<# .SYNOPSIS This script was designed to be called by the NSClient installed on a Windows DHCP Server. It will return "Critical" if any of the DHCP scopes (or a specified DHCP scope) is above the critical threshold, "Warning" if above the warning threshhold, or "OK" if below the warning threshold. It can also run standalone with or without parameters for informational purposes. .DESCRIPTION This script was designed to be called by the NSClient installed on a Windows DHCP Server. It will return "Critical" if any of the DHCP scopes (or a specified DHCP scope) is above the critical threshold, "Warning" if above the warning threshhold, or "OK" if below the warning threshold. It can also run standalone with or without parameters for informational purposes. .PARAMETER scopeID (-s) Optional - define a single scope in the format of the subnet ID, or all scopes by using "all" Default: all Example: Example: all .PARAMETER warn (-w) Optional - Percentaged of scope IPs used before returning a warning Default: 90 .PARAMETER crit (-c) Optional - Percentage of scope IPs used before returning a critical Default: 98 .EXAMPLE If using standalone: >.\check_dhcp_scope.ps1 This will evaluate all DHCP scopes and return a warning or critical if any of the scopes are above 90% or 98% full. Same >.\check_dhcp_scope.ps1 -all -w 50 -c 80 This will evaluate all DHCP scopes and return a warning or critical if any of the scopes are above 50% or 80% full. >.\check_dhcp_scope.ps1 -s This will evaluate the scope and return a warning or critical if is above 90% or 98% full. >.\check_dhcp_scope.ps1 -s -w 50 -c 80 This will evaluate the scope and return a warning or critical if is above 50% or 80% full. If using with NRPE: .NOTES NAME: check_dhcp_scopes.ps1 AUTHOR: Rich Johnson DATE: 2016-07-07 EMAIL: rich.johnson@storagecraft.com REQUIREMENTS: - NSCLient++ isntalled, functioning, and correctly communicating with your monitoring server on the DHCP server to be checked - DHCP Server role installed and functioning with at least one active and working scope Change Log: 2016-07-07 - Initial creation #> Param ( $scopeID = "all", [validateRange(0,100)][Int]$warn = 90, [ValidateRange(0,100)][Int]$crit = 98, [string]$verbose ) $message = "" $isWarning = 0 $isCritical = 0 if ( $scopeID -eq "all" ) { $activeScopes = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope | Where { $_.State -eq 'Active' } } else { $activeScopes = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope $scopeID | Where { $_.State -eq 'Active' } } # Some comment $activeScopes | ForEach-Object { $scope = $_ $stats = Get-DhcpServerv4ScopeStatistics $scope.ScopeId $used = [Int]$stats.PercentageInUse $free = [int]$stats.Free $leases = [int]$stats.InUse switch ($used) { {$_ -ge $crit} { $isCritical = $isCritical + 1 Write-Output "Critical: $($scope.Name) is $used% used, ($leases leases, $free IP's available.)" break } {$_ -ge $warn} { $isWarning = $isWarning + 1 Write-Output "Warning: $($scope.Name) is $used% used, ($leases leases, $free IP's available.)" break } {$_ -lt $warn} { #Write-Output "OK: $($scope.Name) in good order." $message = "OK: Scope(s) are happy." break } } } if ($isCritical -gt 0) { exit 2 } if ($isWarning -gt 0) { exit 1 } Write-Output $message exit 0