Nagios plugins for monitoring Cisco routers and switches.
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check_cisco_power_supply 1.0 License This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms…
Usage: check_cisco_wlc * for 'single' and 'search' mode only. --> Single mode : you need to enter the EXACT AP name as it's defined in…
Example: ./ -H -C public -w 50 -c 30 Module:1 Available:370(w) Used:337(w) Remaining:33(w) : WARNING Example for a stackable switch: ./ -H -C…
Example outputs: ./ -H -C public Ring Redundant: yes, Switch States: sw1(sn:AAAABBBCCCC)=ready, sw2(sn:EEEFFFGGGG)=ready, Port States: up(4),down(0),forcedDown(0) : OK
With this check you can monitor using Cisco DOM (Digital Optical Monitoring) thru SNMP. This is similar to IOS command: "show interface transceiver detail"
Nagios check CRC error on Cisco Switch This plugin is a Fork of by Michael St Usage : ./ -H = Hostaddress -C =…
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