpus, logical and physical disk drive thru SNMP. You must install HP's agent on server and enable…

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