
Check XenServer


Check Xenserver through its API (http://www.xenserver.org/partners/developing-products-for-xenserver.html)

Ability to check :
– Memory of all hosts in a pool (check_mem)
– CPU of all hosts in a pool (check_cpu)
– Storage Repositories in a pool (check_sr)
– Availability of hosts in a pool (check_hosts)

Also renders performance data.

See github project for more details

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x




Project Files
Project Notes
Nagios check plugin for xenserver Usage: ./check_xenserver.py [warning level %] [critical level %] see online help for more informations Config file follows ini format. In the [general] section, define the performance data format : can be "pnp4nagios" or other. The name of the other sections are references, mandatory fields are : - host: ip or name of the pool master - username - password - exclude_SRs: Uses https to connect to XenServer, if you have a pool, use a poolmaster IP/FQDN Uses (python) XenAPI, download it from XenServer http://www.xenserver.org/partners/developing-products-for-xenserver.html and parse_rrd Credit for most of the code goes to ppanula, check http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/System-Metrics/Storage-Subsystem/check_sr-2Epy/details for original code Dated: 03/05/2014 Version: 1.3 Version history: v1.0: Initial release v1.1: Config file support + return code for check_hosts v1.2: Bug fixes : return status for SRs and Mem, perfdata format Features : service output for SRs and Mem, v1.3: Rewrite of the argument parsing Code refactoring Ability to check a single SR
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Connection Error
by S3nd0h, March 31, 2021

I got the same problem as Carambar "CRITICAL - Connection Error" Xen Server 7.2"

Looks good but
by Carambar, July 31, 2020

Hello, I have a problem with the script when I execute the cmd : "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/XenAPI/XenAPI-2.14/check_xenserver.py xencasa2 check_xenserver.ini check_cpu 80 95" I get a "CRITICAL - Connection error", the credentials in check_xenserver.ini are valid Do you know what is the problem ? My xen version is 6.5 Thanks in advance,

Check XenServer SRs more then one in single script execution
by zajil, November 30, 2018

how to pass more than one SR in single script execution. at present i can SR utilz for only one.

Okay, but not quite there, yet.
by dhedlund, September 30, 2016

It works okay, but I couldn't get pnp4nagios to like the performance data. No charts were created. If you only need monitoring and alerting, this might be okay for you. I'm also not sure I found the correct version of the files. Both Nagios Exchange and the GitHub website say v1.3 is available, but inside the files I downloaded it had an older version number (1.2), older date, and older version history.

by xoroz, July 31, 2016

Thank you for the plugin. I tried it worked quite well. This is how I used it: check_xenserver.py poolge65_2 check_xenserver.ini check_sr --name FREENAS02GE-NFS 90 95 check_xenserver.py poolge65_2 check_xenserver.ini check_cpu 80 95 check_xenserver.py poolge65_2 check_xenserver.ini check_mem 80 95 check_xenserver.py poolge65_2 check_xenserver.ini check_hosts check_xenserver.ini [poolge65_2] host: xenserver02 username: blublu password: blabla exclude_srs: SR1, SR2 Comments: Noticed that without exclude_srs the script breaks. Would have been nice to be able to get individual VM CPU/Memory. Think it can be done? :) thank you

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Project Stats
4.5 (6)