-- RITTAL GmbH & Co. KG, Herborn -- CMC-TC-MIB Version 1.1a -- CMC-TC - DK7320.100 -- -- Management Information Base for SNMP Network Management -- -- Copyright 2002,2003 Rittal Herborn. -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- The information in this document is subject to change without notice. -- Refer to document "AGB_Software_Rittal.pdf" -- --********************************************************************* -- Release History -- Date: October 17, 2002 (Version 1.0) -- Revised by MHain -- Date: April 1, 2003 (Version 1.1) -- Added: unitXMsgQuit, cmcTcControl, Sensor types, Output types, Unit types -- Date: November 3, 2003 (Version 1.1a) -- Added: new sensors, new outputs (FCS, RTT) --********************************************************************* RITTAL-CMC-TC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB sysName,sysDescr,sysContact,sysLocation FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; rittal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2606 } cmcTc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rittal 4 } cmcTcMibRev OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTc 1 } cmcTcStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTc 2 } cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatus 3 } cmcTcStatusUnit1Sensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 5 } cmcTcStatusUnit1Outputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 6 } cmcTcStatusUnit1Msg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 7 } cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatus 4 } cmcTcStatusUnit2Sensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 5 } cmcTcStatusUnit2Outputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 6 } cmcTcStatusUnit2Msg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 7 } cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatus 5 } cmcTcStatusUnit3Sensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 5 } cmcTcStatusUnit3Outputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 6 } cmcTcStatusUnit3Msg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 7 } cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatus 6 } cmcTcStatusUnit4Sensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 5 } cmcTcStatusUnit4Outputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 6 } cmcTcStatusUnit4Msg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 7 } cmcTcStatusExtUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcStatus 7 } cmcTcSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTc 3 } cmcTcSetupGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcSetup 1 } cmcTcTimerTable1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 8 } cmcTcTrapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTc 4 } cmcTcTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTcTrapControl 7 } cmcTcControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmcTc 5 } --***************************************************************************** --CMC-TC ComputerMultiControl-TopConcept DK7320.100 --***************************************************************************** --cmcTcMibRev-group cmcTcMibMajRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Major Revision level. A change in the major revision level represents a major change in the architecture of the MIB. A change in the major revision level may indicate a significant change in the information, correct interpretation of data may require a MIB document with the same major revision level." ::= { cmcTcMibRev 1 } cmcTcMibMinRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Minor Revision level. A change in the minor revision level may represent some minor additional support, no changes to any pre-existing information has occurred." ::= { cmcTcMibRev 2 } cmcTcMibCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), ok (2), degraded (3), failed (4), configChanged (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The overall condition (status) of the system represented by this MIB. (2) OK (3) a minor problem, warning condition (yellow LED on CMC) (4) a major problem (red LED on CMC) (5) configuration of sensor units changed or unit detected (red/yellow/green LED on CMC)" ::= { cmcTcMibRev 3 } --status-group cmcTcStatusDeviceCMC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failed(1), ok(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Status of CMC-TC unit itself (1) failed (2) OK" ::= { cmcTcStatus 1 } cmcTcUnitsConnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensor units connected to the CMC, Port 1 to 4" ::= { cmcTcStatus 2 } --status sensor units-group --unit 1 cmcTcUnit1TypeOfDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), unitIO (2), unitAccess (3), unitClimate (4), unitFCS (5), unitRTT (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor unit connected to port 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 1 } cmcTcUnit1Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for sensor unit connected to port 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 2 } cmcTcUnit1Serial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Serialnumber of sensor unit connected to port 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 3 } cmcTcUnit1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), error(2), changed(3), quit(4), timeout(5), detected(6), notAvail(7), lowPower(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Status sensor unit connected to port 1 (1) OK (2) error, e. g. value overflow (3) configuration of sensor unit has changed, confirmation required (4) Quit from sensor unit to confirm configuration changes (5) timeout of sensor unit, confirmation required to unload this unit (6) sensor unit detected, needs to be confirmed (7) unit is not available (8) supply voltage is too low" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit1 4 } -- Sensors cmcTcUnit1NumberOfSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensors connected to sensor unit 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Sensors 1 } -- table with entry for each sensor available on this unit cmcTcUnit1SensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit1SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of sensor table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Sensors 2 } cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit1SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of sensor table" INDEX { unit1SensorIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorTable 1 } CmcTcUnit1SensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit1SensorIndex INTEGER, unit1SensorType INTEGER, unit1SensorText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit1SensorStatus INTEGER, unit1SensorValue INTEGER, unit1SensorSetHigh INTEGER, unit1SensorSetLow INTEGER, unit1SensorSetWarn INTEGER } unit1SensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of value entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit1NumberOfSensors." ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 1 } unit1SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), access (4), vibration (5), motion (6), smoke (7), airFlow (8), type6 (9), temperature(10), current4to20(11), humidity(12), userNO (13), userNC (14), lock (15), unlock (16), voltOK (17), voltage (18), fanOK (19), readerKeypad (20), dutyPWM (21), fanStatus (22), leakage (23), warningRTT (24), alarmRTT (25), filterRTT (26) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor which is connected to sensor unit 1 to sensor[unit1SensorIndex] 1: no sensor connected 2: sensor failure 3: value overflow 4: sensor type 1, access sensor 5: sensor type 2, vibration sensor 6: sensor type 3, motion sensor 7: sensor type 4, smoke sensor 8: sensor type 5, air flow sensor 9: sensor type 6, reserved 10: sensor type 7, temperature sensor 11: sensor type 8, 4..20mA sensor 12: sensor type 9, humidity sensor 13: user sensor with normally opened contact 14: user sensor with normally closed contact 15: door locked sensor from locking device 16: remote unlock sensor (e.g. external keypad) 17: voltage sensor, indicates status of main voltage (OK, NOK) 18: voltage value 19: fan status, from CMC-TC-FAS-Unit 20: cardreader or keypad, connected to I2C port 21: duty cycle of fan, FCS-Unit 22: status of fan, FCS-Unit 23: leakage sensor 24: warning, RittalTopTherm(RTT)-Unit 25: alarm, RittalTopTherm-Unit 26: temperature difference filter monitor, RTT-Unit" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 2 } unit1SensorText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each sensor (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 3 } unit1SensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), warning(7), tooLow(8), tooHigh(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 4 } unit1SensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 5 } unit1SensorSetHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for high setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 6 } unit1SensorSetLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for low setpoint of sensor, also used as alarm delay" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 7 } unit1SensorSetWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for warning setpoint of sensor, also used as fan threshold" ::= { cmcTcUnit1SensorEntry 8 } -- table END -- Outputs cmcTcUnit1NumberOfOutputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of outputs available on sensor unit 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Outputs 1 } -- table with entry for each output available on this unit cmcTcUnit1OutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit1OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of output table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Outputs 2 } cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit1OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of output table" INDEX { unit1OutputIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputTable 1 } CmcTcUnit1OutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit1OutputIndex INTEGER, unit1OutputType INTEGER, unit1OutputText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit1OutputStatus INTEGER, unit1OutputValue INTEGER, unit1OutputSet INTEGER, unit1OutputConfig INTEGER, unit1OutputDelay INTEGER, unit1OutputTimeoutAction INTEGER } unit1OutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of output entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit1NumberOfOutputs." ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 1 } unit1OutputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), doorLock (4), univLock1 (5), univLock2 (6), fan (7), fanSpeedContr (8), universalOut (9), roomLock(10), powerOut(11), doorLockMaster(12), doorLockFRi (13), setpoint (14), setpointTimax (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of output which is connected to sensor unit 1 to output[unit1OutputIndex] 1: no output connected 2: output failure 3: value overflow 4: output type 1, door locking TS8,Ergoform 5: output type 2, universal lock 1, lock with power 6: output type 3, universal lock 2, unlock with power 7: output type 4, fan relay 8: output type 5, fan controlled 9: output type 6, universal relay output 10: output type 7, room door lock 11: output type 8, power output 12: output type 9, door lock with Master key 13: output type 10, door lock FR(i) 14: setpoint (FCS, RTT) 15: setpoint temperature monitoring (RTT)" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 2 } unit1OutputText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each output (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 3 } unit1OutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), setOff(7), setOn(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the output" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 4 } unit1OutputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 5 } unit1OutputSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), lock (3), unlock (4), unlockDelay (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 6 } unit1OutputConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disRemote (1), enRemote (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration for output 1: disable remote control (e.g. keypad) 2: enable remote control " ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 7 } unit1OutputDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned Value for delay, after this time the output will fall into the previous state" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 8 } unit1OutputTimeoutAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stay (1), off (2), on (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State for output if timeout (RS422) occurs" ::= { cmcTcUnit1OutputEntry 9 } -- Messages cmcTcUnit1NumberOfMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of messages that can be created with sensor unit 1" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Msg 1 } -- table with entry for each alarm available on this unit cmcTcUnit1MsgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit1MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of message table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit1Msg 2 } cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit1MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of message table" INDEX { unit1MsgIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgTable 1 } CmcTcUnit1MsgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit1MsgIndex INTEGER, unit1MsgText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit1MsgStatus INTEGER, unit1MsgRelay INTEGER, unit1MsgBeeper INTEGER, unit1MsgTrap1 INTEGER, unit1MsgTrap2 INTEGER, unit1MsgTrap3 INTEGER, unit1MsgTrap4 INTEGER, unit1MsgQuit INTEGER } unit1MsgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of message entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit1NumberOfMsgs." ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 1 } unit1MsgText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each message (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 2 } unit1MsgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), configChanged(2), error(3), ok(4), alarm(5), warning(6), tooLow(7), tooHigh(8), setOff(9), setOn(10), open(11), closed(12), locked(13), unlRemote(14), unlReaderKeypad(15), unlSNMP(16), unlWEB(17), unlTimer(18), noAccess(19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual message status 1: not available 2: configuration has changed (sensor new, changed, lost) 3: error 4: OK 5: alarm, e.g. smoke, vibration... 6: warning of analog value, value reached warning threshold 7: analog value too low, value reached low threshold 8: analog value too high, value reached high threshold 9: output is set to ON 10: output is set to OFF 11: door is open 12: door is closed 13: door is locked 14: door is unlocked by remote input, e.g. external cardreader 15: door is unlocked by reader or keypad connected to I2C 16: door is unlocked by SNMP set command (unit1OutputSet) 17: door is unlocked by WEB 18: door is unlocked by timer 19: no access, wrong keycode or cardnumber" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 3 } unit1MsgRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm relay for this message/alarm 1: no switching of alarm relay 2: switching of alarm relay" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 4 } unit1MsgBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm beeper for this alarm 1: no audible alarm 2: audible alarm" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 5 } unit1MsgTrap1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 1 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 6 } unit1MsgTrap2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 2 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 7 } unit1MsgTrap3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 3 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 8 } unit1MsgTrap4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 4 and Event Logging activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 9 } unit1MsgQuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset of this alarm 1: auto 2: manual, alarm needs confirmation, e. g. with 'C' key" ::= { cmcTcUnit1MsgEntry 10 } -- table unit 1 END -- unit2 cmcTcUnit2TypeOfDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), unitIO (2), unitAccess (3), unitClimate (4), unitFCS (5), unitRTT (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor unit connected to port 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 1 } cmcTcUnit2Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for sensor unit connected to port 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 2 } cmcTcUnit2Serial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Serialnumber of sensor unit connected to port 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 3 } cmcTcUnit2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), error(2), changed(3), quit(4), timeout(5), detected(6), notAvail(7), lowPower(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Status sensor unit connected to port 2 (1) OK (2) error (3) configuration of sensor unit has changed, confirmation required (4) Quit from sensor unit to confirm configuration changes (5) timeout of sensor unit, confirmation required (6) sensor unit detected, needs to be confirmed (8) supply voltage is too low" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit2 4 } -- unit 2 table -- Sensors cmcTcUnit2NumberOfSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensors connected to sensor unit 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Sensors 1 } -- table with entry for each sensor available on this unit cmcTcUnit2SensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit2SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of sensor table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Sensors 2 } cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit2SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of sensor table" INDEX { unit2SensorIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorTable 1 } CmcTcUnit2SensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit2SensorIndex INTEGER, unit2SensorType INTEGER, unit2SensorText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit2SensorStatus INTEGER, unit2SensorValue INTEGER, unit2SensorSetHigh INTEGER, unit2SensorSetLow INTEGER, unit2SensorSetWarn INTEGER } unit2SensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of value entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit2NumberOfSensors." ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 1 } unit2SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), access (4), vibration (5), motion (6), smoke (7), airFlow (8), type6 (9), temperature(10), current4to20(11), humidity(12), userNO (13), userNC (14), lock (15), unlock (16), voltOK (17), voltage (18), fanOK (19), readerKeypad (20), dutyPWM (21), fanStatus (22), leakage (23), warningRTT (24), alarmRTT (25), filterRTT (26) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor which is connected to sensor unit 2 to sensor[unit2SensorIndex] 1: no sensor connected 2: sensor failure 3: value overflow 4: sensor type 1, access sensor 5: sensor type 2, vibration sensor 6: sensor type 3, motion sensor 7: sensor type 4, smoke sensor 8: sensor type 5, air flow sensor 9: sensor type 6, reserved 10: sensor type 7, temperature sensor 11: sensor type 8, 4..20mA sensor 12: sensor type 9, humidity sensor 13: user sensor with normally opened contact 14: user sensor with normally closed contact 15: door locked sensor from locking device 16: remote unlock sensor (e.g. external keypad) 17: voltage sensor, indicates status of main voltage 18: voltage value 19: fan status 20: cardreader or keypad, connected to I2C port 21: duty cycle of fan, FCS-Unit 22: status of fan, FCS-Unit 23: leakage sensor 24: warning, RittalTopTherm(RTT)-Unit 25: alarm, RittalTopTherm-Unit 26: temperature difference filter monitor, RTT-Unit" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 2 } unit2SensorText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each sensor (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 3 } unit2SensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), warning(7), tooLow(8), tooHigh(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 4 } unit2SensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 5 } unit2SensorSetHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for high setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 6 } unit2SensorSetLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for low setpoint of sensor, also used as alarm delay" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 7 } unit2SensorSetWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for warning setpoint of sensor, also used as fan threshold" ::= { cmcTcUnit2SensorEntry 8 } -- table END -- Outputs cmcTcUnit2NumberOfOutputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of outputs available on sensor unit 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Outputs 1 } -- table with entry for each output available on this unit cmcTcUnit2OutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit2OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of output table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Outputs 2 } cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit2OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of output table" INDEX { unit2OutputIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputTable 1 } CmcTcUnit2OutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit2OutputIndex INTEGER, unit2OutputType INTEGER, unit2OutputText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit2OutputStatus INTEGER, unit2OutputValue INTEGER, unit2OutputSet INTEGER, unit2OutputConfig INTEGER, unit2OutputDelay INTEGER, unit2OutputTimeoutAction INTEGER } unit2OutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of output entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit2NumberOfOutputs." ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 1 } unit2OutputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), doorLock (4), univLock1 (5), univLock2 (6), fan (7), fanSpeedContr (8), universalOut (9), roomLock(10), powerOut(11), doorLockMaster(12), doorLockFRi (13), setpoint (14), setpointTimax (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of output which is connected to sensor unit 2 to output[unit2OutputIndex] 1: no output connected 2: output failure 3: value overflow 4: output type 1, door locking TS8,Ergoform 5: output type 2, universal lock 1, lock with power 6: output type 3, universal lock 2, unlock with power 7: output type 4, fan relay 8: output type 5, fan controlled 9: output type 6, universal relay output 10: output type 7, room door lock 11: output type 8, power output 12: output type 9, door lock with Master key 13: output type 10, door lock FR(i) 14: setpoint (FCS, RTT) 15: setpoint temperature monitoring (RTT)" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 2 } unit2OutputText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each output (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 3 } unit2OutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), setOff(7), setOn(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the output" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 4 } unit2OutputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Signed value for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 5 } unit2OutputSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), lock (3), unlock (4), unlockDelay (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 6 } unit2OutputConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disRemote (1), enRemote (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration for output 1: disable remote control (e.g. keypad) 2: enable remote control " ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 7 } unit2OutputDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned Value for delay, after this time the output will fall into the previous state" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 8 } unit2OutputTimeoutAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stay (1), off (2), on (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State for output if timeout (RS422) occurs" ::= { cmcTcUnit2OutputEntry 9 } -- Alarms cmcTcUnit2NumberOfMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of alarms that can be created with sensor unit 2" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Msg 1 } -- table with entry for each alarm available on this unit cmcTcUnit2MsgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit2MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of message table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit2Msg 2 } cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit2MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of message table" INDEX { unit2MsgIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgTable 1 } CmcTcUnit2MsgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit2MsgIndex INTEGER, unit2MsgText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit2MsgStatus INTEGER, unit2MsgRelay INTEGER, unit2MsgBeeper INTEGER, unit2MsgTrap1 INTEGER, unit2MsgTrap2 INTEGER, unit2MsgTrap3 INTEGER, unit2MsgTrap4 INTEGER, unit2MsgQuit INTEGER } unit2MsgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of alarm entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit2NumberOfMsgs." ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 1 } unit2MsgText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each message (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 2 } unit2MsgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), configChanged(2), error(3), ok(4), alarm(5), warning(6), tooLow(7), tooHigh(8), setOff(9), setOn(10), open(11), closed(12), locked(13), unlRemote(14), unlReaderKeypad(15), unlSNMP(16), unlWEB(17), unlTimer(18), noAccess(19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual message status 1: not available 2: configuration has changed (sensor new, changed, lost) 3: error 4: OK 5: alarm, e.g. smoke, vibration... 6: warning of analog value, value reached warning threshold 7: analog value too low, value reached low threshold 8: analog value too high, value reached high threshold 9: output is set to ON 10: output is set to OFF 11: door is open 12: door is closed 13: door is locked 14: door is unlocked by remote input, e.g. external cardreader 15: door is unlocked by reader or keypad connected to I2C 16: door is unlocked by SNMP set command (unit1OutputSet) 17: door is unlocked by WEB 18: door is unlocked by timer 19: no access, wrong keycode or cardnumber" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 3 } unit2MsgRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm relay for this alarm 2: no switching of alarm relay 1: switching of alarm relay" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 4 } unit2MsgBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm beeper for this alarm 2: no audible alarm 1: audible alarm" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 5 } unit2MsgTrap1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 1 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 6 } unit2MsgTrap2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 2 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 7 } unit2MsgTrap3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 3 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 8 } unit2MsgTrap4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 4 and Event Logging activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 9 } unit2MsgQuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset of this alarm 1: auto 2: manual, alarm needs confirmation, e. g. with 'C' key" ::= { cmcTcUnit2MsgEntry 10 } -- table END -- unit 3 cmcTcUnit3TypeOfDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), unitIO (2), unitAccess (3), unitClimate (4), unitFCS (5), unitRTT (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor unit connected to port 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 1 } cmcTcUnit3Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for sensor unit connected to port 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 2 } cmcTcUnit3Serial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Serialnumber of sensor unit connected to port 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 3 } cmcTcUnit3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), error(2), changed(3), quit(4), timeout(5), detected(6), notAvail(7), lowPower(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Status sensor unit connected to port 3 (1) OK (2) error, e. g. value overflow (3) configuration of sensor unit has changed, confirmation required (4) Quit from sensor unit to confirm configuration changes (5) timeout of sensor unit, confirmation required to unload this unit (6) sensor unit detected, needs to be confirmed (7) unit is not available (8) supply voltage is too low" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit3 4 } -- Sensors cmcTcUnit3NumberOfSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensors connected to sensor unit 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Sensors 1 } -- table with entry for each sensor available on this unit cmcTcUnit3SensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit3SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of sensor table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Sensors 2 } cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit3SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of sensor table" INDEX { unit3SensorIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorTable 1 } CmcTcUnit3SensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit3SensorIndex INTEGER, unit3SensorType INTEGER, unit3SensorText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit3SensorStatus INTEGER, unit3SensorValue INTEGER, unit3SensorSetHigh INTEGER, unit3SensorSetLow INTEGER, unit3SensorSetWarn INTEGER } unit3SensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of value entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit3NumberOfSensors." ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 1 } unit3SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), access (4), vibration (5), motion (6), smoke (7), airFlow (8), type6 (9), temperature(10), current4to20(11), humidity(12), userNO (13), userNC (14), lock (15), unlock (16), voltOK (17), voltage (18), fanOK (19), readerKeypad (20), dutyPWM (21), fanStatus (22), leakage (23), warningRTT (24), alarmRTT (25), filterRTT (26) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor which is connected to sensor unit 3 to sensor[unit3SensorIndex] 1: no sensor connected 2: sensor failure 3: value overflow 4: sensor type 1, access sensor 5: sensor type 2, vibration sensor 6: sensor type 3, motion sensor 7: sensor type 4, smoke sensor 8: sensor type 5, air flow sensor 9: sensor type 6, reserved 10: sensor type 7, temperature sensor 11: sensor type 8, 4..20mA sensor 12: sensor type 9, humidity sensor 13: user sensor with normally opened contact 14: user sensor with normally closed contact 15: door locked sensor from locking device 16: remote unlock sensor (e.g. external keypad) 17: voltage sensor, indicates status of main voltage 18: voltage value 19: fan status 20: cardreader or keypad, connected to I2C port 21: duty cycle of fan, FCS-Unit 22: status of fan, FCS-Unit 23: leakage sensor 24: warning, RittalTopTherm(RTT)-Unit 25: alarm, RittalTopTherm-Unit 26: temperature difference filter monitor, RTT-Unit" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 2 } unit3SensorText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each sensor (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 3 } unit3SensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), warning(7), tooLow(8), tooHigh(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 4 } unit3SensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 5 } unit3SensorSetHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for high setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 6 } unit3SensorSetLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for low setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 7 } unit3SensorSetWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for warning setpoint of sensor, also used as fan threshold" ::= { cmcTcUnit3SensorEntry 8 } -- table END -- Outputs cmcTcUnit3NumberOfOutputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of outputs available on sensor unit 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Outputs 1 } -- table with entry for each output available on this unit cmcTcUnit3OutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit3OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of output table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Outputs 2 } cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit3OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of output table" INDEX { unit3OutputIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputTable 1 } CmcTcUnit3OutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit3OutputIndex INTEGER, unit3OutputType INTEGER, unit3OutputText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit3OutputStatus INTEGER, unit3OutputValue INTEGER, unit3OutputSet INTEGER, unit3OutputConfig INTEGER, unit3OutputDelay INTEGER, unit3OutputTimeoutAction INTEGER } unit3OutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of output entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit3NumberOfOutputs." ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 1 } unit3OutputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), doorLock (4), univLock1 (5), univLock2 (6), fan (7), fanSpeedContr (8), universalOut (9), roomLock(10), powerOut(11), doorLockMaster(12), doorLockFRi (13), setpoint (14), setpointTimax (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of output which is connected to sensor unit 3 to output[unit3OutputIndex] 1: no output connected 2: output failure 3: value overflow 4: output type 1, door locking TS8,Ergoform 5: output type 2, universal lock 1, lock with power 6: output type 3, universal lock 2, unlock with power 7: output type 4, fan relay 8: output type 5, fan controlled 9: output type 6, universal relay output 10: output type 7, room door lock 11: output type 8, power output 12: output type 9, door lock with Master key 13: output type 10, door lock FR(i) 14: setpoint (FCS, RTT) 15: setpoint temperature monitoring (RTT)" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 2 } unit3OutputText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each output (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 3 } unit3OutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), setOff(7), setOn(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the output" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 4 } unit3OutputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 5 } unit3OutputSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), lock (3), unlock (4), unlockDelay (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 6 } unit3OutputConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disRemote (1), enRemote (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration for output 1: disable remote control (e.g. keypad) 2: enable remote control " ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 7 } unit3OutputDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned Value for delay, after this time the output will fall into the previous state" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 8 } unit3OutputTimeoutAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stay (1), off (2), on (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State for output if timeout (RS422) occurs" ::= { cmcTcUnit3OutputEntry 9 } -- Msgs cmcTcUnit3NumberOfMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of alarms that can be created with sensor unit 3" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Msg 1 } -- table with entry for each alarm available on this unit cmcTcUnit3MsgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit3MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of message table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit3Msg 2 } cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit3MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of message table" INDEX { unit3MsgIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgTable 1 } CmcTcUnit3MsgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit3MsgIndex INTEGER, unit3MsgText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit3MsgStatus INTEGER, unit3MsgRelay INTEGER, unit3MsgBeeper INTEGER, unit3MsgTrap1 INTEGER, unit3MsgTrap2 INTEGER, unit3MsgTrap3 INTEGER, unit3MsgTrap4 INTEGER, unit3MsgQuit INTEGER } unit3MsgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of alarm entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit3NumberOfMsgs." ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 1 } unit3MsgText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each message (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 2 } unit3MsgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), configChanged(2), error(3), ok(4), alarm(5), warning(6), tooLow(7), tooHigh(8), setOff(9), setOn(10), open(11), closed(12), locked(13), unlRemote(14), unlReaderKeypad(15), unlSNMP(16), unlWEB(17), unlTimer(18), noAccess(19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual message status 1: not available 2: configuration has changed (sensor new, changed, lost) 3: error 4: OK 5: alarm, e.g. smoke, vibration... 6: warning of analog value, value reached warning threshold 7: analog value too low, value reached low threshold 8: analog value too high, value reached high threshold 9: output is set to ON 10: output is set to OFF 11: door is open 12: door is closed 13: door is locked 14: door is unlocked by remote input, e.g. external cardreader 15: door is unlocked by reader or keypad connected to I2C 16: door is unlocked by SNMP set command (unit1OutputSet) 17: door is unlocked by WEB 18: door is unlocked by timer 19: no access, wrong keycode or cardnumber" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 3 } unit3MsgRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm relay for this alarm 1: no switching of alarm relay 2: switching of alarm relay" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 4 } unit3MsgBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm beeper for this alarm 1: no audible alarm 2: audible alarm" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 5 } unit3MsgTrap1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 1 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 6 } unit3MsgTrap2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 2 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 7 } unit3MsgTrap3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 3 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 8 } unit3MsgTrap4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 4 and Event Logging activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 9 } unit3MsgQuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset of this alarm 1: auto 2: manual, alarm needs confirmation, e. g. with 'C' key" ::= { cmcTcUnit3MsgEntry 10 } -- table END -- unit4 cmcTcUnit4TypeOfDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), unitIO (2), unitAccess (3), unitClimate (4), unitFCS (5), unitRTT (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor unit connected to port 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 1 } cmcTcUnit4Text OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for sensor unit connected to port 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 2 } cmcTcUnit4Serial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Serialnumber of sensor unit connected to port 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 3 } cmcTcUnit4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), error(2), changed(3), quit(4), timeout(5), detected(6), notAvail(7), lowPower(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Status sensor unit connected to port 4 (1) OK (2) error, e. g. value overflow (3) configuration of sensor unit has changed, confirmation required (4) Quit from sensor unit to confirm configuration changes (5) timeout of sensor unit, confirmation required to unload this unit (6) sensor unit detected, needs to be confirmed (7) unit is not available (8) supply voltage is too low" ::= { cmcTcStatusSensorUnit4 4 } -- Sensors cmcTcUnit4NumberOfSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sensors connected to sensor unit 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Sensors 1 } -- table with entry for each sensor available on this unit cmcTcUnit4SensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit4SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of sensor table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Sensors 2 } cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit4SensorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of sensor table" INDEX { unit4SensorIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorTable 1 } CmcTcUnit4SensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit4SensorIndex INTEGER, unit4SensorType INTEGER, unit4SensorText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit4SensorStatus INTEGER, unit4SensorValue INTEGER, unit4SensorSetHigh INTEGER, unit4SensorSetLow INTEGER, unit4SensorSetWarn INTEGER } unit4SensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of value entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit4NumberOfSensors." ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 1 } unit4SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), access (4), vibration (5), motion (6), smoke (7), airFlow (8), type6 (9), temperature(10), current4to20(11), humidity(12), userNO (13), userNC (14), lock (15), unlock (16), voltOK (17), voltage (18), fanOK (19), readerKeypad (20), dutyPWM (21), fanStatus (22), leakage (23), warningRTT (24), alarmRTT (25), filterRTT (26) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of sensor which is connected to sensor unit 4 to sensor[unit4SensorIndex] 1: no sensor connected 2: sensor failure 3: value overflow 4: sensor type 1, access sensor 5: sensor type 2, vibration sensor 6: sensor type 3, motion sensor 7: sensor type 4, smoke sensor 8: sensor type 5, air flow sensor 9: sensor type 6, reserved 10: sensor type 7, temperature sensor 11: sensor type 8, 4..20mA sensor 12: sensor type 9, humidity sensor 13: user sensor with normally opened contact 14: user sensor with normally closed contact 15: door locked sensor from locking device 16: remote unlock sensor (e.g. external keypad) 17: voltage sensor, indicates status of main voltage 18: voltage value 19: fan status 20: cardreader or keypad, connected to I2C port 21: duty cycle of fan, FCS-Unit 22: status of fan, FCS-Unit 23: leakage sensor 24: warning, RittalTopTherm(RTT)-Unit 25: alarm, RittalTopTherm-Unit 26: temperature difference filter monitor, RTT-Unit" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 2 } unit4SensorText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each sensor (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 3 } unit4SensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), warning(7), tooLow(8), tooHigh(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 4 } unit4SensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 5 } unit4SensorSetHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for high setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 6 } unit4SensorSetLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for low setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 7 } unit4SensorSetWarn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for warning setpoint of sensor, also used as fan threshold" ::= { cmcTcUnit4SensorEntry 8 } -- table END -- Outputs cmcTcUnit4NumberOfOutputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of outputs available on sensor unit 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Outputs 1 } -- table with entry for each output available on this unit cmcTcUnit4OutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit4OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of output table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Outputs 2 } cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit4OutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of output table" INDEX { unit4OutputIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputTable 1 } CmcTcUnit4OutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit4OutputIndex INTEGER, unit4OutputType INTEGER, unit4OutputText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit4OutputStatus INTEGER, unit4OutputValue INTEGER, unit4OutputSet INTEGER, unit4OutputConfig INTEGER, unit4OutputDelay INTEGER, unit4OutputTimeoutAction INTEGER } unit4OutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of output entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit4NumberOfOutputs." ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 1 } unit4OutputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail (1), failure (2), overflow (3), doorLock (4), univLock1 (5), univLock2 (6), fan (7), fanSpeedContr (8), universalOut (9), roomLock(10), powerOut(11), doorLockMaster(12), doorLockFRi (13), setpoint (14), setpointTimax (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of output which is connected to sensor unit 4 to output[unit4OutputIndex] 1: no output connected 2: output failure 3: value overflow 4: output type 1, door locking TS8,Ergoform 5: output type 2, universal lock 1, lock with power 6: output type 3, universal lock 2, unlock with power 7: output type 4, fan relay 8: output type 5, fan controlled 9: output type 6, universal relay output 10: output type 7, room door lock 11: output type 8, power output 12: output type 9, door lock with Master key 13: output type 10, door lock FR(i) 14: setpoint (FCS, RTT) 15: setpoint temperature monitoring (RTT)" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 2 } unit4OutputText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each output (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 3 } unit4OutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), off(5), on(6), setOff(7), setOn(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the output" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 4 } unit4OutputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 5 } unit4OutputSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), lock (3), unlock (4), unlockDelay (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command for output" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 6 } unit4OutputConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disRemote (1), enRemote (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration for output 1: disable remote control (e.g. keypad) 2: enable remote control " ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 7 } unit4OutputDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned Value for delay, after this time the output will fall into the previous state" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 8 } unit4OutputTimeoutAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stay (1), off (2), on (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State for output if timeout (RS422) occurs" ::= { cmcTcUnit4OutputEntry 9 } -- Msgs cmcTcUnit4NumberOfMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of alarms that can be created with sensor unit 4" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Msg 1 } -- table with entry for each alarm available on this unit cmcTcUnit4MsgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcUnit4MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of message table" ::= { cmcTcStatusUnit4Msg 2 } cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcUnit4MsgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of message table" INDEX { unit4MsgIndex } ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgTable 1 } CmcTcUnit4MsgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { unit4MsgIndex INTEGER, unit4MsgText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), unit4MsgStatus INTEGER, unit4MsgRelay INTEGER, unit4MsgBeeper INTEGER, unit4MsgTrap1 INTEGER, unit4MsgTrap2 INTEGER, unit4MsgTrap3 INTEGER, unit4MsgTrap4 INTEGER, unit4MsgQuit INTEGER } unit4MsgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of alarm entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcUnit4NumberOfMsgs." ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 1 } unit4MsgText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each message (entry in the table)" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 2 } unit4MsgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), configChanged(2), error(3), ok(4), alarm(5), warning(6), tooLow(7), tooHigh(8), setOff(9), setOn(10), open(11), closed(12), locked(13), unlRemote(14), unlReaderKeypad(15), unlSNMP(16), unlWEB(17), unlTimer(18), noAccess(19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual message status 1: not available 2: configuration has changed (sensor new, changed, lost) 3: error 4: OK 5: alarm, e.g. smoke, vibration... 6: warning of analog value, value reached warning threshold 7: analog value too low, value reached low threshold 8: analog value too high, value reached high threshold 9: output is set to ON 10: output is set to OFF 11: door is open 12: door is closed 13: door is locked 14: door is unlocked by remote input, e.g. external cardreader 15: door is unlocked by reader or keypad connected to I2C 16: door is unlocked by SNMP set command (unit1OutputSet) 17: door is unlocked by WEB 18: door is unlocked by timer 19: no access, wrong keycode or cardnumber" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 3 } unit4MsgRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm relay for this alarm 1: no switching of alarm relay 2: switching of alarm relay" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 4 } unit4MsgBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm beeper for this alarm 1: no audible alarm 2: audible alarm" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 5 } unit4MsgTrap1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 1 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 6 } unit4MsgTrap2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 2 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 7 } unit4MsgTrap3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 3 activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 8 } unit4MsgTrap4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 4 and Event Logging activated" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 9 } unit4MsgQuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto (1), manual (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset of this alarm 1: auto 2: manual, alarm needs confirmation, e. g. with 'C' key" ::= { cmcTcUnit4MsgEntry 10 } -- table END --Status extension unit cmcTcValuesRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm relay for alarm ext. unit(s) 1: no switching of alarm relay 2: switching of alarm relay" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 1 } cmcTcValuesBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup of Alarm beeper for alarm ext. unit(s) 1: no audible alarm 2: audible alarm" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 2 } cmcTcValuesTrap1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 1 activated" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 3 } cmcTcValuesTrap2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 2 activated" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 4 } cmcTcValuesTrap3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 3 activated" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 5 } cmcTcValuesTrap4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trap receiver 4 and Event Logging activated" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 6 } cmcTcNumberOfValues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of values availabel on extension units connected to the CMC" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 7 } -- table with entry for each value available on extension units cmcTcValuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of values-table" ::= { cmcTcStatusExtUnit 8 } cmcTcValuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of values-table" INDEX { valuesIndex } ::= { cmcTcValuesTable 1 } CmcTcValuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { valuesIndex INTEGER, valuesText DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)), valuesStatus INTEGER, valuesValue INTEGER, valuesSetHigh INTEGER, valuesSetLow INTEGER } valuesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of value entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcNumberOfValues." ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 1 } valuesText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Descriptional text for each value (entry in the table) of the extension card" ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 2 } valuesStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), lost(2), changed(3), ok(4), tooLow(5), tooHigh(6), error(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the value of the extension card" ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 3 } valuesValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value of sensor" ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 4 } valuesSetHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for high setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 5 } valuesSetLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value for low setpoint of sensor" ::= { cmcTcValuesEntry 6 } -- table END --setupGeneral-group cmcTcSetTempUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { celsius(1), fahrenheit(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit of all temperature values and setpoints, Celsius or Fahrenheit" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 1 } cmcTcSetBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Audible alarm in CMC-TC unit: (2): beeper is on (1): beeper is off (general)" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 2 } cmcTcQuitRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable acknowledging currently active alarm relay (with 'C' on CMC-TC)." ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 3 } cmcTcLogicRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closeAtAlarm(1), openAtAlarm(2), off(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Logic of alarm relay: (1) Relay will pick up in case of an alarm (2) Relay will release in case of an alarm (3) Relay off (general)" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 4 } cmcTcWebAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { viewOnly(1), fullAccess(2), off(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Web access via HTTP: (1) view only (2) full Access, read and set (3) Web disabled (general)" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 5 } -- SetupClock cmcTcSetupDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "actual Date in format DD.MM.YYYY" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 6 } cmcTcSetupTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "actual Time in format HH:MM:SS, HH (0-23), MM (0-59), SS (0-59)" ::= { cmcTcSetupGeneral 7 } -- table for timer function cmcTcTimerNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of value-table entries=number of outlets available on this unit" ::= { cmcTcTimerTable1 1 } cmcTcTimerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcTimerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Headline of status-table" ::= { cmcTcTimerTable1 2 } cmcTcTimerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcTimerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of timer-table" INDEX { cmcTcTimerIndex } ::= { cmcTcTimerTable 1 } CmcTcTimerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmcTcTimerIndex INTEGER, cmcTcTimerStatus INTEGER, cmcTcTimerDayOfWeek INTEGER, cmcTcTimeOn DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)), cmcTcTimeOff DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)), cmcTcTimeControl INTEGER, cmcTcTimerFunction INTEGER } cmcTcTimerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the list of timer entries. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of cmcTcTimerNumber." ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 1 } cmcTcTimerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchedOff(1), switchedOn(2), noTime(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of the timer" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 2 } cmcTcTimerDayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sun(1), mon(2), tue(3) , wed(4), thu(5), fri(6), sat(7), sat-sun(8), mon-fri(9), mon-sun(10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selection of day of week for timer to switch" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 3 } cmcTcTimeOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time to switch on current function, Format: HH:MM" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 4 } cmcTcTimeOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time to switch off current function, Format: HH:MM" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 5 } cmcTcTimeControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control via RTC" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 6 } cmcTcTimerFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disKeypad1-1 (1), disKeypad2-1 (2), disKeypad1-2 (3), disKeypad2-2 (4), disKeypad1-3 (5), disKeypad2-3 (6), disKeypad1-4 (7), disKeypad2-4 (8), unlDoor1-1 (9), unlDoor2-1 (10), unlDoor1-2 (11), unlDoor2-2 (12), unlDoor1-3 (13), unlDoor2-3 (14), unlDoor1-4 (15), unlDoor2-5 (16), disTrapRec1 (17), disTrapRec2 (18), disTrapRec3 (19), disTrapRec4 (20) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Function which is controlled via timer 1: unlock via keypad 1 on unit 1 or remote input lock 1 is disabled 2: unlock via keypad 2 on unit 1 or remote input lock 2 is disabled 3 unlock via keypad 1 on unit 2 or remote input lock 1 is disabled 4: unlock via keypad 2 on unit 2 or remote input lock 2 is disabled 5: unlock via keypad 1 on unit 3 or remote input lock 1 is disabled 6: unlock via keypad 2 on unit 3 or remote input lock 2 is disabled 7: unlock via keypad 1 on unit 4 or remote input lock 1 is disabled 8: unlock via keypad 2 on unit 4 or remote input lock 2 is disabled 9: Lock of door 1 on unit 1 will be unlocked 10: Lock of door 2 on unit 1 will be unlocked 11: Lock of door 1 on unit 2 will be unlocked 12: Lock of door 2 on unit 2 will be unlocked 13: Lock of door 1 on unit 3 will be unlocked 14: Lock of door 2 on unit 3 will be unlocked 15: Lock of door 1 on unit 4 will be unlocked 16: Lock of door 2 on unit 4 will be unlocked 17-20: sending Traps to this Trap receiver will be disabled" ::= { cmcTcTimerEntry 7 } --cmcTcTrapTable-group cmcTcTraptableNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of trapTable entries. The number of trap-receiver" ::= { cmcTcTraps 1 } cmcTcTrapTableTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmcTcTrapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of trap-receiver entries" ::= { cmcTcTraps 2 } cmcTcTrapTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmcTcTrapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entries of trapTable" INDEX { trapIndex } ::= { cmcTcTrapTableTable 1 } CmcTcTrapTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { trapIndex INTEGER, trapStatus INTEGER, trapIPaddress DisplayString } trapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for the trap-receiver-table. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of traptableNumber " ::= { cmcTcTrapTableEntry 1 } trapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable trap receiver" ::= { cmcTcTrapTableEntry 2 } trapIPaddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP-address of trap-receiver" ::= { cmcTcTrapTableEntry 3 } --cmcTcControl-group (Added in Version 1.1) cmcTcQuitUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noQuit(1), quit(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command to quit (acknowledge) alarms of CMC-TC unit. Setting to 'quit' (2) will have same result as pressing 'C' on Units. Variable is automatically set back to 'noQuit' (1)." ::= { cmcTcControl 1 } --Traps alarmSensorUnit1 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, unit1MsgIndex, unit1MsgText, unit1MsgStatus, unit1SensorValue } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of Sensor unit 1" -- --#TYPE "Sensor unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Alarm[%s]: %s, Status: %s, from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,6,5,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 1 alarmSensorUnit2 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, unit2MsgIndex, unit2MsgText, unit2MsgStatus, unit2SensorValue } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of sensor unit 2" -- --#TYPE "Sensor unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Message: %s from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 2 alarmSensorUnit3 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, unit3MsgIndex, unit3MsgText, unit3MsgStatus, unit3SensorValue } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of sensor unit 3" -- --#TYPE "Sensor unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Message: %s from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 3 alarmSensorUnit4 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, unit4MsgIndex, unit4MsgText, unit4MsgStatus, unit4SensorValue } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of sensor unit 4" -- --#TYPE "Sensor unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Message: %s from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 4 alarmUnit1 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, cmcTcUnit1Text, cmcTcUnit1Status } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of unit 1" -- --#TYPE "Unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Status: %s, from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 5 alarmUnit2 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, cmcTcUnit2Text, cmcTcUnit2Status } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of unit 2" -- --#TYPE "Unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Status: %s, from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 6 alarmUnit3 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, cmcTcUnit3Text, cmcTcUnit3Status } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of unit 3" -- --#TYPE "Unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Status: %s, from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 7 alarmUnit4 TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, cmcTcUnit4Text, cmcTcUnit4Status } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of unit 4" -- --#TYPE "Unit alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Status: %s, from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,4,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 8 alarmValues TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, valuesIndex, valuesText, valuesStatus } DESCRIPTION "Alarm of values measured by external card" -- --#TYPE "Values alarm" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Message: %s, Status: %s from: %s, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,5,6,2,1} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 9 configChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cmcTc VARIABLES { sysDescr, sysContact, sysName, sysLocation } DESCRIPTION "The configuration of the cmc has changed, this trap is send if new setup is saved. Configuration can be changed by Terminal, Telnet, Web or SNMP *** NOT IMPLEMENTED *** " -- --#TYPE "Configuration is changed" --#SUMMARY "Location: %s, Configuration of %s, unit %s has changed, contact %s" --#ARGUMENTS {3,2,0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 6 --#STATE OPERATIONAL -- ::= 10 END