Check DFS Replication and Check DFS Backlog are VBS scripts written to check Windows Distributed File System for good status and backlog workflow. DFS replication can be setup locally and will check all DFS groups setup on that server, it has one variable that can be passed to check the conflicts and deleted directory sizes in MB. DFS Backlog needs to have the specified folder you want to check for backlog. Three variables are fed from Nagios, warning/critical (in number of files), and the folder name you want to check. Keep in mind that external variables have to be setup in the Windows check utility you are using. I have mentioned the changes I had to make in the INI files along with the check command for either of the two I use. Example: Nagios service: $USER1$/check_nrpe -u -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c check_DFSR -t 180 -a $ARG1$ COMMAND: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -u -H SERVERNAME -p 5667 -c check_DFSR -t 180 -a 600 OUTPUT: 14 Replication groups passed, all under 600MB synch difference. $USER1$/check_nrpe -u -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 420 -p 5667 -c check_DFSBacklog -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ COMMAND: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -u -H SERVERNAME -t 420 -p 5667 -c check_DFSBacklog -a FOLDERNAME 100 200 OUTPUT: OK - 0 -BackLog Count for FOLDERNAME 0 -BackLog Count for FOLDERNAME NRPE: dont_blame_nrpe=1 command[check_DFSR]=cscript.exe //NoLogo C:\nrpe_nt.0.8b-bin\bin\DFSR.vbs $ARG1$ command[check_DFSBacklog]=cscript.exe //NoLogo C:\nrpe_nt.0.8b-bin\bin\DFS-Backlog.vbs $ARG1$ NSClient: [/settings/NRPE/server] allow arguments=1 [/settings/external scripts/scripts] check_DFSR = cscript.exe //NoLogo C:\nrpe_nt.0.8b-bin\bin\DFSR.vbs $ARG1$ check_DFSBacklog = cscript.exe //NoLogo C:\nrpe_nt.0.8b-bin\bin\DFS-Backlog.vbs $ARG1$