#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Author: Martin Fuerstenau, Oce Printing Systems # martin.fuerstenau_at_oce.com or Martin.fuerstenau_at_nagiossw.org # # Date: 14 Apr 2011 # # # Purpose and features of the program: # # - Get the CPU Usage for Windows, Solaris and Linux servers. # use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; #--- Start presets and declarations ---------------------------------------------- my $version = '1.0'; # The program version my $get_version; # Switch to display the program version my $progname = basename($0); # The name of the program my $warning; # The warning threshold my $warning_def=80; # The default warning threshold my $critical; # The critical threshold my $critical_def=90; # The default critical threshold my $result; # The result from the snmpwalk my @result; # The splitted result from the snmpwalk my $host; # Host to check my $help; # Switch to display the help function my $community; # Contains the SNMP community string my $community_def="public"; # Contains the SNMP default community string my $NoA; # Number of Arguments handled over to the program # -1 means no arguments which will cause an error my $cpu_usage=""; # The usage per CPU my $avg_usage; # The usage for all CPUs my $perf_usage; # The usage for all my $noperfdata; # If set no performance data will be delivered my $NoC; # Number of CPUs my $snmpversion; # SNMP version my $snmpversion_def=1; # SNMP version default my $timeout; # SNMP timeout my $timeout_def=60; # SNMP timeout default sub usage(); sub help (); #--- End presets ----------------------------------------------------------------- # First we have to fix the number of arguments $NoA=$#ARGV; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions ("H=s" => \$host, "hostname=s" => \$host, "C=s" => \$community, "community=s" => \$community, "w=s" => \$warning, "warning=s" => \$warning, "c=s" => \$critical, "critical=s" => \$critical, "t=s" => \$timeout, "timeout=s" => \$timeout, "V" => \$get_version, "version" => \$get_version, "v=s" => \$snmpversion, "snmpversion=s" => \$snmpversion, "n" => \$noperfdata, "noperfdata" => \$noperfdata, "h" => \$help, "help" => \$help); if ($get_version) { print "$progname version: $version\n"; exit 0; } if ($help) { help(); exit 0; } # Right number of arguments (therefore noa :-)) ) if ( $NoA == -1 ) { usage(); exit 1; } if (!$warning) { $warning=$warning_def; } if (!$critical) { $critical=$critical_def; } if (!$timeout) { $timeout=$timeout_def; } if (!$host) { print "Host name/address not specified\n\n"; usage(); exit 1; } if (!$snmpversion) { $snmpversion=$snmpversion_def; } else { if ( $snmpversion ne "1" ) { if ( $snmpversion ne "2c" ) { print "\nWrong SNMP version submitted. Only version 1 of 2c is allowed.\n\n"; exit 1; } } } if (!$community) { $community = $community_def; print "No community string supplied - using default $community_def\n"; } $result =`snmpwalk -v $snmpversion -t $timeout -c $community $host`; if ( $result ) { @result = split (/\n/,$result); $NoC=0; foreach ( @result ) { s/HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.\d+ = INTEGER://g; $avg_usage+=$_; $cpu_usage=$cpu_usage.", CPU-$NoC:$_%".";".$warning.";".$critical; $NoC++; } $avg_usage = $avg_usage / $NoC; $avg_usage = sprintf("%.0f",$avg_usage); $perf_usage = $cpu_usage; $cpu_usage =~ s/;$warning;$critical//g; $perf_usage =~ s/, / /g; $perf_usage =~ s/: /=/g; $perf_usage = "CPU-AVG=".$avg_usage."%".";".$warning.";".$critical.$perf_usage; if ( $avg_usage < $warning ) { if (!$noperfdata) { print "OK: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage|$perf_usage"; exit 0; } else { print "OK: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage"; exit 0; } } else { if ( $avg_usage >= $warning ) { if ( $avg_usage < $critical ) { if (!$noperfdata) { print "WARNING: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage|$perf_usage"; exit 1; } else { print "WARNING: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage"; exit 1; } } else { if (!$noperfdata) { print "CRITICAL: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage|$perf_usage"; exit 2; } else { print "CRITICAL: Average CPU usage: $avg_usage%$cpu_usage"; exit 2; } } } } } else { print "Unknown: No response\n"; exit 3; } # ---- Subroutines ------------------------------------------------------- sub usage() { print "Usage:\n"; print "$progname -H |--hostname= [-C |--community=] "; print "[-v <1|2c>|--snmpversion=<1|2c>] [-t |--timeout=] [-n|--noperfdata] "; print "[-w |--warning=] [-c |--critical=]\n\n"; print "or \n\n"; print "$progname -h|--help\n\n"; print "or \n\n"; print "$progname -V|--version\n"; } sub help () { usage(); print "This plugin check the CPU usage of solaris, linux and windows servers\n\n"; print "-h|--help Print detailed help screen\n"; print "-V|--version Print version information\n"; print "-H |--hostname= Hostname/IP-Adress to use for the check.\n"; print "-C |--community= SNMP community that should be used to access the switch.\n"; print " Default: $community_def\n"; print "-n|--noperfdata Don't print performance data.\n"; print "-t |--timeout= Seconds before plugin times out.\n"; print " Default: $timeout_def\n"; print "-v <1|2c>|--snmpversion=<1|2c> SNMP version details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)\n\n"; print " Default: $snmpversion_def\n"; print "-w |--warning= Warning threshold in percent.\n\n"; print " Default: $warning_def\n"; print "-c |--critical= Critical threshold in percent.\n\n"; print " Default: $critical_def\n"; }