// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check_tablespace_oracle.java 20100820 frank4dd version 1.0 // 20110725 rfults version 1.1 -coverted to MB // 20130805 rfults version 1.2 -added autoextend and status // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // e-mail: support[at]frank4dd.com // web: http://www.frank4dd.com/howto/nagios/db-monitoring.htm // // This nagios plugin queries the Oracle dba_free_space and dba_data_files // system tables. Supported are Oracle versions 10g and up. // // Pre-requisites: Oracle JDBC driver installed and a valid DB user. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example Output: // > java check_tablespace_oracle 1521 XE system test -d // DB connect: jdbc:oracle:thin:system/test@ // DB query: select df.TABLESPACE_NAME, df.FILE_ID, (((df.BYTES+fs.BYTES)/1024)/1024) MBytes_max, // ((df.BYTES/1024)/1024) mb_used, round(((df.BYTES - fs.BYTES) / df.BYTES) * 100) usage_pct // from ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES, count(distinct FILE_ID) FILE_ID from // dba_data_files group by TABLESPACE_NAME ) df, ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES // from dba_free_space group by TABLESPACE_NAME) fs where df.TABLESPACE_NAME=fs.TABLESPACE_NAME // order by df.TABLESPACE_NAME asc //Name: SYSAUX Files: 1 Space total: 374912 MB Space used: 317440 MB Space % used: 82 % //Name: SYSTEM Files: 1 Space total: 350208 MB Space used: 348160 MB Space % used: 99 % //Name: UNDO Files: 1 Space total: 384384 MB Space used: 215040 MB Space % used: 21 % //Name: USERS Files: 1 Space total: 203136 MB Space used: 102400 MB Space % used: 2 % // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import java.sql.*; class check_tablespace_oracle_MB { static int mb_warn = 0; // the commandline argument for warning threshold of MB used as PCT static int mb_crit = 0; // the commandline argument for critical threshold of MB used as PCT static int dfiles_total= 0; // the returned number of tablespace files static int mb_used = 0; // the returned tablespace value of used MB static int mb_total= 0; // the returned tablespace value of total MB available static int percent_used= 0; // the returned tablespace value, current space used in percent static int return_code = 0; // 'OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4 static int debug = 0; // 'normal'=>0,'verbose'=>1 when -d parameter is given static String output = ""; // the plugin output string static String perfdata = ""; // the plugin perfdata output, returning the MB values static String tbspname = ""; // the tablespace to check static String autoex = ""; // the tablespace to check static String onstatus = ""; // the tablespace to check static String dbUrl = ""; // the access URL for the database to query static String query = ""; // the SQL query to execute static String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public static void main (String args[]) { if (args.length < 6) { System.err.println("Error: Missing Arguments."); System.err.println("Syntax: java check_tablespace_oracle "); System.err.println(" java check_tablespace_oracle -r "); System.err.println(" java check_tablespace_oracle -d"); System.exit(-1); } // Check if we got a particular tablespace to check for if (args.length == 6 && args[5].equals("-d")) { debug = 1;} dbUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + args[3] + "/" + args[4] + "@" + args[0] +":" + args[1] +":" + args[2]; if (debug == 1) { System.out.println("DB connect: " + dbUrl); } // Check if we just return the data without any values to compare to if (args.length == 7 && args[5].equals("-r")) { tbspname = args[6]; } // Check if we got warn and crit values to check against if (args.length == 8) { tbspname = args[5]; mb_warn = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); mb_crit = Integer.parseInt(args[7]); } try { // use the Oracle JDBC driver Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Error: JDBC Driver Problem."); System.err.println (e); System.exit (3); } try { // open connection to database "jdbc:oracle:thin:@destinationhost:port:dbname", "dbuser", "dbpassword" Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl); // build query // table dba_data_files: TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, BYTES, MAXBYTES, AUTOEXTENSIBLE // dba_free_space: TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_ID, BYTES // Show free tablespace: Select tablespace_name, Sum((bytes/(1024))/1024) "Total Free (MB) " From dba_free_space Group By tablespace_name; // Show used tablespace: Select tablespace_name, Sum((bytes/(1024))/1024) "Total Used (MB) " From dba_data_files Group By tablespace_name; if (tbspname == "") { query = "select df.TABLESPACE_NAME, df.FILE_ID, round(((df.BYTES)/1024)/1024) mb_max, round(((df.BYTES-fs.BYTES)/1024)/1024) mb_used, round(((df.BYTES - fs.BYTES) / df.BYTES) * 100) usage_pct, df.AUTOEXTENSIBLE, df.ONLINE_STATUS from ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES, count(distinct FILE_ID) FILE_ID, AUTOEXTENSIBLE, ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files group by TABLESPACE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE,ONLINE_STATUS ) df, ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES from dba_free_space group by TABLESPACE_NAME) fs where df.TABLESPACE_NAME=fs.TABLESPACE_NAME order by df.TABLESPACE_NAME asc"; } else { query = "select df.TABLESPACE_NAME, df.FILE_ID, round(((df.BYTES)/1024)/1024) mb_max, round(((df.BYTES-fs.BYTES)/1024)/1024) mb_used, round(((df.BYTES - fs.BYTES) / df.BYTES) * 100) usage_pct, df.AUTOEXTENSIBLE, df.ONLINE_STATUS from ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES, count(distinct FILE_ID) FILE_ID, AUTOEXTENSIBLE, ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME = '" + tbspname + "' group by TABLESPACE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE,ONLINE_STATUS) df, ( select TABLESPACE_NAME, sum(BYTES) BYTES from dba_free_space group by TABLESPACE_NAME) fs where df.TABLESPACE_NAME=fs.TABLESPACE_NAME order by df.TABLESPACE_NAME asc"; } if (debug == 1) { System.out.println ("DB query: " + query); } // execute query Statement statement = connection.createStatement (); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery (query); while ( rs.next () ) { // get content from column "1 -4" if (debug == 1) { System.out.format ("Name: %20s ", rs.getString (1)); // TBSP_NAME, VARCHAR(128) System.out.format ("Files: %2d ", rs.getInt(2));// TBSP_TOTAL_SIZE_MB, BIGINT System.out.format ("Space total: %10d MB ", rs.getInt(3));// TBSP_TOTAL_SIZE_MB, BIGINT System.out.format ("Space used: %10d MB ", rs.getInt(4)); // TBSP_USED_SIZE_MB, BIGINT System.out.format ("Space %% used: %3d ", rs.getInt(5)); // TBSP_UTILIZATION_PERCENT, BIGINT System.out.format ("Autoextensible: %8s ", rs.getString (6)); // AUTOEXTENSIBLE, VARCHAR(128) System.out.format ("Online Status: %8s %%\n", rs.getString (7)); // ONLINE_STATUS, VARCHAR(128) } tbspname=rs.getString (1); dfiles_total=rs.getInt(2); mb_total=rs.getInt(3); mb_used=rs.getInt(4); percent_used=rs.getInt(5); autoex=rs.getString (6); onstatus=rs.getString (7); } rs.close () ; statement.close () ; connection.close () ; } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { System.err.println (e) ; System.exit (3) ; // Unknown } perfdata = tbspname + ": " +dfiles_total + " datafiles, " + mb_used + " MB used/ " + mb_total + " MB total " + newline + "Autoextend " + autoex + newline + " Status " + onstatus; output = tbspname + " " + percent_used + "% used" + "|" + perfdata; if ( (mb_warn != 0) && (mb_crit != 0) ) { if ( percent_used < mb_warn ) { System.out.println("Tablespace OK: " + output); System.exit (0); // OK } if ( (percent_used >= mb_warn) && (percent_used < mb_crit) ) { System.out.println("Tablespace WARN: " + output); System.exit (1); // WARN } if ( percent_used >= mb_crit ) { System.out.println("Tablespace CRIT: " + output); System.exit (2); // CRIT } } if (args.length == 7 && args[5].equals("-r")) { System.out.println("Tablespace OK: " + output); System.exit (0); // OK } } }