' Required Variables Const PROGNAME = "check_sge" Const VERSION = "1.0.0" ' Nagios helper functions nsclientDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) Include nsclientDir & "\lib\NagiosPlugins.vbs" ' Create the NagiosPlugin object Set np = New NagiosPlugin Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' fetch xml, per default "CheckConnection" is only available via localhost Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") oXMLHTTP.SetOption 2, oXMLHTTP.GetOption(2) - SXH_SERVER_CERT_IGNORE_ALL_SERVER_ERRORS oXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "https://localhost/SGNSRV/Trans.asmx/CheckConnection", False oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" oXMLHTTP.Send "" ' Ugly, but we have to build a Tempfile, cause SafeGuard Enterprise does not provide a valid xml file ' Sophos Support: might be fixed in 6.20 ' temporary file, strWinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%") TEMPFILE = strWinDir & "\Temp\nagios_sge.xml" ' load fetched xml file Set myFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(TEMPFILE, True) bodyStr = oXMLHTTP.responseXML.xml ' this is the magic, replace broken html stuff with real ">" & "<" bodyXML = Replace(bodyStr, "<", "<") bodyXML = Replace(bodyXML, ">", ">") ' save file myFile.write(bodyXML) ' Website is responding and returns OK If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then ' Parse XML xmlDoc.load(TEMPFILE) If isObject(xmlDoc) Then ' prepare output For Each x In xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("//string/Dataroot") WebService = x.selectSingleNode("WebService").Text DBAuth = x.selectSingleNode("DBAuth").Text Info = "Database: " & x.selectSingleNode("Info/Database").Text Info = Info & vbcrlf & "DBServer: " & x.selectSingleNode("Info/Server").Text Info = Info & vbcrlf & "DBVersion: " & x.selectSingleNode("Info/Version").Text Info = Info & vbcrlf & "DBOwner: " & x.selectSingleNode("Info/Owner").Text Info = Info & vbcrlf & "DBConnectionInfo: " & x.selectSingleNode("Info/ConnectionInfo").Text Next If WebService = "OK" And DBAuth = "OK" Then return_code = OK return_msg = "Everything's fine!" Else return_code = CRITICAL return_msg = "Something happened!" End If ' end if webserver and dbauth ' prepare return msg return_msg = return_msg & " WebService: " & WebService & " DBAuth: " & DBAuth & vbcrlf & Info Else ' XML not loaded return_code = CRITICAL return_msg = "XML could not be read" End If ' end if xml load Else ' Webservice reporting something other than 200 (OK) MsgBox("Error: " & oXMLHTTP.Status) return_code = CRITICAL return_msg = "Webservice answered something strange, http status: " & oXMLHTTP.Status End If ' end if Webservice status 200 (OK) ' exit np.nagios_exit return_msg, return_code ' helper for including nagios lib Sub Include( cNameScript ) Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile( cNameScript ) ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll() oFile.Close End Sub ' EOF