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Nagios Plugin to check the health status a Synology DSM/SRM via SNMP Checks: - Model Name - DSM/SRM-Version - Power Status - Sys Fan Status…
Nagios Plugin to check the current weather conditions with Weather Underground. Developed to work on Synagios (Synology Nagios Server) A personal Weather Underground API key…
Plugin to check if a certain Device is conected to a Hue Hub and if there is an update available for the Hub. Nagios Plugin…
Nagios Plugin to check the current status of an APC Back UPS (Battery level and Load) Usage: ./ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ ARG1: Load warning level…
Nagios Plugin to check the remaining pages (toner) of printer SNMPv1 The Plugin supports printers that are offline. To prevent errors the plugin creates a…
Nagios Plugin to check the W3C conformity of a website. The Plugin returns a Warning, when at least 1 error occurred in the validation Example…
Nagios Plugin to check when the last Backup was done with HyperBackup Preparation: The HyperBackup Logfile is required within the Nagios-chroot. As there is a…
Nagios Plugin to check users logged in via SNMPv2 Plugin developed to check a Synology RT1900AC Router via SNMP Usage: ./ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$…
Nagios Plugin to check the uptime via SNMPv2 Plugin developed to check a Synology RT1900AC Router via SNMP Usage: ./ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG1$…
Nagios Plugin to check via SNMP that a specific service is running with [n] instances Plugin developed to check a Synology RT1900AC Router via SNMP…
Nagios Plugin to check the available memory via SNMPv2 Plugin developed to check a Synology RT1900AC Router via SNMP Usage: ./ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$…
Nagios Plugin to check the CPU load via SNMPv2 Plugin developed to check a Synology RT1900AC Router via SNMP Usage: ./ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$…
Nagios Plugin to check that a host is offline as expected. My idea was to check if my network printer is switched off when I…
Simple script to check if a network interface is up, down or on reduced speed. Based on mii-tools, another version based on ethtool (rework of…
A simple shell script for nagios to check currently logged in userser on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using…
A simple shell script for nagios to check load on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to check…
A simple shell script for nagios to check free swap on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to…
A simple shell script for nagios to check free memory on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to…
A simple shell script for nagios to check the number of processes running on a target system The plugin was designed to do active checks…
A simple check-plugin for nagios to check free disk space The plugin was designed to do active checks using check_by_ssh to check clients like a…