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very simple bash ./ sdc 20.0 28.0 OK - Disk sdc await time is 8.0 ms | await=8.0 could not find something like that here…
Download at ./ Unkown Parameter, please check for all options. Examples: autoscaling-us-east-1 elb-us-east-1 ./ autoscaling-us-east-1 1 CRITICAL - Found 6 erros on autoscaling-us-east-1…
#!/bin/bash #Verificar um HTTPS #Felipe Ferreira set 2013 URL=$1 KEY=$2 CRIT=$3 http_proxy="" DEBUG= if [ -z $CRIT ]; then echo "Usage $0 " exit 3…
examples: ./ -d /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/ -w 70 -c 100 -f OK - There are 0 files in dir /var/spool/escenic/newsgate/Extra/export/|'size'=0;70;100 usage ./ Usage: -d|--dirname [-w|--warning ]…
Updated! Oct 1st. I wrote this script to monitor my Amazon EC2 servers and LoadBalancers, this script is able to get any metrics avaiable at…
Example: /check_ftp_down.php ftp02 user1 secret /test/ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/conf/file.tst 6 10 OK - FTP to ftp02 file file.tst(4.51 MB) took 4 secs. and Bandwidth of 1.06 MB…
Send-Q is retrived from the netstat cmd. ex.: #netstat -anp |more Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State…
It's still not fully developed so the variables are not passed as arguments but are inside the script, so Directory and Time are configured within…
This is a much usefull plugin that can verify the Windows Event Viewer via nagios remote check I tested using the NC_NET on Windows 2003…
The output in debug mode Example: Command: cscript.exe //nologo C:PROGRA~2NC_Netscr iptcheck_group.vbs -g CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users -u 4 Output: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users LDAP://CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=cado,DC=local user : CN=Domain Admins…
Often I needed to check log files for a keyword. So I wrote a simple bash script to do that plus integrate with nagios and…
So many check_mem scripts out there but I am still not satified so I wrote my own. Many scripts report the total use of memory…
I wrote a simple plugin to check the number of established connections to a windows server. Just execute: cmd /c netstat -an |find /i “estab”…
the script genertates a tmp file and then each time it runs it zero the tmp and restart loging the “Service Unavailable” erros thrown by…
It should also graph the results. I am querying 2GB log files with great times around, 10-15 seconds. I have tested with Windows 2003, IIS…