Plugins allow you to monitor anything and everything with Nagios – databases, operating systems, applications, network equipment, protocols and more!
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This plug-in will require root privileges to function correctly, so you may find yourself setting up Nagios or nrpe to execute this plugin via sudo.…
Execute in your central server : snmptrapd -Lsd -Lf /var/log/traps_format.log This logfile will register all traps that tripwire send to your central server and shows…
The Nagios 3.x multiline output feature allows to combine multiple service checks in one run. There are lots of advantages for this: * Performance boost:…
The check uses the MogileFS::Client perl modules to do a simple inject/extract test on a MogileFS instance. The check will then compare the sizes of…
Hetzner is a german hoster, which provides rootserver with 1000GB traffic included. This plugin enabled you to check how many traffic your server used this…
]# ./check_gpfs -h Usage: ./check_gpfs -task filesystem Where task: i|inodes - inode count s|status - gpfs status m|mount - mount status f|file - fill level…
The plugin is designed to accept checks to any FreeBSD GEOM class. However, to all intents and purposes, only certain GEOM classes are supported at…
Writing a plugin is sometimes boring and for 90% the same procedure: create a structure to deal with the command line options, perform an operation…
Yeah, I know the standard Nagios plugins package contains a check_flexlm plugin. But it has not been updated in quite a while, didn't work properly…
The company ciphron had problems with very expensive phone bills and decided to monitor them using Nagios. This plugin is capable to monitor datacards (UTMS/GPRS)…
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