package "check_smb_usedspace" version "0.03" purpose "Simple nagios plugin to check used space on a samba share." usage "Check_Smb_usedspace [-s |--share=NameOfShare] [-u |--user=Username] [-p |--password=Password] [-w |--warning=WARNING_THRESHOLD] [-c |--critical=CRITICAL_THRESHOLD]" description "This program is made to be used on a basic Gnu/Linux server with Nagios. In the code, the program execute a bash command which mount the Samba share, use df and awk to retrieve the space used by this share. At the end, the share is unmounted." option "share" s "Share name like \\\\\\\\server\\\\share ." string required option "user" u "Share user like Domain\\username ." string optional option "password" p "Share password." string default="" optional option "warning" w "Warning threshold in ko" int default="140000000" optional option "critical" c "Critical threshold in ko" int default="160000000" optional