Event Handlers

Event handler addons for Nagios.

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Event Handlers

This method includes logic for basic filtering that could be applied as a part of the alarm governance strategy to be applied globally. This is…

License: Apache by: Sam Napier
Event Handlers

Nagios to Jira JSD Issue Creator: NagiosIssue2JSD.pl is a perl script to create Jira JSD ticket for every Nagios incident. The script would run as…

4 (1) License: MIT by: Sanjay ANand
Event Handlers
Parameter Driven Generic Event Handler

Can also be used to - - restart Linux or Unix services. - reboot Windows servers (have fun with this one!) - run all of…

License: GPL by: Matthew Jurgens
Event Handlers
Host Service Restart Event Handler

This event handler works in conjunction with the Windows/Linux Server Monitoring Wizard's service monitoring feature. A complete guide on setting up this event handler and…

License: GPL by: sam
Event Handlers

Check out AlertGrid at http://alert-grid.com AlertGrid is a web-based event handling app. Events can be submitted to AlertGrid by an extremely simple and straightforward API…

Event Handlers
Rule engine integration with NodeBrain
Event Handlers
rexec – Nagios EventHanlder

Sorry for the quick howto, but here goes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: kyle[dot]odonnell[at]gmail[dot]com. rexec will only execute on a…

Event Handlers