Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
Showing 191-200 of 328 results.
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Check the uptime of a system to see if it has been up to long. Strange as it may seem there are some applications out…
The check_updatetime plugin finds the lastest update time for a file, or directory, and will report WARNING or CRITICAL if the most recent file is…
check_updates is a Nagios plugin to check if a RedHat or Fedora system is up-to-date
A little shell-script to ckeck the current interface traffic on a given interface. It uses the proc-filesystem in stead of snmp. Changelog: Version 0.7: -…
You are forewarned about my coding skills. Basically, runs ps and finds the process with the highest cpu percentage. Default is to warn above 50%…
Example usage: $ check_timestamp -H localhost -w 5 -c 10 TIMESTAMP OK - 0 second time difference|offset=0.230s;5.000;10.000;0 $ check_timestamp --help check_timestamp 0.1 Copyright (c) 2008…
Python plugin to check the status of a software based RAID device. patched version, So it will work on both older (fedora core 1, 2)…
After I upgraded from 2.4 to 2.6 kernels the std. nagios plugin (check_swap) don't work. So I wirtten my own one. It is a litte…
Uses "online_update" command to check for available patches and returns Nagios friendly output. Can be modified for use on Red Hat/Fedora, et al.
A PHP alternative to check_ssl_cert.perl, i wrote this because PHP seems to handle the openssl process bether than perl. Usage: ./check_ssl_cert.php Hostname/IP Port WarningDays CriticalDays…
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