Helpdesk and Ticketing

Nagios plugins for monitor helpdesk and ticketing systems.

Showing 11-20 of 21 results.

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RT create

With the new exchange 2010 out. Extra mail protocols like POP3, and IMAP are disabled. so in an effort to find a way around i…

License: GPL by: Matthew Davis

The plugin checks the MySQL database of an OTRS installation. It looks into the tables of session management to count the agent and users. The…

Create Ticket in RT

This is a script written in Perl to create a ticket in RT when an alarm is acknowledged in Nagios. There is another shell script…

Helpdesk and Ticketing
AutoCloseOnNagiosRecoveryMessages – RT Integration

This tip is based on an e-mail from Todd Chapman to the rt-users mailing list (Mars - 2004). We use Nagios to check if our…

Helpdesk and Ticketing
SendNagiosAlert – RT Integration

This script will only run if a ticket is created, a ticket's status is changed, or a ticket is moved to another queue. If one…

Helpdesk and Ticketing
Nagios OTRS Integration

Open Tickets from Nagios: send an email via (host_) if an error is acknowledged to open a new ticket. The scripts are notifications command to…


Requirements: php for cli php with mysql support Tested with otrs-version 2.0.4. check_otrs.php v0.1 (29 Dezember, 2008) Count tickets in otrs Usage:check_otrs.php -H host -u…


This plugin connects to a OTRS ( mysql-db. It looks through the tables to tickets which state 'new' or 'open'.The queue on which new or…

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