#nrpe-nagios-smb-mount-check v 1.0 #Last update: 10.01.2022 #Written by Sergey Babkevych (kamtec1) SecurityInet #SecurityInet Web site for updates regarding new release #https://www.securityinet.com #Github link for updates: #https://github.com/kamtec1/nrpe-nagios-smb-mount-check/ #nrpe-nagios-smb-mount-check is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 #If you hgave questions you may send me a massage : kamtec1@gmail.com or sergey@securityinet.com Set-Variable OK 0 -option Constant Set-Variable WARNING 1 -option Constant Set-Variable CRITICAL 2 -option Constant Set-Variable UNKNOWN 3 -option Constant # Mount smb to windows $mountnagios=New-SmbMapping -RemotePath '\\\docs' -LocalPath 'N:' -Username "workgroup\USERNAME" -Password "PASS" | select status -ExpandProperty status if ($mountnagios -eq 'OK') { $resultstring='OK MOUNT SUCCESSFUL' $exit_code = $OK } else { $resultstring='MOUNT CRITICAL' + $mountnagios + '' $exit_code = $CRITICAL } #unmount before next check to avoid FP $unmountnagios=Remove-SmbMapping -LocalPath "N:" -Force Write-Host $resultstring exit $exit_code