#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Bash script written by Vahid Hedayati April 2013 ############################################################################## # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ############################################################################## # This script takes: # # Once given a hostname and community string with or without specific load limit # with no load limit, using snmp it will look at amount of cpu's and calculate load average / cpu count - # cpu count hacked to be more than 2 than actually on host to alert when it looks really serious # This script requires SNMP to be configured and installed on both local / remote servers # -- UPDATES - debian - ubuntu systems run: # sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader snmpwalk="/usr/bin/snmpwalk" snmpget="/usr/bin/snmpget" # Set to 0 if no load limit set then it will get cpu count and increment this get_cpu=0; function usage() { echo "$0 -H localhost -l 1 -p public" echo "$0 -H localhost -p public" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "-H is hostname set to localhost" echo "-l is load limit set to 1 or not set at all" echo "-p is snmp passsword" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "You can leave the load blank , this then defines the load according to CPU's" echo "so a 4 cpu server will have a load set to 6 if it goes above 4 then alerts are sent" } function return_cpu() { # Below had been working on work machines #cpu_count=$($snmpwalk -v2c -c $pass -Oq $server hrProcessorLoad|wc -l) # This is a generic view that should hopefully work on all Linux Machines cpu_count=$($snmpwalk -v2c -c $pass -Oq $server HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad|wc -l) if [ "$cpu_count" == "" ]; then cpu_count=1; fi actual_cpus=$cpu_count # VH: To stop default cpu count from alerting we will add an extra cpu to ensure load is sufficient for an alert ((cpu_count++)) ((cpu_count++)) } function calculate_load() { return_cpu; good_res=""; bad_res=""; graphtest="|"; if [ "$limit" == "" ]; then limit=$cpu_count; fi loads="1 2 3" bad=0; loadrun=""; cpu_info="Actual_cpus:$actual_cpus - Alert_Limit:$limit"; for ids in $loads do if [[ $ids == 1 ]]; then loadrun="1_minute"; elif [[ $ids == 2 ]]; then loadrun="5_minutes"; elif [[ $ids == 3 ]]; then loadrun="15_minutes"; fi run=$($snmpget -v2c -c $pass $server .$ids) if [[ $run =~ "STRING" ]]; then actual_load=$(echo $run|awk -F"STRING: " '{ print $2; }'|tr -d '"') current_load=$(echo $run|awk -v limit=$limit -v cpus=$cpu_count -F"STRING: " '{ if ( ($2 > 0)) { smb=($2 / cpus); print smb;} else { print $2; } }'|tr -d '"') calc=$(echo $limit|awk -v cload=$current_load '{$3 = cload / $1; printf "%f", $3}') if [[ $calc < 1 ]]; then good_res=$good_res" ("$loadrun"_avg:"$current_load", "$loadrun"_actual="$actual_load" ) - " graphtest=$graphtest" $loadrun"_avg"="$current_load"m;;;0 "$loadrun"_actual="$actual_load"m;;;0 " else bad_res=$bad_res" ("$loadrun"_avg:"$current_load", "$loadrun"_actual="$actual_load" ) - " graphtest=$graphtest" $loadrun"_avg"="$current_load"m;;;0 "$loadrun"_actual="$actual_load"m;;;0 " ((bad++)) fi else echo -n "$loadrun does not exist "; ((bad++)) fi done if [[ $bad > 0 ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: $cpu_info $bad_res $graphtest" exit 2; else echo "OK: $cpu_info $good_res" $graphtest; exit 0; fi } while test -n "$1"; do case "$1" in --help|-h) usage exit 0 ;; --host|-H) server=$2; shift ;; --limit|-l) limit=$2; if [ "$limit" == "-p" ]; then limit=""; pass=$3; calculate_load; exit fi shift ;; --snmpass|-p) pass=$2; calculate_load; exit ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" echo "-h for help"; exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "-h for help"; exit 1; fi