' ' mihaiush, 20061002 ' ' Modified Barry W. Alder 2013/09/24 ' changed code so that an error is reported if no disks are found with the /x flag ' and an error is reported if the disk specified in the /d flag is not found ' ' Modified by Corey Davis April 8, 2021 ' Added disclaimer for using an undefined /d: for an argument to the help display ' Added ALL scope to parameter /d to tell it use ALL disks on the system ' Removed the error catch all for undefined drives or no drives on system ' Fixed DriveSeleted function logic and added the ALL flag ' Moved the case assignments to inside the loop so it can buld the correct responses for all specified drives ' Fixed formatting out drive output to make it more readable ' Changed errorStatus to use the highest error code for the global script output so that Nagios will show the correct status, OK, WARNING, CRITICAL ' Set args = WScript.Arguments.Named If (not args.Exists("w")) or (not args.Exists("c")) or args.Exists("h") Then WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "Usage: check_disk.vbs /w:INTEGER /c:INTEGER [/p] [/d:DRIVE_LIST or ALL] [/x:DRIVE_LIST] [/u:UNITS] [/h]" WScript.Echo " /w: warning limit" WScript.Echo " /c: critical limit" WScript.Echo " /p: limits in %, otherwise in UNITS" WScript.Echo " /d: included drives list" WScript.Echo " /x: excluded drives list" WScript.Echo " /u: B | kB | MB | GB, default MB" WScript.Echo " /h: this help" WScript.Echo WScript.Echo " check_disk.vbs /w:15 /c:5 /p /d:CDE /u:kB - result will be displayed in kB, limits are in percents" WScript.Echo " check_disk.vbs /w:500 /c:250 /d:ALL - result will be displayed in MB, limits are in MB, all fixed drives" WScript.Echo " check_disk.vbs /w:500 /c:250 - result will be displayed in MB, limits are in MB, all fixed drives" WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "!!!!!You MUST specify a drive list or ALL for the /d parameter. If not the script will give no output!!!!!" WScript.Echo WScript.Quit 3 End If If args.Exists("u") Then u=args.Item("u") If u<>"B" and u<>"kB" and u<>"MB" and u<>"GB" Then WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "Units must be one of B, kB, MB, GB" WScript.Echo WScript.Quit 3 End If Else u="MB" End If Select Case u Case "B" uLabel="" uVal=1 Case "kB" uLabel="kB" uVal=1024 Case "MB" uLabel="MB" uVal=1024*1024 Case "GB" uLabel="GB" uVal=1024*1024*1024 End Select w=1*args.Item("w") c=1*args.Item("c") p=args.Exists("p") If w exitStatus Then exitStatus=outCode End If End If Next outText=OutText2 WScript.Echo outText WScript.Quit exitStatus Function DriveSelected(d) DriveSelected=false If d.DriveType <> 2 Then Exit Function End If If args.Exists("d") Then If InStr(UCase(args.Item("d")),d.DriveLetter)>0 Then DriveSelected=true End If If UCase(args.Item("d"))="ALL" Then DriveSelected=true End If ElseIf d.DriveType=2 Then DriveSelected=true End If If args.Exists("x") Then If InStr(UCase(args.Item("x")),d.DriveLetter)>0 Then DriveSelected=false End If End If End Function