#!/bin/bash # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ########################################################################## # Title : check_cisco_ports_bandwidth # Author : Simon Blandford # Date : 2012-12-08 - 2016-11-03 # Requires : snmpget, snmpwalk # Category : Monitoring # Version : 0.5.0 # Copyright : Simon Blandford, Onepoint Consulting Limited # License : GPLv3 (see above) ########################################################################## # Description # Check Cisco device ports bandwidth average ########################################################################## #****************************************************************************** #********************** Constants ********************************************* #****************************************************************************** TMPDIR="/tmp/check_snmp_cisco_ports_bandwidth" SNMPWALK="" SNMPINCOUNTER="" SNMPOUTCOUNTER="" SHORTNAME="Bandwidth" OUTPUTDECIMALPLACES=2 usage () { echo echo "Usage: check_snmp_cisco_ports_bandwidth -h -s -o -p -i -f -e -w -c " echo "or: check_snmp_cisco_ports_bandwidth --help" echo "or: check_snmp_cisco_ports_bandwidth --list-interfaces -h -s -f -e " echo "or: check_snmp_cisco_ports_bandwidth --clear-temp-files -h " echo "-h is the hostname or IP address of the Cisco device." echo "-s is the commuity string e.g. 'public'." echo "-w is the warning level in bits/sec, postfix with K,M or G as required." echo "-c is the critical level in bits/sec, postfix with K,M or G as required." echo "-o Can be b for bits/sec, K for Kbits/sec, M for Mbits/sec or G for Gbits/sec. Default b." echo "-p Can be b for bits/sec, K for Kbits/sec, M for Mbits/sec, G for Gbits/sec or - for no performance data. Default -." echo "-i The number of the interface to report. Default is all of them." echo "-f Interface name filter in grep -E format." echo "-e Interface name exclude filter in grep -E format." echo echo "Output is the average bitrate in and out from each port taken between now and the previous reading." echo "The first reading will report 'unknown' since at least two timepoints are required for an average." echo exit 3 } expand_units () { local number unit number=$( echo "$1" | grep -E -o "[0-9.]+" ) if [ $number ]; then unit=$( echo "$1" | grep -E -o "[KMG]" ) if [ $unit ]; then case $unit in K) number=$( echo "$number * 1024" | bc ) ;; M) number=$( echo "$number * 1024 * 1024" | bc ) ;; G) number=$( echo "$number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024" | bc ) ;; esac fi #Output integer i.e. up to any decimal point echo "${number/.*}" fi } apply_units () { local number units number=$1 unit=$( echo "$2" | grep -E -o "[KMG]" ) if [ $unit ]; then case $unit in K) number=$( echo "scale=$OUTPUTDECIMALPLACES;$number / 1024.0" | bc ) ;; M) number=$( echo "scale=$OUTPUTDECIMALPLACES;$number / 1024.0 / 1024.0" | bc ) ;; G) number=$( echo "scale=$OUTPUTDECIMALPLACES;$number / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0" | bc ) ;; esac fi #Output decimal echo "$number" } unknown_error () { echo "$SHORTNAME UNKNOWN - $1" #Don't remove lock directory if error was presence of lock directory if echo "$1" | grep "lock directory" >/dev/null; then trap - INT TERM EXIT fi exit 3 } performance_data () { local line interfaceNumber inBitRate outBitRate oldIFS #Prepare performance data to Nagios oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in $( cat "$tmpFile" ); do IFS="$oldIFS" interfaceNumber=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}' ) #If only testing one interface, hide performance data of all others if [ $interfaceToTest ] && [ $interfaceToTest -ne $interfaceNumber ]; then continue fi inBitRate=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $6}' ) outBitRate=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $7}' ) echo -n "Interface $interfaceNumber In=$( apply_units $inBitRate $pUnits );$( apply_units $warn $pUnits );" echo -n "$( apply_units $crit $pUnits );0;0 " echo -n "Interface $interfaceNumber Out=$( apply_units $outBitRate $pUnits );$( apply_units $warn $pUnits );" echo -n "$( apply_units $crit $pUnits );0;0 " IFS=$'\n' done IFS="$oldIFS" echo } list_interfaces () { #List interfaces snmpwalk -v2c -c "$string" "$host" "$SNMPWALK" } interface_number () { echo "$1" | grep -E -o "ifName.[0-9]+|\.[0-9]+[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+STRING" | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" } interface_name () { echo "$1" | grep -E -o "[^[:space:]]+$" } filter_interfaces () { local interfaceName retVal retVal=1 while read line; do if echo "$line" | grep -E "[[:space:]]" >/dev/null; then interfaceName=$( interface_name "$line" ) else interfaceName="$line" fi if [ ! $interfaceExcludeFilter ] && \ echo "$interfaceName" | \ grep -E "$interfaceFilter" >/dev/null; then echo "$line" retVal=0 fi if [ $interfaceExcludeFilter ] && \ echo "$interfaceName" | \ grep -E "$interfaceFilter" | \ grep -E -v "$interfaceExcludeFilter" >/dev/null; then echo "$line" retVal=0 fi done return $retVal } if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then usage fi for i in $@; do if [ $get_h ]; then host=$( echo "$i" ) unset get_h fi if [ $get_s ]; then string=$( echo "$i" ) unset get_s fi if [ $get_o ]; then oUnits=$( echo "$i" | grep -E -io "b|K|M|G" ) unset get_o fi if [ $get_p ]; then pUnits=$( echo "$i" | grep -E -io "b|K|M|G|-" ) unset get_p fi if [ $get_i ]; then interfaceToTest=$( echo "$i" | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" ) unset get_i fi if [ $get_f ]; then interfaceFilter=$i unset get_f fi if [ $get_e ]; then interfaceExcludeFilter=$i unset get_e fi if [ $get_w ]; then warn=$( expand_units "$i" ) unset get_w fi if [ $get_c ]; then crit=$( expand_units "$i" ) unset get_c fi [ "x""$i" == "x-h" ] && get_h=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-s" ] && get_s=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-o" ] && get_o=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-p" ] && get_p=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-i" ] && get_i=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-w" ] && get_w=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-c" ] && get_c=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-f" ] && get_f=1 [ "x""$i" == "x-e" ] && get_e=1 [ "x""$i" == "x--list-interfaces" ] && get_if=1 [ "x""$i" == "x--clear-temp-files" ] && get_clr=1 done #Must have host beyond this point if [ ! $host ]; then usage fi #Create temporary directory if it doesn't already exist if [ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" || exit 1 if [ $( whoami ) == "root" ]; then chmod 700 "$TMPDIR" chown nagios.nagios "$TMPDIR" fi fi tmpFile="$TMPDIR""/""$host"".txt" if [ $get_clr ]; then rm -f "$tmpFile"* exit 0 fi #Must have snmp string beyond this point if [ ! $string ]; then usage fi if [ $get_if ]; then list_interfaces | filter_interfaces exit 0 fi #Must have warning and critical levels if [ ! $warn ] || [ ! $crit ] ; then usage fi [ ! $oUnits ] && oUnits="b" [ ! $pUnits ] && pUnits="-" [ $oUnits == "b" ] && unset oUnits [ $pUnits == "b" ] && unset pUnits #Remove any stale lock directories older than 10 mins if [ ${#TMPDIR} -gt 4 ]; then find "$TMPDIR" -type d -mmin +10 -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' rmdir {} fi #Check for directory lock if ! mkdir "$TMPDIR""/""$host"; then unknown_error "Unable to create lock directory for host at $TMPDIR""/""$host" fi trap "rmdir ""$TMPDIR""/""$host"";" INT TERM EXIT #Purge tmp files unchanged for more than a week if [ ${#TMPDIR} -gt 4 ]; then find "$TMPDIR" -type f -mtime +7 -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' rm -f {} fi #Initialise tmp file if not there if [ ! -f "$tmpFile" ]; then #Discover network port numbers and initialise each line of file echo >"$tmpFile" oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in $( list_interfaces ); do IFS="$oldIFS" ifNum=$( interface_number "$line" ) ifName=$( interface_name "$line" ) echo "$ifNum $ifName $(date +%s) 0 0 0 0" >>"$tmpFile" IFS=$'\n' done IFS="$oldIFS" if [ $ifNum ]; then if [ $( whoami ) == "root" ]; then chown nagios.nagios "$tmpFile" fi firstScan="yes" else rm -f "$tmpFile" unknown_error "Unable to find network port list" fi fi #Create a new temporary file newFile="$tmpFile""_new" echo >"$newFile" if [ $( whoami ) == "root" ]; then chown nagios.nagios "$newFile" fi #Update network stats for each port peakBandwidth=0 peakInterface=0 oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in $( cat "$tmpFile" ); do IFS="$oldIFS" #Read items from line in file interfaceNumber=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}' ) interfaceName=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}' ) previousTime=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}' ) previousInByteCount=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $4}' ) previousOutByteCount=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $5}' ) if [ $interfaceToTest ] && [ $interfaceToTest -ne $interfaceNumber ] && [ ! $firstScan ]; then previousInBitRate=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $6}' ) previousOutBitRate=$( echo "$line" | awk '{print $7}' ) #Output existing values unchanged back echo -n "$interfaceNumber $previousTime $previousInByteCount $previousOutByteCount " >>"$newFile" echo -n "$previousInBitRate " >>$newFile echo "$previousOutBitRate" >>$newFile IFS=$'\n' continue fi #Skip any lines that don't pass filter if ! echo "$interfaceName" | filter_interfaces >/dev/null; then IFS=$'\n' continue fi #Calculate time between now and previous reading currentTime=$( date +%s ) readingAge=$(( currentTime - previousTime )) #Query byte counter currentInByteCount=$( snmpget -v2c -c $string $host "$SNMPINCOUNTER""$interfaceNumber" | \ awk {'print $4'} | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" ) || \ unknown_error "Unable to in get byte counter of port $interfaceNumber" currentOutByteCount=$( snmpget -v2c -c $string $host "$SNMPOUTCOUNTER""$interfaceNumber" | \ awk {'print $4'} | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" ) || \ unknown_error "Unable to out get byte counter of port $interfaceNumber" #Calculate bandwidth if [ $readingAge -gt 0 ]; then inBitRate=$(( (currentInByteCount - previousInByteCount) * 8 / readingAge )) outBitRate=$(( (currentOutByteCount - previousOutByteCount) * 8 / readingAge )) else inBitRate=0 outBitRate=0 fi [ $previousInByteCount -eq 0 ] && inBitRate=0 [ $previousOutByteCount -eq 0 ] && outBitRate=0 #Record any peak if [ $inBitRate -gt $peakBandwidth ]; then peakBandwidth=$inBitRate peakInterface=$interfaceNumber fi if [ $outBitRate -gt $peakBandwidth ]; then peakBandwidth=$outBitRate peakInterface=$interfaceNumber fi echo -n "$interfaceNumber $interfaceName $currentTime $currentInByteCount $currentOutByteCount " >>"$newFile" echo -n "$inBitRate " >>$newFile echo "$outBitRate" >>$newFile IFS=$'\n' done IFS="$oldIFS" mv -f "$newFile" "$tmpFile" if [ $firstScan ]; then unknown_error "Initial reading. Another needed to take average." fi status=0 status_text="OK" if [ $peakBandwidth -gt $warn ]; then status=1 status_text="WARNING" fi if [ $peakBandwidth -gt $crit ]; then status=2 status_text="CRITICAL" fi performance_data_string=$( performance_data ) #Output status to Nagios echo -n "$SHORTNAME $status_text - " [ $interfaceToTest ] && echo -n "Bitrate " || echo -n "Peak bitrate " echo -n "$( apply_units $peakBandwidth $oUnits ) $oUnits""b/s on interface number $peakInterface" if [ "x""$pUnits" == "x-" ]; then echo else echo "|""$performance_data_string" fi exit $status