#wls_config #The hostname or IP starts out with "hst::". The last # instance of "hst::" will be the # name used. #hst::myhost #The path to jmx.py starts out with "jmx::". The default # is /usr/local/nagios/libexec/jmx.py #jmx::/usr/local/nagios/libexec/jmx.py #The path to wlst starts out with "wlst::". #wlst:: #The credentials used to connect to a managed server can # either be with a userConfigFile and userKeyFile or a # username and password. You can only use one set. # example with key files. #ucfg:: #ukey:: #The Port/Managed Server name starts out with "srv::" # and each port and managed server is separated by a ":". # One grouping per line. #srv::7210:wls10 #srv::7211:wls11