#!/bin/bash ############################# Created and written by Matthias Luettermann ############### # # # special thnaks to # Nicola Bandini n.bandini@gmail.com # Tom Lesniak and Hugo Geijteman # for the nice and useful inspiratipon # # This progmem is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; # # This progmem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # contact the author directly for more information at: matthias@xcontrol.de ########################################################################################## #Version 1.42 usage=" -ver Check_qnap Version -C community default public -t timeout default 10 secdons -v snmpversion default 2c -p snmpport defauilt 161 -a checks you can use cpuload: check´s the system CPU load in perent cputemp: check´s the sytem CPU Temperature systemp: check´s the system Temperature hdtemp: check´s the Harddive Temperature diskusage: check´s the diskusage on perent mem: check´s the mem usage in perent volstatus: check´s the Volume status fan: check´s the Fan Speed hdstatus: check´s the Harddive status cachediskstatus: check´s the Cachedisk status lunstatus: check´s the LUN status raidstatus: check´s the Raid status powerstatus: check´s the Power status sysinfo: provides the QNAP info -M max Maximun Value e.g. max Fanspeed -m min Minimum Value e.g. min Fanspeed example check_qanp -H -a mem responce: OK: Memory Total=15976MB used=9177MB free:6799MB|Memory usage=43%;80;90;0;100 or check_qanp -H myqnap.domain.com -C public -v 1 -p 123 -a cputemp -u F -w 40 -c 45 -t 60 checked host myqnap.domain.com community public snmpversion 1 snmpport 123 check cpu Temperature unit fahrenheit warning 40 F critical 45 F timeout 60 seconds " while getopts H:b:C:t:v:p:a:w:c:u:M:m:help:h option; do case $option in H) hostaddress=$OPTARG;; b) version=$OPTARG;; C) community=$OPTARG;; t) timeout=$OPTARG;; v) snmpversion=$OPTARG;; p) snmpport=$OPTARG;; a) check=$OPTARG;; w) warning=$OPTARG;; c) critical=$OPTARG;; u) unit=$OPTARG;; M) max=$OPTARG;; m) min=$OPTARG;; h) help=1;; esac done check() { if [[ "$help" == "1" ]]; then echo "$usage" exit; fi if [[ -z "$hostaddress" ]] || [[ -z "$check" ]] && [[ "$help" != "1" ]];then echo " ** Hostaddress and checkprocedure are mandatory ** " echo "$usage" exit; fi } check if [[ -z "$community" ]]; then community=public; fi if [[ -z "$timeout" ]]; then timeout=10; fi if [[ -z "$snmpversion" ]]; then snmpversion=2c; fi if [[ -z "$snmpport" ]]; then snmpport=161; fi if [[ -z "$warning" ]]; then warning=80; fi if [[ -z "$critical" ]]; then critical=90; fi if [[ -z "$unit" ]]; then unit=C; fi if ([[ "$check" == "fan" ]] && [[ -z "$Max" ]] && [[ -z "$min" ]]) ;then max=5200 min=1000 fi if [[ "$unit" == "C" ]]; then var1="-c2-3"; if [[ "$check" == "cputemp" ]]; then var2=16 var3=90 else var2=16 var3=60 fi else var1="-c7-9"; if [[ "$check" == "cputemp" ]]; then var2=60 var3=194 else var=60 var=140 fi fi output="" niu=0 count=0 counter=0 status="" criticalqty=0 warningqty=0 okqty=0 avg=0 mysnmpcheck="snmpget -v $snmpversion -c $community -t $timeout $hostaddress:$snmpport" # DISKUSAGE if [[ "$check" == "diskusage" ]]; then capacity=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/') free=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/') unit=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') unit2=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') if [[ "$unit" == "TB" ]]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [[ "$unit" == "GB" ]]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi if [[ "$unit2" == "TB" ]]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [[ "$unit2" == "GB" ]]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi capacitybytes=$(echo "scale=0; $capacity*$factor" | bc -l) freebytes=$(echo "scale=0; $free*$factor2" | bc -l) usedbytes=$(echo "scale=0; $capacitybytes-$freebytes" | bc -l) used=$(echo "scale=0; $usedbytes/$factor" | bc -l) usedperc=$(echo "scale=0; $usedbytes*100/$capacitybytes" | bc -l) freeperc=$(echo "scale=0; $freebytes*100/$capacitybytes" | bc -l) output="Total=$capacity $unit Used=$used $unit Free=$free $unittest2|Used=$usedperc%;$warning;$critical;0;100" if [[ $usedperc -ge $critical ]]; then echo "critical: "$output exit 2 elif [[ $usedperc -ge $warning ]]; then echo "warning: "$output exit 1 else echo "OK: "$output exit 0 fi # CPULOAD elif [[ "$check" == "cpuload" ]]; then cpuload=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $4 $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)...../\1/') output="CPU-load=$cpuload%|CPU-load=$cpuload%;$warning;$critical;0;100" if [[ $cpuload -ge $critical ]]; then echo "critical: "$output exit 2 elif [[ $cpuload -ge $warning ]]; then echo "warning: "$output exit 1 else echo "OK: "$output exit 0 fi # CPUTEMP elif [[ "$check" == "cputemp" ]]; then temp=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4,$5}' | cut $var1) output="CPU-temperature=$temp $unit|CPU-temperature=$temp$unit;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" if [[ $temp -ge $critical ]]; then echo "critical: "$output exit 2 elif [[ $temp -ge $warning ]]; then echo "warning: "$output exit 1 else echo "OK: "$output exit 0 fi # System Temperature elif [[ "$check" == "systemp" ]]; then temp=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4,$5}' | cut $var1) output="System-temperature=$temp $unit|System-temperature=$temp$unit;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" if [[ $temp -ge $critical ]]; then echo "critical: "$output exit 2 elif [[ $temp -ge $warning ]]; then echo "warning: "$output exit 1 else echo "OK: "$output exit 0 fi # HD Temperature elif [[ "$check" == "hdtemp" ]]; then output="" count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do temp=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4,$5}' | cut $var1) if [[ "$temp" == *"-"* ]]; then : elif [[ "$temp" -ge "$critical" ]]; then output="$output HD-$c=$temp" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) avg=$(echo "scale=4; $avg + $temp" | tr , . | bc) counter=$(echo "scale=0; $counter+1" | bc -l) elif [[ "$temp" -ge "$warning" ]]; then output="$output HD-$c=$temp" warningqty=$(echo "scale=0; $warningqty+1" | bc -l) avg=$(echo "scale=4; $avg + $temp" | tr , . | bc) counter=$(echo "scale=0; $counter+1" | bc -l) else output="$output HD-$c=$temp" okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) avg=$(echo "scale=4; $avg + $temp" | tr , . | bc) counter=$(echo "scale=0; $counter+1" | bc -l) fi done avg=$(echo $avg/$counter | bc ) if ([[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]&&[[ "$warningqty" -ge "1" ]]); then echo "critical - average temperature: $avg|$output average=$avg;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" exit 2 elif [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "critical - average temperature: $avg|$output average=$avg;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" exit 2 elif [[ "$warningqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "warning - average temperature: $avg|$output average=$avg;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" exit 1 else echo "OK - average temperature: $avg|$output average=$avg;$warning;$critical;$var2;$var3" exit 0 fi # Free mem elif [[ "$check" == "mem" ]]; then total=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $4 $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)...../\1/') used=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $4 $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)...../\1/') perc=$(echo "scale=0; 100-($used*100)/$total" | bc -l) unit=$($mysnmpcheck | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') free=$(echo "scale=0; $total-$used" | bc -l) output="Memory Total=$total$unit used=$used$unit free:$free$unit|Memory-usage=$perc%;$warning;$critical;0;100" if [[ $perc -ge $critical ]]; then echo "critical: "$output exit 2 elif [[ $perc -ge $warning ]]; then echo "warning: "$output exit 1 else echo "OK: "$output exit 0 fi # Volumestatus elif [[ "$check" == "volstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [[ $status == "Ready" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; okqty+1" |bc -l) elif [[ $status == "Rebuilding..." ]]; then warningqty=$(echo "scale=0; $warningqty+1" | bc -l) else criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) fi capacity=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') free=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') unit=$($mysnmpcheck$c | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') unit2=$($mysnmpcheck$c | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') if [[ "$unit" == "TB" ]]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) elif [[ "$unit" == "GB" ]]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 100" | bc -l) else factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi if [[ "$unit2" == "TB" ]]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) elif [[ "$unit2" == "GB" ]]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 100" | bc -l) else factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi capacitybytes=$(echo "scale=0; $capacity*$factor" | bc -l) freebytes=$(echo "scale=0; $free*$factor2" | bc -l) usedbytes=$(echo "scale=0; $capacitybytes-$freebytes" | bc -l) used=$(echo "scale=0; $usedbytes/$factor" | bc -l) usedperc=$(echo "scale=0; $usedbytes*100/$capacitybytes" | bc -l) freeperc=$(echo "scale=0; $freebytes*100/$capacitybytes" | bc -l) if [[ $usedperc -ge $critical ]]; then crt="$usedperc" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) elif [[ $perc -ge $warning ]]; then wrn="$usedperc" warningqty=$(echo "scale=0; $warningqty+1" | bc -l) fi if [[ $c -lt $count ]]; then output="$output Volume-$c $status, Total=$capacity $unit, Used=$used $unit, Free=$free $unit2, " else output="$output Volume-$c $status, Total=$capacity $unit, Used=$used $unit, Free=$free $unit2" fi done if [[ $criticalqty -ge 1 ]]; then echo "critical: $criticalqty $crt, $output|Used=$usedperc%;$warning;$critical;0;100" exit 2 elif [[ $warningqty -ge 1 ]]; then echo "warning: $warningqty $wrn, $output|Used=$usedperc%;$warning;$critical;0;100" exit 1 else echo "OK: $okqty Volumes, $output|Used=$usedperc%;$warning;$critical;0;100" exit 0 fi # Fan elif [[ "$check" == "fan" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do speed=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c 2-5 ) if ([[ "$speed" -le "$max" ]] && [[ "$speed" -ge "$min" ]]); then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) avg=$(echo "scale=4; $avg + $speed" | bc) else crt="$crt| Fan-$c $speed RPM" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) avg=$(echo "scale=4; $avg + $speed" | tr , . | bc) fi done avg=$(echo $avg/$count | bc ) if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: $criticalqty Average Speed=$avg RPM" exit 2 else echo "OK Fans $okqty Average Speed=$avg RPM|Average-Speed=$avg RPM;$min;$max" exit 0 fi # HD Status elif [[ "$check" == "hdstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [[ $status == "GOOD" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) elif [[ "$status" == "--" ]]; then niu=$(echo "scale=0; $niu+1" | bc -l) else crt=" Disk ${c}" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) fi done if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: ${crt}" exit 2 else echo "OK: Online Disk $okqty, HD status = GOOD, Free Slot $niu" exit 0 fi # Cachedisstatus elif [[ "$check" == "cachediskstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [[ "$status" -eq "0" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) else crt="Cachedisk NOK $c" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) fi done if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: ${criticalqty}" exit 2 else echo "OK: Cachedisk $okqty " exit 0 fi # LUN Status elif [[ "$check" == "lunstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [[ $status == "Enabled" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) else crt=" LUN NOK ${c}" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) fi done if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: ${criticalqty}" exit 2 else echo "OK: LUN´s $okqty" exit 0 fi # raid Status elif [[ "$check" == "raidstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [[ $status == "Ready" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) else crt=" Raid NOK $c" fi done if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: $crt" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) exit 2 else echo "OK: Raid $okqty Ready" exit 0 fi # Power stuply status elif [[ "$check" == "powerstatus" ]]; then count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ )) do status=$($mysnmpcheck .$c | awk '{print $4}') if [[ "$status" -eq "0" ]]; then okqty=$(echo "scale=0; $okqty+1" | bc -l) else crt="Powersupply NOK $c" criticalqty=$(echo "scale=0; $criticalqty+1" | bc -l) fi done if [[ "$criticalqty" -ge "1" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: ${criticalqty}" exit 2 else echo "OK: Powersupply $okqty " exit 0 fi #Model elif [[ "$check" == "sysinfo" ]]; then model=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') hdnum=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') count=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}') name=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/') firmware=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/') netuptime=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8}') sysuptime=$($mysnmpcheck . | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8}') echo NAS $name, Model $model, Firmware $firmware, Max HD number $hdnum, No. volume $count, system Uptime $sysuptime, Network Uptime $netuptime exit 0 #statements # else echo -e "\nUnknown check!" && exit "3" fi exit 0