#!/bin/bash # # $Id: check_gridinfra 632 2013-01-19 14:57:59Z tbr $ # # Copyright 2013 (c) Thorsten Bruhns (tbruhns@gmx.de) # # The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You may redistribute\ncopies of the plugins under the terms of the # GNU General Public License. # License: GNU General Public License # # This plugins searchs for Resources in crs in State OFFLINE or INTERMEDIATE # Resources with STARTMODE=never are ignored. Same applies for ora.ons and ora.gds. # The number of voting-disks is checked. 1, 3 or 5 votedisks are expected! # The plugin is aware of Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Restart. The check for # votedisks are skipped in an Oracle Restart Environment! # # This plugin need sudo to work with nrpe # the nrpe-owner will use the following commands with sudo: # sudo-User command # CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl # CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/orabase # CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/ocrcheck # CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/ocrconfig # we do only a small check of running processes due to crsctl will # return a hughe amount of errors when crsd isn't running # # example sudo-setup for nrpe: #Defaults:nrpe !requiretty #Cmnd_Alias CRSCTL = /u01/app/ #Cmnd_Alias ORABASE = /u01/app/ #Cmnd_Alias OCRCHECK = /u01/app/ #Cmnd_Alias OCRCONFIG = /u01/app/ #User_Alias NRPE_ADMIN = nagios, nrpe #NRPE_ADMIN ALL = (oracle) NOPASSWD: CRSCTL, ORABASE, OCRCONFIG, OCRCHECK PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin PROGNAME=`basename $0` PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'` REVISION=$Version$ GI_Filter="(STATE = OFFLINE) AND (TYPE != ora.ons.type) AND (AUTO_START != never)" check_sudo() { sudo -l > /dev/null 2>&1 retcode=${?} if [ ${retcode} -ne 0 ] then echo "CRITICAL - sudo not working for: sudo -l " exit 2 fi } get_gi_type() { # Do we have Oracle Restart or full Grid Infrastructure? # Oracle Restart => OCR-Location is $ORACLE_HOME/cdata/localhost/local.ocr ${OCRCHECKCMD} -config | grep $ORACLE_HOME/cdata/localhost/local.ocr > /dev/null retcode=${PIPESTATUS[1]} if [ ${retcode} -eq 0 ] then # We have Oracle Restart export ORACRS_TYPE=Restart else # We have a full Oracle Grid Infrastructure Environment! export ORACRS_TYPE=GridInfra fi } check_votedisks() { # Check for votedisks only needed on real Grid-Infrastructure! if [ ${ORACRS_TYPE} = 'GridInfra' ] then # we are on a real Grid-Infrastructure # We need 1,3 or 5 voting discs # Cluster won't work if we have less then number of votedisks / 2 # A cluster with 3 needed disks won't work with 1. the same aplies for 5. # => Easy check possible, because 2 or 4 ONLINE-Votedisks is an error! votecount=`${CRSCTLCMD} query css votedisk| cut -b5- | grep ^ONLINE | wc -l` if [ ${votecount:-0} -eq 1 -o ${votecount:-0} -eq 3 -o ${votecount:-0} -eq 5 ] then # Votecount is ok # => we can step to Resourcecheck of the cluster! votedisksok=yes else echo "CRITICAL - Number of Votingdisks not ok. check votedisks with 'crsctl query css votedisk' Count "${votecount:-1} exit 2 fi fi } get_CRSOWNER() { # who is clusterwareowner? # User of running ASM-Instance is clusterware-Owner! ORACRSOWNER=`ps -elf | grep asm_pmon_+ASM | grep -v " grep asm_pmon_+ASM" | cut -d" " -f3` retcode=${PIPESTATUS[1]} if [ ${ORACRSOWNER:-leer} = 'leer' ] then # We can't get the owner of ASM. mostly this is due to a down ASM-Instance # Cluster won't work without ASM! echo "CRITICAL - ASM is down or unknown CRSOWNER is unknown," exit 2 else export ORACRSOWNER fi } set_env() { check_sudo ORATAB=/etc/oratab # set environment from /etc/oratab # 1st line with +ASM will be used for CRS_HOME ORACLE_SID=`grep "^+ASM" ${ORATAB} |cut -d":" -f1` if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] then echo "CRITICAL - ASM-Environment can't be found in oratab!" exit 2 else export ORACLE_SID # getting ORACLE_HOME from oratab ORACLE_HOME=`cat ${ORATAB} | grep "^"${ORACLE_SID} | cut -d":" -f2` export ORACLE_HOME get_CRSOWNER # if we have a grid infrastructure or oracle restart we get the ORACLE_BASE with # a executable from Oracle! ORACLE_BASE=`sudo -n -u ${ORACRSOWNER} ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/orabase` export ORACLE_BASE PATH=${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin export PATH fi CRSCTLCMD=$ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl CRSCTLCMD="sudo -n -u "${ORACRSOWNER}" "${CRSCTLCMD} OCRCHECKCMD="sudo -n -u "${ORACRSOWNER}" "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ocrcheck } print_usage() { echo "Usage: $PROGNAME" } print_help() { echo "" print_usage echo "" echo "This plugin checks a running Oracle Grid-Infrastructure for OFFLINE und INTERMEDIATE-Resources." echo "" exit 0 } check_grid_infra() { execcmd="$CRSCTLCMD stat res -t -w " count=`$execcmd "((STATE = OFFLINE) OR (STATE = INTERMEDIATE)) AND (TYPE != ora.ons.type) AND (TYPE != ora.gsd.type) AND (AUTO_START != never)" | wc -l` # retcode and cound=0 => all is ok! retcode=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if [ ${retcode:-1} -ne 0 ] then echo "Error while executing crsctl. Returencode="${retcode} else if [ ${count:-1} -eq 0 ] then # all resources are fine! echo "OK - All Resources are ONLINE!" exit 0 else execcmd="$CRSCTLCMD stat res -w " result=`$execcmd "((STATE = OFFLINE) OR (STATE = INTERMEDIATE)) AND (TYPE != ora.ons.type) AND (TYPE != ora.gsd.type) AND (AUTO_START != never)" | egrep "^NAME=|^LAST_SERVER=|^STATE="| cut -d"=" -f2- ` echo "CRITICAL - Problems with some Resources! Check with 'crsctl stat res -t'. Details: "$result exit 2 fi fi } set_env $* case "$1" in --help) print_help exit 0 ;; -h) print_help exit 0 ;; *) get_gi_type check_votedisks check_grid_infra ;; esac