#!/usr/bin/perl # # By Cyril Menigoz # # # imports use strict; use Nagios::Plugin; # variables my $shinken; my $established = 0; my $listeners = 0; my $waiting = 0; my $ss; my $check_local=" |grep -v"; # plugin setup $shinken = Nagios::Plugin->new( plugin => 'check_connections', shortname => 'CONNECTIONS', version => '1.0', usage => 'Usage: %s -w -c [-l 1]', blurb => 'This plugin checks the established connections.', license => 'This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY no WARRANTY!' ); $shinken->add_arg(spec => 'warning|w=s', help => "Warning threshold", required => 1); $shinken->add_arg(spec => 'critical|c=s', help => "Critical threshold", required => 1); $shinken->add_arg(spec => 'locale|l=o', help => "Set to 1 to count local connection", required => 0); # main $shinken->getopts; #`echo $shinken->opts->local`; if ($shinken->opts->locale=~ 1) { $check_local=""; } $ss = `which ss 2> /dev/null`; chop $ss; if ( ! -e $ss ) { $shinken->nagios_die("Could not find ss binary!"); } foreach my $entry (split("\n", `$ss -a $check_local`)) { if ( $entry =~ m/ESTAB/ ) { $established++; } if ( $entry =~ m/SYN-SENT/ ) { $waiting++; } if ( $entry =~ m/SYN-WAIT/ ) { $waiting++; } if ( $entry =~ m/CLOSE-WAIT/ ) { $waiting++; } if ( $entry =~ m/LISTEN/ ) { $listeners++; } } my $code = $shinken->check_threshold( check => $established, warning => $shinken->opts->warning, critical => $shinken->opts->critical, ); my $message = sprintf("There are %d established connections.", $established); # output $shinken->add_perfdata( label => "established", value => $established, ); $shinken->add_perfdata( label => "waiting", value => $waiting, ); $shinken->add_perfdata( label => "listeners", value => $listeners, ); $shinken->nagios_exit($code, $message);