Network Gear

Nagios plugins to monitor various types of network gear.

Showing 161-170 of 190 results.

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Check Fortigate Memory Usage

This is a modified version of the check_netscreen_memory plugin from rroettgen. It is used to check the memory usage on a Fortigate firewall. You must…

Check Fortigate CPU Usage

This is a nothing more than the check_snmp_load plugin from preconfigured to work with a Fortigate firewall. It is used to check the CPU…

Check Fortigate Active Sessions

This is a modified version of the check_netscreen_memory plugin from rroettgen. It is used to check the session usage on a Fortigate firewall. You must…

IronPort Plugin

This is a script to check RAM, CPU, QUEUE, Work Queue, and Mail Rate on Ironport Appliances. It was tested on C series appliances, working…

check_brocade FC Switch

check_brocade -z host -t (maxtemp) -r (minrpm) Only tested with a Connectrix DS-16B3.

* Generic
check complete interface table

The main design goal of this plugin is to monitor one network device with one plugin. It is optimized for speed and allows to monitor…

Check various hardware environmental sensors

Notes Although some of the checks in this plugin are also in the "check_snmp_env" (version 1.3) from Patrick Proy I strongly suggest using this version…

4.6 (19) License: GPL by: Michiel Timmers
Check cisco 3750 stack status

This perl script checks via SNMP the status of a Cisco Catalyst 3750,3650,3850 stack. It needs the Net::SNMP module available from CPAN. **NOTE 1:** The…

* Generic
Check redundant switch

INSTALLATION Copy this Perl script in your nagios/libexec directory, for example /usr/local/nagios/libexec/. Usage :check_redund_switch --switchA or A -> name/ip --switchB or B -> name/ip --warn…

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