#!/bin/bash ######################################################### # # # Dell PowerConnect # # # # ----------------------------------------------------- # # # # Overview # # # # This plugin will check any Dell PowerConnect # # switch. As with most of my plugins, it came out of a # # specific need my company had when my new boss decided # # to purchase PowerConnect switches for a remote site. # # (we are traditionally a Cisco shop). When searching # # for plugins, I found FMFreak's PowerConnect plugin, # # but it lacked ability to check environmentals. So, # # this script was designed to do precisely that. I also # # added the ability for it to report asset information. # # # # Most options for this program are fairly self- # # explanatory. The only thing worth nothing is that, in # # order to check a specific port, the -p parameter has # # to be used in addition to specifying -t port. I had # # considered doing something similar to my snmp printer # # plugin, but may reserve that for a future version. # # (that would include allowing a comma-separated list # # of ports to check!) # # # # The same applies for environmentals. I decided # # to allow them to be checked individually, but may add # # an option later to also check them all at once (like # # my HP server checks). # # # # This plugin is distributed under the GNU GPL license. # # You may re-destribute only according to the terms of # # the GNU GPL v2. # # # # Version 1.3 # ######################################################### ######################################################### ## GLOBAL VARIABLES ## ######################################################### APPNAME=$(basename $0) VERSION="1.0" EXIT_CODE=0 EXIT_STRING="" PERFDAT="" WARNING=60 CRITICAL=70 ######################################################### ## print_help Function ## ######################################################### # Prints out user help and gives examples of proper # # plugin usage # ######################################################### function print_help () { echo 'Dell PowerConnect Checks for Nagios' echo '' echo 'This plugin is not developped by the Nagios Plugin group.' echo 'Please do not e-mail them for support on this plugin.' echo '' echo 'For contact info, please read the plugin script file.' echo '' echo "Usage of $APPNAME" echo " $APPNAME -H -C -t [-p] [-w] [-c] [-S] | -h | -V " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Usable Options:" echo ' -C ' echo ' The SNMP Community variable - use the name of your SNMP community with read privileges' echo ' By default, the community is assumed to be public' echo ' -H ' echo ' (required option)' echo ' The IP address or hostname of the system to check' echo ' -w ' echo ' warning threshold (degrees)' echo ' -c ' echo ' critical threshold (degrees)' echo ' -t { assets | uptime | ports | port | temps | fans | psus }' echo ' (required option)' echo ' type of check to perform' echo ' -p ' echo " specify a port number to be checked (only for the '-t port' option" echo ' -h' echo ' show this help screen' echo ' -V' echo ' show the current version of the plugin' echo "" echo "Examples:" echo " $APPNAME -H hostname -C public -t port -p 42" echo ' to check status of port 42' echo " $APPNAME -H hostname -C public -t psus" echo ' to check status of power supplies' echo " $APPNAME -H hostname -C public -t temps -w 60 -c 70" echo ' to check thermal temperatures' echo "" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" return 3 } ######################################################### ## CheckPorts function ## ######################################################### # Checks general status of all ports in the stack # ######################################################### function CheckPorts () { PORT_STATUS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -On -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME 2>/dev/null) NUM_PORTS_UP=$(echo "$PORT_STATUS" | grep -c "up" ) NUM_PORTS_DOWN=$(echo "$PORT_STATUS" | grep -c "down") if [ "$NUM_PORTS_UP" -ge 0 ] && [ "$NUM_PORTS_DOWN" -ge 0 ]; then EXIT_STRING="OK: Ports Up - $NUM_PORTS_UP, Ports Down - $NUM_PORTS_DOWN" PORTS_EXIT_STATUS=0 else EXIT_STRING="UNKNOWN: received unexpected values for port status." PORTS_EXIT_STATUS=1 fi return $PORTS_EXIT_STATUS } ######################################################### ## CheckPort function ## ######################################################### # Checks status of a single port in the stack # ######################################################### function CheckPort () { PORT_STATUS=$(snmpget -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY -On $HOST_NAME$1 2>/dev/null) case "$PORT_STATUS" in "up") EXIT_STRING="OK: Port $1 $PORT_STATUS" PORT_EXIT_STATUS=0 ;; "down") EXIT_STRING="CRITICAL: Port $1 $PORT_STATUS" PORT_EXIT_STATUS=2 ;; *) EXIT_STRING="UNKOWN: Port $1 not a valid port for this stack." PORT_EXIT_STATUS=1 ;; esac return $PORT_EXIT_STATUS } ######################################################### ## CheckTemps function ## ######################################################### # Checks status of temperatures for a stack # ######################################################### function CheckTemps () { TEMPS_EXIT_STATUS=0 MODEL=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME | tr -d "\""|cut -d " " -f2) TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) if [ "$MODEL" == "Networking" ] ; then MODEL=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME | tr -d "\""|cut -d " " -f3) fi if [ "${MODEL:0:3}" == "N40" ] ; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) MODEL="0" fi if [ "${MODEL:0:3}" == "N30" ] ; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) MODEL="0" fi if [ "${MODEL:0:3}" == "N20" ] ; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) MODEL="0" fi if [ "${MODEL:0:2}" == "Sw" ] ; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) MODEL="0" fi if [ "${MODEL:0:2}" -eq 62 ] || [ "${MODEL:0:2}" -eq 80 ]; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) fi if [ "${MODEL:0:2}" -eq 34 ]; then TEMP_VALUES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME 2>/dev/null) fi TEMP_IDS=$(echo "$TEMP_VALUES" | wc -l ) CURRENT_SENSOR=1 while [ $CURRENT_SENSOR -le $TEMP_IDS ]; do TEMP_ID=$CURRENT_SENSOR; if [[ $TEMP_VALUES == *OID* ]]; then TEMP=0; else TEMP=$(echo "$TEMP_VALUES"| awk NR=="$CURRENT_SENSOR"); fi if [ $TEMP -ge $CRITICAL ]; then EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: Sensor $TEMP_ID temperature of $TEMP degrees exceeds threshold of $CRITICAL!" TEMPS_EXIT_STATUS=2 else if [ $TEMP -lt "$CRITICAL" ] && [ $TEMP -ge "$WARNING" ]; then EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING WARNING: Sensor $TEMP_ID temperature of $TEMP degrees exceeds threshold of $WARNING!" TEMPS_EXIT_STATUS=1 else EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING OK: Sensor $TEMP_ID temperature is $TEMP." TEMPS_EXIT_STATUS=0 fi fi PERFDAT="$PERFDAT Sensor$TEMP_ID=$TEMP;$WARNING;$CRITICAL;" CURRENT_SENSOR=$[ $CURRENT_SENSOR+1 ]; done return $TEMPS_EXIT_STATUS } ######################################################### ## CheckFans function ## ######################################################### # Checks status of fans for a stack # ######################################################### function CheckFans () { FAN_EXIT_STATUS=0 FAN_CONDITIONS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) NUM_FANS=$(echo "$FAN_CONDITIONS" | wc -l) FAN_DESCRIPTIONS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) CURRENT_FAN=1 while [ $CURRENT_FAN -le $NUM_FANS ]; do FAN_DESCR=$(echo "$FAN_DESCRIPTIONS" | tr -d "\"" | awk NR=="$CURRENT_FAN") FAN_STATUS=$(echo "$FAN_CONDITIONS" | awk NR=="$CURRENT_FAN") case "$FAN_STATUS" in 1) EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING OK: $FAN_DESCR normal." ;; 2) if [ "$FAN_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 1 ]; then # only set WARNING if nothing else has yet FAN_EXIT_STATUS=1 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING WARNING: $FAN_DESCR compromised!" ;; 3) if [ "$FAN_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet FAN_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING $FAN_DESCR critical!" ;; 4) if [ "$FAN_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet FAN_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: $FAN_DESCR critical! Please shutdown the unit!" ;; 5) # This condition is ignore, fan not exist in some models. ;; 6) if [ "$FAN_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet FAN_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: $FAN_DESCR not functioning." ;; esac CURRENT_FAN=$[ $CURRENT_FAN+1 ]; done return $FAN_EXIT_STATUS } ######################################################### ## CheckPSUs function ## ######################################################### # Checks status of power supplies for a stack # ######################################################### function CheckPSUs () { PSU_EXIT_STATUS=0 PSU_CONDITIONS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null) NUM_PSUS=$(echo "$PSU_CONDITIONS" | wc -l) PSU_DESCRIPTIONS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME 2>/dev/null) PSU_TYPES=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME 2>/dev/null) CURRENT_PSU=1 while [ $CURRENT_PSU -le $NUM_PSUS ]; do PSU_DESCR=$(echo "$PSU_DESCRIPTIONS" | tr -d "\"" | tr "_" " " | awk NR=="$CURRENT_PSU") PSU_TYPE=$(echo "$PSU_TYPES" | awk NR=="$CURRENT_PSU" ) # 60xx series alway show unknown source # case "$PSU_TYPE" in 1) PSU_DESCR="$PSU_DESCR (unknown source)" ;; 2) PSU_DESCR="$PSU_DESCR (ac power)" ;; 3) PSU_DESCR="$PSU_DESCR (dc power)" ;; 4) PSU_DESCR="$PSU_DESCR (external power)" ;; 5) PSU_DESCR="$PSU_DESCR (internal power)" ;; esac PSU_STATUS=$(echo "$PSU_CONDITIONS" | awk NR=="$CURRENT_PSU") case "$PSU_STATUS" in 1) EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING OK: $PSU_DESCR normal." ;; 2) if [ "$PSU_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 1 ]; then # only set WARNING if nothing else has yet PSU_EXIT_STATUS=1 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING WARNING: $PSU_DESCR compromised!" ;; 3) if [ "$PSU_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet PSU_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: $PSU_DESCR critical!" ;; 4) if [ "$PSU_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet PSU_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: $PSU_DESCR critical! Please shutdown the unit!" ;; 5) if [ "$PSU_EXIT_STATUS" -eq 0 ] && [ "$PSU_TYPE" -eq 3 ] && [ "$PSU_STATUS" -ne 5 ] ; then PSU_EXIT_STATUS=3 EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING UNKNOWN: $PSU_DESCR not present - please check that you are monitoring the right device and IP address." fi ;; 6) if [ "$PSU_EXIT_STATUS" -lt 2 ]; then # only set CRITICAL if nothing else has yet PSU_EXIT_STATUS=2 fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING CRITICAL: $PSU_DESCR not functioning." ;; esac CURRENT_PSU=$[ $CURRENT_PSU+1 ] done return $PSU_EXIT_STATUS } ######################################################### ## MAIN CODE ## ######################################################### # Check that all required binaries for the script are available # EXIT with an UNKNOWN status if not binaries="snmpwalk cut tr" for required_binary in $binaries; do which $required_binary > /dev/null if [ "$?" != '0' ];then printf "UNKNOWN: $APPNAME: No usable '$required_binary' binary in '$PATH'\n" exit 3 fi done # Parse our options as passed, and make sure things are peachy while getopts "C:H:w:c:t:p:hV" OPTION; do case $OPTION in "C") COMMUNITY=$OPTARG ;; "H") HOST_NAME=$OPTARG ;; "w") # Assign WARNING threshold WARNING=$OPTARG ;; "c") # Assign CRITICAL threshold CRITICAL=$OPTARG ;; "t") CHECK_TYPE=$OPTARG ;; "p") # need to try and be sure -t has been used PARAMETER=$OPTARG ;; "h") print_help exit $? ;; "V") printf "$APPNAME - version $VERSION\n" exit $EXIT_CODE ;; esac done # Make sure all necessary arguments were given; EXIT with an UNKNOWN status if not if [ -z "$COMMUNITY" ] || [ -z "$HOST_NAME" ];then EXIT_STRING="UNKNOWN: Hostname and/or Community variables have not been set!\nTry first with -help\n" EXIT_STATUS=3 else # Determine health of most major components (hard drives are under a differet MIB tree and are not included) MODEL=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME | tr -d "\"") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #Check for server response - is SNMP even setup okay? EXIT_STRING="WARNING: No SNMP response from $HOST_NAME! Make sure host is up and SNMP is configured properly.\n" EXIT_CODE=1 else case "$CHECK_TYPE" in "assets") SWITCH_IDS=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . for SWITCH_ID in $(echo "$SWITCH_IDS") do FIRMWARE=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME . 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\"") SERIAL=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME .$SWITCH_ID 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\"") SVC_TAG=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME .$SWITCH_ID 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\"") if [[ $SVC_TAG == *OID* ]] || [[ $SVC_TAG == "" ]] ; then SVC_TAG=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -Ovq -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME .$SWITCH_ID 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\""); #else # SVC_TAG=""; fi EXIT_STRING="$EXIT_STRING Unit $SWITCH_ID - $MODEL, Serial # $SERIAL, Service Tag $SVC_TAG, Firmware - $FIRMWARE;" done ;; "uptime") UPTIME=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -On -c $COMMUNITY $HOST_NAME 2>/dev/null | cut -f5- -d ' ') if [ "$UPTIME" != '' ]; then EXIT_STRING="OK: Uptime - $UPTIME"; else DESCRIPTION="CRITICAL: Unit may be down!"; EXIT_CODE=2 fi ;; "ports") CheckPorts EXIT_CODE=$? ;; "port") CheckPort "$PARAMETER" EXIT_CODE=$? ;; "temps") CheckTemps EXIT_CODE=$? ;; "fans") CheckFans EXIT_CODE=$? ;; "psus") CheckPSUs EXIT_CODE=$? ;; *) EXIT_STRING="UNKNOWN: No check type specified to -t parameter" EXIT_CODE=3 ;; esac fi fi # If the program hasn't exited already, then a check was run okay and we can quit. if [ "$PERFDAT" == "" ]; then printf "$EXIT_STRING\n" else printf "$EXIT_STRING|$PERFDAT\n" fi exit $EXIT_CODE