#!/usr/bin/perl -w # WHAT IS IT WORTH? # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # this script generates automated config files with host and # service definitions for icinga/nagios from passively received # host and service checks. # # This might be useful if your nagios/icinga system runs in a # distributed environment with icinga/nagios instances sending # passive checks to a central nagios/icinga server or if you # have many hosts sending passive checks. # # Normally, hosts and services based on passive checks must # be configured both on the nagios/icinga instance receiving # the checks and on the instance sending the checks This script # uses received passive checks to create automated host and service # definitions in the nagios/icinga configuration. This way # the configuration of the implied hosts and services must # only be made on the instance that sends the passive checks # # Moreover this script can be used to make nagios and Munin # work together. You can run a Munin server and a nagios/icinga # server in parallel. The munin server sends its results as # passive checks to the nagios/icinga server. Then the # corresponding service and host definitions are generated # and included in the nagios/icinga configuration. # # # HOW DOES IT WORK? # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The instance that sends passive checks must send them to # the NSCA of the central nagios/icinga server. So be sure # you have configured the NSCA correctly # # When a pssive check result is received by the nagios/icinga # instance and the corresponding host and service respectively # does not exist in the nagios/icinga configuration an error # occurs and is written to the nagios/icinga log file. # # the radar script parses the nagios/icinga log file for these # errors and uses them to generate automated host and service # definitions in the nagios/icinga configuration. # # As long as nagios/icinga is not reloaded passive host and # service checks keep causing errors in the nagios/icinga # log file. Thus, to avoid multiple host and service definitions # for the same host or service, the radar script parses the entire # nagios/icinga configuration. # # As the icinga/nagios configuration may be very large the script # gets active only every hour, working in the background as a daemon. # The time interval can be set to any desired value. # # When running the radar script it is run in daemon mode instantly. # So use an init script to start/stop/restart the daemon # # TEMPLATES # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # the radar script only generates rudimentary host and service # information. To make them work a host and service template for # the generated hosts and services must be included into the # nagios/icinga configuration. The names of the templates are set # in the configuration of the radar script (see below). # You can use the following example templates. # # define host{ # name generic-radar-host # notifications_enabled 1 # event_handler_enabled 1 # flap_detection_enabled 1 # failure_prediction_enabled 1 # process_perf_data 1 # retain_status_information 1 # retain_nonstatus_information 1 # check_command check-host-alive # max_check_attempts 10 # check_period 24x7 # notification_interval 120 # notification_options d,u,r # notification_period 24x7 # contact_groups admins # active_checks_enabled 0 # passive_checks_enabled 1 # host_groups radarhosts # register 0 # } # # # define service { # name generic-radar-service # check_command check_dummy # active_checks_enabled 0 # passive_checks_enabled 1 # parallelize_check 1 # obsess_over_service 1 # check_freshness 0 # notifications_enabled 1 # event_handler_enabled 1 # flap_detection_enabled 1 # failure_prediction_enabled 1 # process_perf_data 1 # retain_status_information 1 # retain_nonstatus_information 1 # is_volatile 0 # check_period 24x7 # max_check_attempts 3 # normal_check_interval 10 # retry_check_interval 2 # contact_groups admins # notification_options w,u,c,r # notification_interval 120 # notification_period 24x7 # service_groups radarservices # register 0 # } # # # CONFIGURATION # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # absolute path to the nagios/icinga log file # $NAGIOS_LOGFILE="/usr/local/icinga/var/icinga.log"; # # the absolute path to the directory where generated cfg-files # are to be stored # $CFG_DIRECTORY="/usr/local/icinga/etc/objects/radar"; # # the absolute path to the directory where the # nagios/icinga cfg files are kept # $NAGIOS_CONFIG="/usr/local/icinga/etc/objects/"; # # the nagios/icinga host template to use for generated # host definitions # $HOST_TEMPLATES="generic-radar-host"; # # the nagios/icinga service template to use for # generated service definitions # $SERVICE_TEMPLATES="generic-radar-service"; # # the nagios/icinga user # $ICINGA_USER="icinga"; # # the nagios/icinga group # $ICINGA_GROUP="icinga-cmd"; # # enable/disable logging (1=enabled) # $ENABLE_LOGGING=1; # # directory to put the log file # $LOGFILE_DIRECTORY="/var/log/"; # # directory to put the pid file # $PID_FILE_DIRECTORY="/var/run/"; # # # QUESTIONS? # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mail to kevin.fuchs@hs-heilbronn.de ###################### BASIC CONFIGURATION ######################## # absolute path to the nagios/icinga log file my $NAGIOS_LOGFILE="/usr/local/icinga/var/icinga.log"; # the absolute path to the directory where generated cfg-files # are to be stored my $CFG_DIRECTORY="/usr/local/icinga/etc/objects/radar"; # the absolute path to the directory where the # nagios/icinga cfg files are kept my $NAGIOS_CONFIG="/usr/local/icinga/etc/objects/"; # the nagios/icinga host template to use for generated # host definitions my $HOST_TEMPLATES="generic-radar-host"; # the nagios/icinga service template to use for # generated service definitions my $SERVICE_TEMPLATES="generic-radar-service"; # the nagios/icinga user my $ICINGA_USER="icinga"; # the nagios/icinga group my $ICINGA_GROUP="icinga-cmd"; # enable/disable logging (1=enabled) my $ENABLE_LOGGING=1; # directory to put the log file my $LOGFILE_DIRECTORY="/var/log/"; # directory to put the pid file my $PID_FILE_DIRECTORY="/var/run/"; ################################################################### ###################### ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ##################### # prefix for generated cfg files my $CFG_FILE_PREFIX="radar"; # a regular expression to find a new host from the nagios/icinga # logging output my $HOST_PATTERN=qr/Passive\s+check\s+result.+received\s+for\s+host\s+'(.+)'.+not.+found/i; # a regular expression to find a new service from the # nagios/icinga logging output my $SERVICE_PATTERN=qr/Passive\s+check\s+result.+received\s+for\s+service\s+'(.+)'\s+on\s+host\s+'(.+)'.+not.+found/i; # the time interval in seconds to use for searching the nagios/icinga # log file for new hosts and services my $SCAN_INTERVAL=900; # the time interval in seconds to use for creating new cfg files # within this interval all new host and service definitions # are written to the same file. After the interval another # cfg file will be created and new host and service definitions # will be written to the new file my $CFG_CREATION_INTERVAL=2592000; # this sets the permissions of the directory where generated # cfg files are stored my $DIRECTORY_MASK=0755; # this sets the permissions of the generated cfg files my $FILE_MASK=0664; # the name of the daemon my $DAEMON_NAME="radar"; ################################################################### use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use File::Pid; use Socket; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use File::Find; use POSIX qw(setsid); my $DIE_NOW=0; # read the icinga log file and store it to an array sub readLogFile { open(IN, "<$NAGIOS_LOGFILE"); my @file=; close IN; logEntry("nagios log file ($NAGIOS_LOGFILE): found $#file lines"); return \@file; } # read the cfg directory ($CFG_DOIRTECTORY) recursively and # put the locally defined hosts and services to hashes %hosts and %services sub readCfgDirectory { my $hosts=shift; # param: reference to hosts hash my $services=shift; # param: reference to services hash my @files=$NAGIOS_CONFIG; my @filesArr=(); find sub {push(@filesArr,$File::Find::name)}, @files; foreach(@filesArr) { if (-f $_ and $_=~/\.cfg$/) { my $content=readCfgFile($_); parseCfgContent($content, $hosts, $services); } } logEntry("nagios cfg directory ($NAGIOS_CONFIG): found " . ($#filesArr + 1) . " files, " . keys(%{$hosts}) . " hosts and " . keys(%{$services}) . " services"); } # read a particular cfg-file and return its content as an array sub readCfgFile { my $cfgFile=shift; # param: path to cfg-file my @content=(); if(-f $cfgFile) { open(TMPCFGFILE, "<", $cfgFile); @content=; close(TMPCFGFILE); } logEntry("nagios cfg-file ($cfgFile): parsed $#content lines"); return \@content; } # parse the content of a cfg-file and find new hosts and services sub parseCfgContent { my $cfgContent=shift; # param: reference to file content array (provided by readCfgFile) my $hosts=shift; # param: reference to hosts hash my $services=shift; # param: reference to services hash my $def=""; my $hostName=""; my $serviceDescription=""; foreach(@{$cfgContent}) { $_=~s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespaces $_=~s/\s+$//; # remove closing whitespaces if($_=~/define\s+(host|service)\s*\{/) { $def=$1; # found host or service definition } elsif($_=~/(host_name|service_description)\s+(\S.+)/) { if($1 eq "host_name") { $hostName=$2; # found host description if($def ne "host" and $def ne "service") { return 0; # host description found outside a host or service definition => invalid cfg-file } elsif($def eq "host") { # we are in scope of host definition # host definition is complete ${$hosts}{$hostName}=1; $def=""; $hostName=""; } elsif($def eq "service") { # we are in scope of service definition if($serviceDescription eq "") { next; # service description has not been found yet, continue with next line } else { # service description has been found, now service definition is complete ${$services}{$hostName.":".$serviceDescription}=1; $def=""; $hostName=""; } } } else { $serviceDescription=$2; # found service description if($def ne "service") { return 0; # service description was found outside a service definition => invalid cfg-file } if($hostName eq "") { next; # service definition is not yet complete, host name is missing => continue with next line } else { # host name is already defined, service definition is complete, # search for next host or service definition ${$services}{$hostName.":".$serviceDescription}=1; $def=""; $serviceDescription=""; $hostName=""; } } } } return 1; } # extract host and service messages of non-existing hosts and services out of the log file sub parseLog { my $logContent=shift; # param: the log file as array, provided by readLogFile() my %parsedContent; # list of hashes with hosts as keys and service array-list as values foreach(@$logContent) { # for each line of the log file: # check if the entry is a message of an unknown host if($_=~$HOST_PATTERN) { # if it's a host, check if the host already exists in the host hash if(not exists $parsedContent{$1}) { # if the host doesn't exits yet, create a hash entry # with an empty service array @{$parsedContent{$1}}=(); } } # if it's not a host, check if it is a service else { if($_=~$SERVICE_PATTERN) { # if it's a service, check if the host associated with it exists if(not exists $parsedContent{$2}) { # if the host doesn't exist, create a hash entry for the host # with an empty host array @{$parsedContent{$2}}=(); } # push the service entry to the host's service array push(@{$parsedContent{$2}},$1); } } } # remove duplicate entries from each host's service list while((my $key, my $value) = each(%parsedContent)) { @{$parsedContent{$key}}=removeDuplicateItems(@{$value}); } logEntry("nagios log file ($NAGIOS_LOGFILE): found " . keys(%parsedContent) . " hosts with new services"); return \%parsedContent; } # helper function to delete duplicate entries in an array sub removeDuplicateItems { my %all; $all{$_}=0 for @_; return (keys %all); } # helper function to get icinga user id sub getIcingaUserId { (my $name, my $pass, my$uid, my $gid, my $quo, my $com, my $gc, my $dir, my $sh,my $exp) = getpwnam($ICINGA_USER); return $uid; } # helper function to get icinga group id sub getIcingaGroupId { (my $name, my $pass, my $gid, my $members)=getgrnam($ICINGA_GROUP); return $gid; } # helper function to set file ownership and permissions sub setFilePermissions { my $file=shift; my $mask=shift; my $uid=getIcingaUserId(); my $gid=getIcingaGroupId(); chown($uid, $gid, $file); chmod($mask, $file); } # helper function to add "/" to path sub dirPath { my $dir=shift; if($dir=~m/\/$/) { return $dir; } return $dir."/"; } # create the directory where the scanned hosts and services are to be stored sub createCfgDirectory { my $akdir='/'; my $entirePath=dirPath($CFG_DIRECTORY); $entirePath=~ s/^\s+//; # remove spaces at the beginning $entirePath=~ s/\s+$//; # remove spaces at the end $entirePath=~ s/^\///; # remove leading '/' $entirePath=~ s/\/$//; # remove closing '/' my @singleDirectories=split(/\//,$entirePath); # create array of single directories # create directories recursively foreach (@singleDirectories) { $akdir.=$_; if (!-e $akdir) { # create directory if doesn't exist if(mkdir($akdir)!=1) { return 0; } # set ownership and permissions of current directory setFilePermissions($akdir,$DIRECTORY_MASK); logEntry("created directory: $akdir"); } $akdir.='/'; } return 1; } # open the cfg file where new hosts and services are to be defined sub openCfgFile { my $type=shift; # create one cfg file per week my $suffix=sprintf ("%.0f", time()/$CFG_CREATION_INTERVAL); my $cfgFilePath=dirPath($CFG_DIRECTORY)."$CFG_FILE_PREFIX"."_".$type."_".$suffix.".cfg"; if(-e $cfgFilePath) { # if cfg file exists open to append content open(CFGFILE, ">>$cfgFilePath"); } else { # if cfg file doesn't exist create and open it open(CFGFILE, ">$cfgFilePath"); } logEntry("cfg-file: $cfgFilePath: opened for writing"); # lock the cfg-file, so no other process can use it flock(CFGFILE, LOCK_EX); logEntry("cfg-file $cfgFilePath: locked for writing"); # set ownership and permissions of cfg-file setFilePermissions($cfgFilePath,$FILE_MASK); } # close an open file (file handle CFGFILE must have been opened by openCfgFile()) sub closeCfgFile { flock(CFGFILE, LOCK_UN); logEntry("cfg-file unlocked"); close(CFGFILE); logEntry("cfg-file closed"); } # check if a host has already been discovered and written to the cfg-files sub hostExists { my $hostName=shift; # param: host name my $hostsHash=shift; # param: reference to hosts hash if(exists ${$hostsHash}{$hostName}) { return 1; } return 0; } # check if a service has already been discovered and written to the cfg-files sub serviceExists { my $hostName=shift; # param: host name my $serviceDescription=shift; # param: service description my $servicesHash=shift; # param: reference to services hash if(exists ${$servicesHash}{$hostName.":".$serviceDescription}) { return 1; } return 0; } # write single host definition to cfg-file, use standard values sub writeHostDefinition { my $hostName=shift; # param: host name my $hostsHash=shift; # param: reference to a hash where discovered hosts are stored (*) # (*) we need to remember the created host definitions # so there are no multiple host definitions in the cfg-files # skip if the host has already been written to the cfg-files if(hostExists($hostName,$hostsHash)) { return 1; } my $hostAddress=getIpByHostname($hostName); my $hostTemplates=$HOST_TEMPLATES; $hostTemplates=~s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespaces $hostTemplates=~s/\s+$//; # remove closing whitespaces my $hostDef ="\ndefine host{\n"; # insert host template if defined in the configuration section of this script if($hostTemplates ne "") { $hostDef.=" use $hostTemplates\n"; } $hostDef.=" host_name $hostName\n"; $hostDef.=" alias $hostName\n"; $hostDef.=" address $hostAddress\n"; $hostDef.="}\n"; # push host to hosts hash ${$hostsHash}{$hostName}=1; # print host definition to file handler CFGFILE # CFGFILE must have been opened before by openCfgFile() print CFGFILE $hostDef; logEntry("created new cfg-entry for host $hostName"); } # write single service definition to cfg-file, use default parameters # disable active checks and enable passive checks sub writeServiceDefinition { my $hostName=shift; my $serviceDescription=shift; # param: service description my $serviceTemplates=$SERVICE_TEMPLATES; # param: serviceTemplates e.g. "template1,template2" my $hostsHash=shift; # reference to a hash where discovered hosts are stored (*) my $servicesHash=shift; # reference to a hash where discovered services are stored (*) # (*) we need to remember the created host and service definitions # so there are no multiple host or service definitions in the cfg-files # skip if the service has already been written to the cfg-file if(serviceExists($hostName,$serviceDescription,$servicesHash)) { return 1; } $serviceTemplates=~s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespaces $serviceTemplates=~s/\s+$//; # remove closing whitespaces my $srvDef ="\ndefine service{\n"; # insert service templates if defined, see configuration if($serviceTemplates ne "") { $srvDef.=" use $serviceTemplates\n"; } $srvDef.=" host_name $hostName\n"; $srvDef.=" service_description $serviceDescription\n"; $srvDef.="}\n"; # push host to the hosts hash and the service to the services hash ${$hostsHash}{$hostName}=1; ${$servicesHash}{$hostName.":".$serviceDescription}=1; # print service definition to file handler CFGFILE # CFGFILE must have been opened before by openCfgFile() print CFGFILE $srvDef; logEntry("created new cfg-entry for service $serviceDescription on host $hostName"); } # write all host definitions to cfg-file # parameter $parsedContent is a reference to a hash of arrays: # host_name => (service1, service2,...) # $parsedContent is yielded by parseLog() sub createHostDefinitions { my $parsedContent=shift; # param: see description above my $hostsHash=shift; # param: reference to hosts hash my $defStr=""; openCfgFile("hosts"); # get single hosts and create host definition for each of them while((my $key, my $value)=each %{$parsedContent}) { $defStr.=writeHostDefinition($key,$hostsHash); } closeCfgFile(); return $defStr; } # write all service definitions to cfg-file # parameter $parsedContent is a reference to a hash of arrays: # host_name => (service1, service2) # $parsedContent is yielded by parseLog() sub createServiceDefinitions { my $parsedContent=shift; # param: see description above my $hostsHash=shift; # param: reference to hosts hash my $servicesHash=shift; # param: reference to services hash my $defStr=""; openCfgFile("services"); # get single host while((my $key, my $value)=each %{$parsedContent}) { # get single services of host and create service # definition for each of them foreach(@{$value}) { $defStr.=writeServiceDefinition($key,$_,$hostsHash,$servicesHash); } } closeCfgFile(); return $defStr; } # try to get IP address by host name using 'ping' # if the IP cannot be resolved, '' is returned as default value sub getIpByHostname { my $hostName=shift; my $result=`ping $hostName -c3`; # get IPV4 address if($result=~/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) { logEntry("host $hostName: has IP $1"); return $1; } logEntry("host $hostName: no IP found, set IP to"); return ""; } # run this file as daemon sub daemonize { chdir '/'; umask 0; open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!"; open STDOUT, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; open STDERR, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; defined( my $pid = fork ) or die "Can't fork: $!"; exit if $pid; logEntry("switching to daemon mode"); } # dissociate this process from the controlling terminal that started it and stop being part # of whatever process group this process was a part of. sub dissociate { POSIX::setsid() or die "Can't start a new session."; } # set callback signal handler for signals. sub setSignalHandler { $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = \&signalHandler; $SIG{PIPE} = 'ignore'; } # create pid file sub createPidFile { my $pidFileName = dirPath($PID_FILE_DIRECTORY) . $DAEMON_NAME . ".pid"; my $pidfile = File::Pid->new( { file => $pidFileName, } ); $pidfile->write or die "Can't write PID file, /dev/null: $!"; return $pidfile; } # turn on logging sub activateLogging { my $logFileName = dirPath($LOGFILE_DIRECTORY) . $DAEMON_NAME . ".log"; if($ENABLE_LOGGING) { open LOG, ">>$logFileName" or die "could not open log file"; select((select(LOG), $|=1)[0]); # make the log file "hot" - turn off buffering } } # infinite main loop sub loop { logEntry("starting..."); my %hosts=(); my %services=(); # "infinite" loop where some useful process happens until ($DIE_NOW) { readCfgDirectory(\%hosts, \%services); my @logFile=readLogFile(); # get host and service names from log file my $logContent=parseLog(@logFile); createCfgDirectory(); createHostDefinitions($logContent,\%hosts); createServiceDefinitions($logContent,\%hosts,\%services); sleep($SCAN_INTERVAL); # logEntry("log something"); # use this to log whatever you need to } } # add a line to the log file sub logEntry { my ($logText) = @_; my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time); my $dateTime = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; if ($ENABLE_LOGGING) { print LOG "$dateTime $logText\n"; } } # catch signals and end the program if one is caught. sub signalHandler { $DIE_NOW = 1; # this will cause the "infinite loop" to exit logEntry("Caught signal " .$SIG{INT}. ". Oh my God! I'm going to die!"); } # do this when exit is called sub cleanExit { my $pidFile = shift; if ($ENABLE_LOGGING) { close LOG; $pidFile->remove if defined $pidFile; } } ########################## MAIN ############################## daemonize(); dissociate(); setSignalHandler(); my $pidFile = createPidFile(); activateLogging(); sleep(2); loop(); END { cleanExit($pidFile); }