Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 231-240 of 328 results.
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A perl script that checks all local NFS mounts by forking itself and trying to chdir to it and (optionally) writing to a file. It…
This plugin checks NFSv4 daemons status (client and server) including nfsd, idmapd, mountd and svcgssd. It also displays information about performances and errors. Monitoring of…
Whit this plugin is it possible to monitor a specified file folder to see when new files are added. This could be useful, for example,…
A rework of Check Ethernet-Interface (check_network) by voltshock, in order to use ethtool. Tested with RHEL 5. Can be also used on the Nagios server…
I couldn't find an easy way to check whether all interfaces of a host are up and running from the -inside-, so I wrote a…
This is a rewrite of;d=1 You can use to get info for any plugins that munin-node can run directly on the munin server…
You can use to get info for any plugins that munin-node can run. If you have a lot of munin-nodes you should definetly follow…
command: /local/nagios/libexec/check_multiprocs -c /local/nagios/etc/multiprocs.cfg Config file format: host;process;warnmin;warnmax;critmin;critmax See config file for details.
This plugin is written in Bash and allows you to check a whole stack of processes in one go as one service check. It has…
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