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Views 561
Check Postgresql replication, tested on 9.2 and 9.6 it connects to master and standby and reports in case replication is walking behind. It reports how…
Any feedback is welcome, if you have any problem, run it using --help option. Remeber that you need to grant sudo permissions to the user…
Very simple plugin, following a very simple idea. Are my ntp clients up to date? is everything OK over there? I did not find anything…
######### What it does ######### #checks ssh status running "echo hello world" on the remote machine #I created this plugin to check if the target…
You will find interesting this plugin only if you are already using symon/symux or you are planning to use it. Symon creates great graphs, very…
It checks if a website runs on https, without checking the certificate. Usage: ./check_https Optional: port number ./check_https 444 CHANGELOG on v0.4: add…