#!/usr/bin/perl # This Plugin checks the status of Fortigate Firewalls # Check for proper args.... if ($#ARGV <= 0){ &print_help(); } my %status = ( 'UNKNOWN' => '-1', 'OK' => '0', 'WARNING' => '1', 'CRITICAL' => '2' ); my ($ip, $mode, $community, $modus, $warn, $crit, $performance) = pars_args(); @oidDescTest = (".", "."); until ($oidFound) { foreach $oidDesc (@oidDescTest) { $snmpCommand = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $oidDesc`; chomp $snmpCommand; if ($snmpCommand =~ "No Such Object") { # Do nothing } else { $oidFound = "yes"; $descString = $snmpCommand; } } } @descArray = split("\"", $descString); $unitdesc = @descArray[-1]; @descArray = split(",", $unitdesc); $unitdesc = @descArray[0]; @descArray = split(" ", $unitdesc); $unitdesc = @descArray[0]; if ($mode =~ "cpu" && $unitdesc =~ m/200/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "cpu" && $unitdesc =~ m/80c/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "cpu") { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "mem" && $unitdesc =~ m/200/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "mem" && $unitdesc =~ m/80c/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "mem") { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "ses" && $unitdesc =~ m/200/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "ses" && $unitdesc =~ m/80c/i) { $oid = "."; } elsif ($mode =~ "ses") { $oid = "."; } else { &print_help(); } eval { $snmpCommand = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $oid`; chomp $snmpCommand; } or do { system("clear"); print "\nOops! Your model doesn't seem to be supported by this script... Yet!\n\n"; print "If you want to help out, try running the following command (replace \"FGXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\" with your Fortigate's serial number):\n\n"; print " snmpwalk -v 2c -c public [FortiGate IP address] . | grep -iR \"FGXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\n"; print "\n"; print "The OIDs for CPU usage and other stats are almost always found near an OID containing the unit's serial number.\n\n"; print "For example, here's the output I get:\n\n"; print " # snmpwalk -v 2c -c public . | grep -iR \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n"; print " iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n"; print " iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n\n"; print "Now, all I need is to find which OID branch contains the info I want.\nTo do this, I grab the OID of the first result...\n\n"; print " iso.\n\n"; print "... remove the last two digits...\n\n"; print " iso.\n\n"; print "... and use that with snmpwalk.\n\n"; print " # snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.\n"; print " iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n\n"; print "Hmmm. Nothing useful here.\n\nLet's try the second value.\n\n"; print " iso.\n\n"; print "... remove the last two digits...\n\n"; print " iso.\n\n"; print "... and try that with snmpwalk!\n\n"; print " # snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.\n"; print " iso. = INTEGER: 1\n"; print " iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n"; print " iso. = Gauge32: 99\n"; print " iso. = Gauge32: 72\n"; print " iso. = Gauge32: 19690\n"; print " iso. = Gauge32: 212\n"; print " iso. = Counter32: 4185780372\n"; print " iso. = Counter32: 2786324006\n"; print " iso. = Counter32: 0\n"; print " iso. = Counter32: 0\n"; print " iso. = \"\"\n"; print " iso. = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)\n\n"; print "Ooohhh... I like this!\nThe third and fourth values turn out to be the values for CPU and RAM usage, respectively..\n\n"; print "So, try to find the values for your model, and I'll update the script with your findings.\n\n"; exit($status{"UNKNOWN"}); }; if ($mode =~ "cpu") { @cpuArray = split(" ", $snmpCommand); $usage = @cpuArray[-1]."%"; $usagestring = "CPU Usage"; } elsif ($mode =~ "mem") { @memArray = split(":", $snmpCommand); $usage = @memArray[-1]."%"; $usagestring = "Memory Usage"; } elsif ($mode =~ "ses") { @sesArray = split(" ", $snmpCommand); $usage = @sesArray[-1]; $warn = "1500"; $crit = "2000"; $usagestring = "Active IP Sessions"; } $usage =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove leading... $usage =~ s/\s+$//; # ...and trailing spaces my $string_errors=""; my $state = "OK"; my $unitstate="OK"; if ($modus >= 1 ) { if ($usage >= $warn) { $unitstate="WARNING"; } if ($usage >= $crit) { $unitstate="CRITICAL"; } } my $string = $unitdesc . ": " . $unitstate; $string = $string . ", $usagestring: " . $usage; my $perfstring=""; if ( $performance eq "yes" ) { $perfstring="| $usagestring=".$usage.";".$warn.";".$crit; } $string = $string.$perfstring; if($string =~/uknw/){ $state = "UNKNOWN"; } if($string =~/WARNING/){ $state = "WARNING"; } if($string =~/down/){ $state = "CRITICAL"; } if($string =~ m/critical/i){ $state = "CRITICAL"; } print $string."\n"; exit($status{$state}); sub pars_args { my $ip = ""; my $mode = ""; my $community = "public"; my $modus = "2"; my $warn = "80"; my $crit = "90"; my $performance = "yes"; while(@ARGV) { if($ARGV[0] =~/^-H|^--host/) { $ip = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-m|^--mode/) { $mode = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-C|^--community/) { $community = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-M|^--modus/) { $modus = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-w|^--warn/) { $warn = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-c|^--crit/) { $crit = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; next; } if($ARGV[0] =~/^-f|^-F/) { $performance = "yes"; shift @ARGV; next; } } return ($ip, $mode, $community, $modus, $warn, $crit, $performance); } sub print_help() { print "\n"; print "Usage: check_fortigate_status -H host -m mode [-C community] [-M X] [-w XX] [-c XX]\n\n"; print "Options:\n\n"; print " -H, --host hostname (or IP address)\n"; print " Check interface on the indicated host.\n\n"; print " -m, --mode STRING\n"; print " What to check\n"; print " Valid values are:\n"; print " cpu Returns CPU usage\n"; print " memory Returns memory usage\n"; print " sessions Returns the number of active IP sessions\n\n"; print " -C, --community STRING\n"; print " SNMP community string\n"; print " Default: public\n\n"; print " -M, --modus X\n"; print " 0: Just monitor, no alarms\n"; print " 1: Threshold excesses will cause alarms\n"; print " Default: 2\n\n"; print " -w, --warn XX\n"; print " Nagios warning threshold\n"; print " Percent value for \"memory\" and \"cpu\" modes\n"; print " Default: 80%\n"; print " Integer value for \"sessions\" mode\n"; print " Default: 1500\n\n"; print " -c, --crit XX\n"; print " Nagios critical threshold\n"; print " Percent value for \"memory\" and \"cpu\" modes\n"; print " Default: 90%\n"; print " Integer value for \"sessions\" mode\n"; print " Default: 2000\n"; #print " -F Also giving performance data output.\n\n"; #print "This plugin checks certain performance stats and gives the current utilization.\n\n"; exit($status{"UNKNOWN"}); }