' Author = H.S. (DevOps) ' This script is designed specifictly for Nagios ' More specifics can be found here: http://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN78 ' This script will compare a ClickOnce installed 'Runtime process' with a source Application metadata file ' it will parse the application file using and compare using Binary. Do NOT bother or try to compare using the version numbers! ' Because the version numbers may not always be consistent. Because the version number can either be assigned at the File level or at the Assembly level. ' Hence the best way to verify the user is running the latest ClickOnce Application is to compare at the binary level. ' If Binaries do not match -> throw critical status, anything else status will be OK ' No Proc/instance Running Status =0 (status OK N/A) ' If instance found and binaries do not match = critical ' if instance found and binaries match = Status OK ' if Application metadata not found = Status Critical '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If wscript.arguments.count < 2 Then WScript.Echo "Required Arguments" WScript.Echo "1- Process Name (i.e. MyApp.exe)" WScript.Echo "2- Source Path To clickOnce Application MetaData (i.e. \\server\share\MyApp.application)" WScript.Echo "-------------------" wscript.quit End If dim wmi, ProcList, process, ProcessName, path, AppMetadataFilepath, ApplicationMetadataVer, StOutput, PerfData 'Used for debuging.... 'Wscript.echo "[Quering Process]=" & Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(0) 'Wscript.echo "[rc Path]=" & Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(1) StOutput = "[Proc to Query]=" & Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(0) StOutput = StOutput & ";" & chr(10) & "[src Path]=" & Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(1) 'Used for debuging. 'Wscript.echo StOutput outputCode = 0 ProcessName = lcase(Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(0)) AppMetadataFilepath = Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(1) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") function FileCompare(fileA,fileB) Const adTypeBinary = 1 dim sFileA, sFileB, bMatched, nSize, bufA, bufB,lengthA, lengthB Dim streamA,streamB FileCompare = null if vartype(fileA) <> vbString then on error resume next sFileA = fileA.path if err then exit function on error goto 0 else if not objFSO.fileexists(fileA) then exit function else sFileA = fileA end if end if if vartype(FileB) <> vbString then on error resume next sFileB = FileB.path if err then exit function on error goto 0 else if not objFSO.fileexists(FileB) then exit function else sFileB = FileB end if end if Set streamA = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Set streamB = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") streamA.Type = adTypeBinary streamB.Type = adTypeBinary streamA.open streamB.open on error resume next streamA.loadfromfile sFileA if err then exit function streamB.loadfromfile sFileB if err then exit function on error goto 0 bMatched = true nSize = 2^15 '32K do until streamA.eos or streamB.eos bufA = streamA.read(nSize) bufb = streamB.read(nSize) lengthA = lenB(bufA) lengthB = lenB(bufB) if lengthA <> lengthB then bMatched = false exit do elseif MidB(bufA,1,lengthA) <> MidB(bufB,1,lengthB) then bMatched = false exit do end if loop if not (streamA.eos and streamB.eos) then bMatched = false end if streamA.close streamB.close FileCompare = bMatched end function ' Dim srcFileBin, ProcFileBin, ProcFileName, ProcDeployFilePath Dim FileBinMatch, AppMetaDataRootPath if objFSO.FileExists(AppMetadataFilepath) then AppMetaDataRootPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(AppMetadataFilepath) Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") objXMLDoc.async = False objXMLDoc.load(AppMetadataFilepath) 'Example "\\server\share\MyApp.application" Set Root = objXMLDoc.documentElement Set NodeList = Root.getElementsByTagName("assemblyIdentity") if (NodeList.Length > 0) then ApplicationMetadataVer = NodeList.Item(0).getAttribute("version") PerfData = "|'Src Version'=" & ApplicationMetadataVer end if Set NodeList = Root.getElementsByTagName("dependentAssembly") if (NodeList.Length > 0) then codebase = NodeList.Item(0).getAttribute("codebase") AppMetaDataRootPath = AppMetaDataRootPath & "\" & codebase 'this will have the full .manifest file AppMetaDataRootPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(AppMetaDataRootPath) 'we need to get the root path again from the version folder end if '############### if (NOT objFSO.FolderExists(AppMetaDataRootPath)) then StateDescription = "Error Src Application Path Not found:" & AppMetaDataRootPath outputStatus = "CRITICAL!" outputCode = 2 else set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 'set ProcList = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process") set ProcList = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process where name = '" & lcase(ProcessName) & "'") if (ProcList.Count <=0) or IsNull(ProcList) Then 'No Proc Found PerfData = PerfData & chr(10) & "|'Runtime Version'=0" StateDescription = "Proc Not Found, Not Running" outputStatus= "(N/A)-OK!" outputCode = 0 Else 'NOTE: There could be multiple instances of the same proc if multiple users/sessions are logged on, hence go through all of them for each process in ProcList path = process.ExecutablePath ProcFileName = objFSO.GetFileName(path) 'NOTE: We can't use FileVer since FileVer might be 'FileVer =objFSO.GetFileVersion(path) 'PerfData = PerfData & chr(10) & "|'Run Time Version'=" & FileVer ProcDeployFilePath = AppMetaDataRootPath & "\" & ProcFileName & ".deploy" 'this will be our Source to compare Binary with Proc file... if objFSO.FileExists(ProcDeployFilePath) then FileBinMatch = FileCompare (path,ProcDeployFilePath) 'NOTE: DO NOT try to compare using vesion numbers! 'because not every file version matches the assembly version. Some file versions are not changed they are left ( 'the version in the .application metadata file refers to the file/build version 'comparing the file at the binary level is the best/solid solution! if FileBinMatch then PerfData = PerfData & chr(10) & "|'Binary Match'=" & ApplicationMetadataVer StateDescription = "Application running latest version" StateDescription = StateDescription & chr(10) & "[Latest]" & path outputStatus= "OK" outputCode= 0 else 'Wscript.Echo "Error: Application does not match!" PerfData = PerfData & chr(10) & "|'Binaries Not Match'=-1" StateDescription = "Error: Application does not match!" StateDescription = StateDescription & chr(10) & "[Not Latest]" & path outputStatus= "CRITICAL!" outputCode= 2 exit for 'Exit for loop when any of the proc are mismatched, regardless if there are multiple processes from different users. end if Else 'Wscript.Echo "Error: Src file not found!" StateDescription ="Error: Src file not found! " & ProcDeployFilePath outputStatus= "CRITICAL!" outputCode= 2 end if next End if end if else StateDescription = "Error Src Application file not found:" & AppMetadataFilepath outputStatus = "CRITICAL!" outputCode = 2 end if '(be nice) - Unload objects. if Not IsNull(objFSO) Then Set objFSO = Nothing if Not IsNull(Root) Then Set Root = Nothing if Not IsNull(NodeList) Then Set NodeList = Nothing Wscript.Echo "Status: " & outputStatus & " : " & StateDescription 'NOTE: PerfData must be AFTER the status, otherweise the status output is hidden/lost 'PerfData must start with pipe '|', and each perf data value must ba int, and each perf data must start in a new line chr(10) Wscript.Echo PerfData 'Quit with correct status (0=OK, 1=Warning, 2=Critical, 3=Unknown) wscript.quit(outputCode)