# check_hpacucli
# Copyright © 2012 Philip Garner, Technophobia Limited.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Orginaly written by John Carroll for use with BCNU.
# Cannibalised by Phil Garner for Nagios.
# This plugin was written for and at the expense of Technophobia Limited
# and is being made available with there authorisation.
# Authors: Phil Garner - phil.garner@technophobia.com
# John Carroll - john.carroll@technophobia.com
# v0.1 06/03/2012
# v0.2 11/06/2012 change file opp test on hpacucli
# v0.3 12/11/2012 add -w
# v0.4 23/11/2013 Fix for 5.14+ depreciations
# NOTES: Requires Perl Module Nagios::Plugin & hpacucli to be installed
# Nagios user will need sudo access - suggest adding line below to
# sudoers:
# nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hpacucli
# In sudoers if requiretty is on (off state is default)
# you will also need to add the line below
# Defaults:nagios !requiretty
use strict;
use warnings;
use Nagios::Plugin;
# These may need changing depending on the configuration of your system
my $hpacucli = '/usr/sbin/hpacucli';
my $sudo = '/usr/bin/sudo';
my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new(
shortname => 'check_hpacucli',
version => '0.3',
usage => "Usage: %s \n\t\t--help for help\n",
license => "License - GPL v3 see code for more details",
url => "http://www.technophobia.com",
blurb => "Blurb:
\tNagios plugin that checks HP RAID controller status with hpacucli,
\trequires CPAN module Nagios::Plugin & hpacucli to be installed.
\tTo work it will need a sudoers line see NOTES in code for details.",
# Define Extra Args
spec => 'informative|i',
help => 'Adds information on each check even if OK',
required => 0,
spec => 'warnonly|w=s',
help => 'comma seperated list of things to warn on and not crit (default)',
required => 0,
my ( $slot, $fh, $fh2, @warn_only );
my $warn_only_list = $np->opts->warnonly;
if ( defined $warn_only_list ) {
@warn_only = split( /,/, $warn_only_list );
# Check sudo is installed and executable
if ( !-x $sudo ) {
$np->nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "No executable sudo at $sudo" );
# Check hpacucli is installed
if ( !-e $hpacucli ) {
$np->nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "No hpacucli at $hpacucli" );
# Get controller status
open( $fh, "$sudo $hpacucli controller all show status|" )
or $np->nagios_exit( CRITICAL, "Failed to run hpacucli" );
# Spin through output
foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
if ( $line =~ m/Another instance of hpacucli is running! Stop it first\./i )
$np->nagios_exit( CRITICAL,
"Another instance of hpacucli is running!" );
elsif ( $line =~ m/Slot (\d+)/i ) {
my $slot = $1;
# Now get further details on each controller
foreach my $PARAM (qw(array physicaldrive logicaldrive)) {
open( $fh2,
"$sudo $hpacucli controller slot=$slot $PARAM all show status|"
or $np->add_message( CRITICAL,
"Failed to get info for $PARAM slot $slot" );
foreach my $line2 (<$fh2>) {
if ( $line2 =~ /^\s*$PARAM.*:\s*(\w+[\w\s]*)$/i ) {
my $result = $1;
chomp $result;
if ( $result ne "OK" ) {
chomp $line2;
if ( defined $warn_only_list ) {
foreach my $warn (@warn_only) {
if ( $warn eq $line2 ) {
$np->add_message( WARNING, "$line2" );
else {
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "$line2" );
else {
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "$line2" );
elsif ( $np->opts->informative ) {
chomp $line2;
$np->add_message( OK, "$line2" );
or $np->add_message( CRITICAL,
"Failed to get info for $PARAM slot $slot" );
else {
# Check the overall controller status is OK
if ( $line =~ /Status\:\s*([\w\s]+)$/ ) {
my $result = $1;
chomp $result;
if ( $result ne "OK" ) {
chomp $line;
if ( defined $warn_only_list ) {
foreach my $warn (@warn_only) {
if ( $warn eq $line ) {
$np->add_message( WARNING, "$line" );
else {
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "$line" );
else {
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "$line" );
elsif ( $np->opts->informative ) {
chomp $line;
$np->add_message( OK, "$line" );
or $np->nagios_exit( CRITICAL,
"Failed to run $sudo $hpacucli controller all show status" );
# Output Info and Exit
$np->nagios_exit( $np->check_messages() );