#!/usr/bin/perl ## Script written by Noah Guttman and Copyright (C) 2014 Noah Guttman. This script is released and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License # The script expects to find a script installed at /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_media_relay #Libraries to use use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep time ualarm); use IO::Socket; use threads; use threads::shared; use String::Random; use vars qw( $opt_d $opt_h $opt_n $opt_H $opt_P $opt_t $opt_r $opt_M $opt_R $opt_w $opt_c $opt_o $opt_T $opt_m); $opt_w = 100; $opt_n=500; $opt_m="/usr/local/nagios/libexec/test1.wav"; my $port1; my $port2; my $host1; my $host2; my $display=''; my $randomstring = new String::Random; my $callid = "monitor\@opsview_".$randomstring->randpattern("cCncnCCcnCncnCcncC"); my $tranaction_id; my $to_tag= $randomstring->randpattern("cCncnCCcnCncnCcncC"); my $from_tag = $randomstring->randpattern("cCncnCCcnCncnCcncC"); my $teardown_code = $randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnnnnnnnnn"); my $baseport; my @output; my @line; my $remaining_calls=''; my $gah :shared=""; my $testerrortotal=0; my $response_timeout=0; my $elapsed=1000; my $debug_output=""; my $exitcode=3; my $icmp_responsed :shared=0; my $timeout=1000000; my $retries=4; my $errors=0; my $mediatest; my $timer =0; my $starttime; my $sessions_created; my $active_sessions; my $active_streams; my $Percent_packets_lost; my $Percent_Packets_late; my $Percent_Strange_Packets; my $Percent_ICMP_Packets; my $Percent_Duplicated_Packets; my $Packets_Not_Sent; my $Average_Packet_Travel_Time; my $Standard_Deviation_Travel_Time; my $Average_Jitter; my $Standard_Deviation_Jitter; my $sock=''; my $recvthread; ##init(); # Get the options if ($#ARGV le 0) { $opt_h=1; } else { getopts('hH:P:t:r:R:w:c:o:T:n:iM:m:'); } ## Display Help if ($opt_h){ print "::RTPProxy Check Instructions::\n\n"; print " -h, Display this help information\n"; print " -H, Hostname or IP to check\n"; print " -M, Specify a message to return on failure\n"; print " -P, Port to check\n"; print " -R, Restart command to use\n"; print " -t, Timeout (ms) for each communication attempt.\n"; print " The default is 1000\n"; print " -r, Number of times to retry communications.\n"; print " The default is 4\n"; print " -w, Warning level % RTP packet loss.\n"; print " -c, Critical level % RTP packet loss.\n"; print " Either use both -w && -c or neither\n"; print " -m, Media file used to genereate the RTP.\n"; print " Default is /usr/local/nagios/libexec/test1.wav\n"; print " -n, Number of media packets to send on each leg (Default 500).\n"; print "The script will run /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_media_relay\n"; print "Script written by Noah Guttman and Copyright (C) 2014 Noah Guttman.\n"; print "This script is released and distributed under the terms of the GNU\n"; print "General Public License. >>>> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/\n"; print ""; print "This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"; print "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"; print "the Free Software Foundation.\n\n"; print "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"; print "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"; print "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"; print "GNU General Public License for more details.\n"; print ">>>> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/\n"; exit 0; } ##Set custom output if any set if ($opt_P){ $baseport=$opt_P; }else{ $baseport=6062; } if ($opt_t){ $timeout=$opt_t*1000; } if ($opt_r){ $retries=$opt_r; } #First we check status of the rtpprxoy while ($testerrortotal<$retries){ $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', PeerPort => $baseport, PeerAddr => $opt_H, ) or die "Could not create socket: $!\n"; $recvthread = threads->new( \&recive_rtpproxy_request); usleep(10000); $tranaction_id = $randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn")."_".$randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnnn"); my $starttime = gettimeofday; $sock->send("$tranaction_id Ib") or die "Send error: $!\n"; #reset timer $timer =0; while (($timer <= $timeout ) && ($gah !~ /.*[\n,\r].*[\n,\r].*[\n.\r]/i)){ usleep(2000); $timer = $timer + 2000; } $elapsed = (gettimeofday - $starttime)*1000; #reject bad time data if ($elapsed < 0){ $elapsed=''; } if ($opt_d){ $debug_output = $debug_output."\n------------------------------\nDEBUG:$gah\n------------------------------\n"; } if ((($gah =~ /$tranaction_id sessions created/i) && ($gah =~ /active sessions/i)) && ($gah =~ /active streams/i)){ $recvthread->join(); @output = split ("\n",$gah); foreach my $val (@output) { if ($val =~ /sessions created/i) { @line = split (":", $val); $sessions_created = substr($line[1],1)."c"; }elsif ($val =~ /active sessions/i){ @line = split (":", $val); $active_sessions = substr($line[1],1); }elsif ($val =~ /active streams/i){ @line = split (":", $val); $active_streams = substr($line[1],1); }elsif ($val =~ /remaining calls/i){ @line = split (":", $val); $remaining_calls = substr($line[1],1); } } last; }elsif ($icmp_responsed >$testerrortotal){ $recvthread->join(); }elsif ($gah =~ /./){ $errors++; $recvthread->join(); }else{ $recvthread->detach; $response_timeout++; } $testerrortotal++; $sock->close; } #now get media ports and test the media #If our version of rtpproxy does not support this feature we fake it. unless ($remaining_calls){ $remaining_calls =100; } if (($remaining_calls > 10) && ($testerrortotal < $retries)) { while ($testerrortotal<$retries){ $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', PeerPort => $baseport, PeerAddr => $opt_H, ) or die "Could not create socket: $!\n"; $tranaction_id = $randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn")."_".$randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn"); $recvthread = threads->new( \&recive_rtpproxy_request); $sock->send("$tranaction_id U $callid 20000 $to_tag;1 ;1 $teardown_code") or die "Send error: $!\n"; $timer =0; while (($timer <= $timeout ) && ($gah !~ /$tranaction_id \d+ $opt_H/i)){ usleep(2000); $timer = $timer + 2000; } if ($gah =~ /$tranaction_id \d+ $opt_H/){ @output = split (" ",$gah); $recvthread->join(); $port1=$output[1]; $host1=$output[2]; }else{ $testerrortotal++; $recvthread->detach; } # If we got the first port we query for the second if ($port1){ $tranaction_id = $randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn")."_".$randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn"); $recvthread = threads->new( \&recive_rtpproxy_request); $sock->send("$tranaction_id L $callid 20000 $to_tag;1 $from_tag;1") or die "Send error: $!\n"; $timer =0; while (($timer <= $timeout ) && ($gah !~ /$tranaction_id \d+ $opt_H/i)){ usleep(2000); $timer = $timer + 2000; } if ($gah =~ /$tranaction_id \d+ $opt_H/i){ $recvthread->join(); @output = split (" ",$gah); $port2=$output[1]; $host2=$output[2]; last; }else{ $testerrortotal++; $recvthread->detach; } } } } if (($port1) &&($port2)){ $mediatest = `/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_media_relay -H $host1 -H $host2 -o $port1 -T $port2 --media $opt_m -P $opt_n`; ($Percent_packets_lost , $Percent_Packets_late, $Percent_Strange_Packets, $Percent_ICMP_Packets, $Percent_Duplicated_Packets, $Average_Packet_Travel_Time, $Standard_Deviation_Travel_Time, $Packets_Not_Sent, $Average_Jitter, $Standard_Deviation_Jitter) = split(" ",$mediatest); # #Then tell the rtpproxy to end the call $tranaction_id = $randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn")."_".$randomstring->randpattern("nnnnnn"); $sock->send("$tranaction_id D $callid $to_tag") or die "Send error: $!\n"; $sock->recv($gah,128) or $testerrortotal++; $sock->close; if (($opt_w) && ($opt_c)){ if ($Percent_packets_lost >= $opt_c){ $display = "CRITCAL: $Percent_packets_lost \% RTP packet loss - $display"; $exitcode =2; }elsif ($Percent_packets_lost >= $opt_w){ if ($exitcode < 1){ $display = "WARNING: $Percent_packets_lost \% RTP packet loss - $display"; $exitcode =1; }else{ $display .= " - WARNING: $Percent_packets_lost \% RTP packet loss"; } }else{ $display .= " - OK: $Percent_packets_lost \% RTP packet loss"; $exitcode =0; } } } if ($opt_R){ print ("$opt_R "); } if ((($testerrortotal == 0) && ($icmp_responsed==0)) && ($response_timeout ==0)){ if ($exitcode ==2){ print ("$opt_H $opt_P $display"); if ($opt_M){ print (" $opt_M"); } }elsif (($exitcode ==1) || ($exitcode ==0)){ print ("$opt_H $opt_P $display "); }else{ print ("$opt_H $opt_P Something has gone wrong"); $exitcode = 3; } }else{ if ($exitcode < 2){ $exitcode++; } if ($exitcode ==2){ print ("$opt_H $opt_P $display"); if ($opt_M){ print (" $opt_M"); } }elsif ($exitcode ==1){ print ("$opt_H $opt_P $display"); }else{ print ("$opt_H $opt_P CRITCAL:SPR has not responded correctly after $testerrortotal attempts."); $exitcode = 2; } } print ("|Response_Time=$elapsed"."ms;; ICMP=$icmp_responsed;; Errors=$errors;; Timeouts=$response_timeout;;"); if ($mediatest){ print" Lost_Packets=$Percent_packets_lost"."%;; Late_Packets=$Percent_Packets_late"."%;; Strange_Packets=$Percent_Strange_Packets"."%;; Media_ICMP_Packets=$Percent_ICMP_Packets"."%;; Duplicated_Packets=$Percent_Duplicated_Packets"."%;;"; print" Unsent_Packets=$Packets_Not_Sent;; AVG_Packet_Transit_Time=$Average_Packet_Travel_Time"."ms;; Standard_Deviation_Packet_Transit_Time=$Standard_Deviation_Travel_Time"."ms;; AVG_Jitter=$Average_Jitter;; Standard_Deviation_Jitter=$Standard_Deviation_Jitter;;\n"; } exit ($exitcode); #Code should never get this far, but just in case.... if ($opt_R){ print ("$opt_R "); } print ("$opt_H $opt_P Something has gone wrong\n"); exit 3; sub recive_rtpproxy_request{ $sock->recv($gah,128) or $icmp_responsed++; #$sock->close; }