#!/usr/bin/env python # # Alexander Naumov , 2016 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/, or contact Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA # import sys, os, re import subprocess as sp VERSION = 0.4 BSD = { "cpu_load" :"hrProcessorLoad", "proc_name" :"hrSWRunName", "proc_pid" :"hrSWRunIndex", "proc_param" :"hrSWRunParameters", "proc_cur" :"hrSystemProcesses", "proc_max" :"hrSystemMaxProcesses", "proc_state" :"hrSWRunStatus", "proc_type" :"hrSWRunType", "mem_total" :"hrMemorySize", "mem_free" :".", "iface_index" :"ifIndex", "iface_name" :"ifName", "iface_type" :"ifType", "iface_MTU" :"ifMtu", "iface_state" :"ifAdminStatus", "iface_mac" :"ifPhysAddress", "iface_iIndex":"ipAdEntIfIndex", "iface_dic" :"ipAdEntAddr", "iface_oErr" :"ifOutErrors", "iface_iErr" :"ifInErrors", "iface_conn" :"ifConnectorPresent", "storage" :"hrStorageDescr", "allocation" :"hrStorageAllocationUnits", "used" :"hrStorageUsed", "size" :"hrStorageSize", } def snmpwalk(ip, community, OID): if (OID == "hrSystemUptime"): return sp.Popen(["snmpwalk", "-v2c", "-c", community, ip, "-Ov", OID], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE).communicate()[0].split("\n") if (OID == "sysDescr" or OID == "hrDeviceDescr" or OID == "hrSWRunParameters"): return sp.Popen(["snmpwalk", "-v2c", "-c", community, ip, "-Oq", "-Ov", OID], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE).communicate()[0].split("\n") LIST_o = [] for i in sp.Popen(["snmpwalk", "-v2c", "-c", community, ip, "-Oq", "-Ov", OID], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE).communicate()[0].split("\n"): LIST_o.append(i.split(" ")[0]) return LIST_o def os_info(ip, community): print "\nUname: " + snmpwalk(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "sysDescr")[0] print "Uptime: " + " ".join((snmpwalk(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "hrSystemUptime")[0]).split(" ")[-3:]) #print snmpwalk(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "hrStorageType")[0] # snmpwalk -v2c -c hrStorage print "CPU: " + snmpwalk(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "hrDeviceDescr")[0] print "Contact: " + snmpwalk(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "sysContact")[0] + "\n" sys.exit(0) def usage(): print "Version: " + str(VERSION) print "\nThis script checks the memory usage on the OpenBSD system, the CPU load average" print "and the file system space usage. It also shows detailed information about" print "file system space usage, operating system and running processes.\n" print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " os" print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " proc" print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " file-systems" print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " interfaces" print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " \n" print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " public fs:/var 80 90 checks file system space usage (in %) on /var" print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " public cpu 5 10 checks CPU load average over the last minute" print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " public mem 80 90 checks memory usage (in %)" print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " public swap 80 90 checks swap usage (in %)" print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " public proc 50 100 checks the number of running processes\n" sys.exit(0) def proc(ip, community): LIST_pid = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_pid"]): LIST_pid.append(i) LIST_state = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_state"]): LIST_state.append(i) LIST_type = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_type"]): LIST_type.append(i) LIST_name = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_name"]): LIST_name.append(i[1:-1]) LIST_param = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_param"]): LIST_param.append(i[1:-1]) print "\nPID STATE TYPE PROC" print "================================================================" for pid in LIST_pid: x = LIST_pid.index(pid) print "%s %s %s %s %s" % (pid.ljust(10), LIST_state[x].ljust(12), LIST_type[x].ljust(15), LIST_name[x], LIST_param[x]) sys.exit(0) def process(ip, community, warning, critical): proc_max = int(snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_max"])[0]) proc_cur = int(snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["proc_cur"])[0]) output = "running %s processes [max %s]|processes=%s;%s;%s;0;0" % (proc_cur, proc_max, proc_cur, warning, critical) if proc_cur > critical: print "CRITICAL: " + output sys.exit(2) elif proc_cur > warning: print "WARNING: " + output sys.exit(1) else: print "OK: " + output sys.exit(0) # FROM rfc2790: # "The average, over the last minute, of the percentage # of time that this processor was not idle. # Implementations may approximate this one minute # smoothing period if necessary." def cpu(ip, community): try: load = snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["cpu_load"])[0] except: print "UNKNOWN: No SNMP answer from " + ip sys.exit(3) if load: output = "CPU load average %s %% |'1 min'=%s;" % (load, load) return int(load), output else: print "UNKNOWN: No SNMP answer from " + ip sys.exit(3) def interfaces(ip, community): Index = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_index"])[:-1]: Index.append(int(i)) Name = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_name"]): Name.append(i) Type = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_type"]): Type.append(i) Mtu = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_MTU"]): Mtu.append(i) State = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_state"]): State.append(i) Mac = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_mac"]): Mac.append(i) OErr = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_oErr"]): OErr.append(i) IErr = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_iErr"]): IErr.append(i) Conn = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_conn"]): Conn.append(i) Ip = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_iIndex"]): Ip.append(i) Dic = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["iface_dic"]): Dic.append(i) Dicto = dict(zip(Ip, Dic)) print "\nNAME STATE IP MAC MTU TYPE CONNECTOR I/O ERROR" print "===================================================================================================================" for i in Index: try: IP = Dicto[str(i)] except: IP = "" x = Index.index(i) print "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s/%s" % (Name[x].ljust(10), State[x].ljust(10), IP.ljust(18), Mac[x].ljust(20), Mtu[x].ljust(10), Type[x].ljust(20), Conn[x].ljust(10), OErr[x], IErr[x]) sys.exit(0) def storage_list(ip, community): LIST_fs = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["storage"]): LIST_fs.append(i) LIST_alloc = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["allocation"]): LIST_alloc.append(i) LIST_size = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["size"]): LIST_size.append(i) LIST_used = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["used"]): LIST_used.append(i) print "\n SIZE\t\tUSED\t\t AVALIABLE\t\tFILE SYSTEM" print "==================================================================================" for p in LIST_fs: if (len(p)>0 and p[0] == "/"): x = LIST_fs.index(p) if (LIST_alloc[x] and LIST_size[x] and LIST_used[x]): SIZE = int(LIST_alloc[x]) * int(LIST_size[x]) USED = int(LIST_alloc[x]) * int(LIST_used[x]) FREE = SIZE - USED PERCENT_FREE = (int(FREE) / float(SIZE)) * 100 PERCENT_ALLOC = (int(USED) / float(SIZE)) * 100 print "%s\t%s (%.2f %%)\t%s (%.2f %%)" % (sizeof(SIZE).rjust(10), sizeof(USED).rjust(10), PERCENT_ALLOC, sizeof(FREE).rjust(10), PERCENT_FREE) + "\t" + p.ljust(30) sys.exit(0) def storage(ip, community, fsys): LIST_fs = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["storage"]): LIST_fs.append(i) if len(LIST_fs[0]) == 0: print "UNKNOWN: can't find such information" sys.exit(3) if fsys in LIST_fs: p = LIST_fs.index(fsys) else: print "UNKNOWN: can't find such information" sys.exit(3) LIST_alloc = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["allocation"]): LIST_alloc.append(i) LIST_size = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["size"]): LIST_size.append(i) LIST_used = [] for i in snmpwalk(ip, community, BSD["used"]): LIST_used.append(i) SIZE = int(LIST_alloc[p]) * int(LIST_size[p]) USED = int(LIST_alloc[p]) * int(LIST_used[p]) FREE = SIZE - USED PERCENT_FREE = (int(FREE) / float(SIZE)) * 100 PERCENT_ALLOC = (int(USED) / float(SIZE)) * 100 if fsys == "Swap": output = "Swap usage %.2f %% [ %s / %s ]|usage=%.2f;" % (PERCENT_ALLOC, sizeof(USED), sizeof(SIZE), PERCENT_ALLOC) elif fsys == "Real": output = "Memory usage %.2f %% [ %s / %s ]|usage=%.2f;" % (PERCENT_ALLOC, sizeof(USED), sizeof(SIZE), PERCENT_ALLOC) else: output = "FS usage %.2f %% [ %s / %s ]|usage=%.2f;" % (PERCENT_ALLOC, sizeof(USED), sizeof(SIZE), PERCENT_ALLOC) return PERCENT_ALLOC, output def sizeof(num, suffix='b'): for unit in ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def main(): if (len(sys.argv) == 4): if (sys.argv[3] == "file-systems"): storage_list(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) if (sys.argv[3] == "os"): os_info(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) if (sys.argv[3] == "proc"): proc(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) if (sys.argv[3] == "interfaces"): interfaces(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) if (len(sys.argv) == 6): if (sys.argv[3] == "cpu"): value, msg = cpu(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) elif (sys.argv[3] == "mem"): value, msg = storage(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "Real") elif (sys.argv[3] == "swap"): value, msg = storage(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], "Swap") elif (sys.argv[3] == "proc"): process(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[4]), int(sys.argv[5])) elif (sys.argv[3][:2] == "fs"): value, msg = storage(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3][3:]) else: usage() else: usage() if (int(value) >= int(sys.argv[5])): print "CRITICAL: " + msg + sys.argv[4] + ";" + sys.argv[5] + ";0;0" sys.exit(2) elif (int(value) >= int(sys.argv[4])): print "WARNING: " + msg + sys.argv[4] + ";" + sys.argv[5] + ";0;0" sys.exit(1) else: print "OK: " + msg + sys.argv[4] + ";" + sys.argv[5] + ";0;0" sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()