#!/usr/bin/php Usage: check_3par.php *optional depending the mode chosen check_pd : Check status of physical disks Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_node : Check status of controller nodes Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_vv : Check status of virtual volumes Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_ld : Check status of logical disks Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_port_fc : Check status of FC ports loss_sync -> Warning config_wait -> Warning login_wait -> Warning non_participate -> Warning error -> Critical check_cap_ssd : Check used SSD capacity >= threshold entered in args -> Warning >= threshold entered in args -> Critical check_ps_node : Check Power Supply Node Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_ps_cage : Check Power Supply Cage Degraded -> Warning Failed -> Critical check_health : Check overall state of the system check_alerts : Check status of system alerts