#!/usr/bin/perl package Newtestlib; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTML::Form; use XML::Parser; use File::Copy; ######################################################################################### # # # Librairie Newtestlib Version 1 # # # ######################################################################################### ########################################################################################################## my $word_rbt=get_word_for_robot();#the word used for the robots in the file pooler my $word_sce=get_word_for_scenario(); my $i; my $j; my $count = 0; my $tag = ""; my $data; my $debug=0;#$v=0; my $name; my $ua =LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my @list_robot; my $cpt_robot=0; my $file_r; my $file_t; my @liste_sce; my $cpt_sce; my $parse1;#$g;#used for the parsing of xml file my $parse2;#$h;#used for the parsing of xml file my $parse3;#$q;#used for the parsing of xml file my $parse4;#$f;#used for the parsing of xml file my @rbt_sce; my $parse5;#$r;#used for the parsing of xml file my $parse6;#$s;#used for the parsing of xml file #my $az=0; my $response_children;#t# my $file_ch; my $port; my $url; my $nmc; my $passive_file; my $file_tmp; my $config_file; ################################################################################ ######################## sub get_debug{ #ercuperer la valuer de v pour le debug my($va)=@_; $debug=$va; } ######################## sub get_config_file{ my($cf)=@_; $config_file=$cf; } ######################## sub get_param{ #print("il entre"); my $file="$config_file"; open(CONF,"$file") || print("error when opening file $file"); my $t= -s $file; if($t == 0){print" file $file is empty please wait\n"; close(CONF); } else{ my $line; my @words; my $word; my @t; my $i; while( defined( $line = <CONF> ) ) { ##si ca commence par "#" sauter la ligne if(substr($line,0,1) eq "#"){#print("il a trouver # ==> saute la ligne"); goto EXIT;} else{ #sinon reciperer la ligne @words = split( /\=+/, $line ); $i=0; foreach $word (@words) { #si le premier mot est port recuperer le mot suivant ... #print("word=$word\n"); $word=~ s/\n+//; $t[$i]=$word; if(substr($t[$i-1],0,length($t[$i-1])) eq "port") {$port=$word;} if(substr($t[$i-1],0,length($t[$i-1])) eq "url") {$url=$word;} if(substr($t[$i-1],0,length($t[$i-1])) eq "newtest_output_folder") {$file_ch=$word;} if(substr($t[$i-1],0,length($t[$i-1])) eq "passive_file"){$passive_file=$word; } if(substr($t[$i-1],0,length($t[$i-1])) eq "nmc"){$nmc=$word;} $i++; } } EXIT: } } return($port,$url,$file_ch,$passive_file,$nmc); } ############################# sub get_file_rbt_plug{ return $file_r; } ############################# sub get_nmc{ my($adrr)=@_; $nmc=$adrr; } ############################# sub get_road{ return $file_ch; } ############################ ######################################################### ####### Robot ######## ######################################################### ####################################### debut robot ########################################################## ################################################################################# sub request_robot{ #requete pour recuperer les informations sur les robots my($srv)=@_; my $x; # cr�ation de la requ�te my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://$nmc" );#$srv # ex�cute la requ�te et re�oit la r�ponse my $res = $userAgent->request($req); if($debug==1){print("\n\n##################### ca marche jusque la ################## \n\n");} my $message ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"> <soap:Body><ListRobotStatus xmlns=\"http://www.auditec-newtest.com\"> <mode>Location</mode> <args> <string>/</string> </args> </ListRobotStatus> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>"; ##ENVOI DE LA REQUETE EN MODE "POST" au serveur don l'adresse a etait introduite par l'utilisateur en ligne de commande ### my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "http://$nmc:$port$url"); #creation de l'entete SOAP + message $request->header(SOAPAction => '"http://www.auditec-newtest.com/ListRobotStatus"'); $request->content($message); $request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $request->content_length(length($message)); ###la longeur de la requete en ne comptant pas l'entete SOAP mais en comptant tous les caracteres memes les blancs #envoi de la requete au serveur my $response = $userAgent->request($request); #reponse du serveur if($response->code == 200) { if($debug==1) { print($response->content);} $x=$response->content; ##recuperation de la reponse du serveur(texte xml) dans une variable if($debug==1) { print TRACE "the response of the agent is: $response"; } } else { print TRACE "the response of the agent is: $response"; if ($debug==1) {print($response->content); die $res->status_line if not $res->is_success; } $x=$response->content; } return $x; } ################################################################################################################################################ sub parser_robot{ #parser de la requete sur les robots my($x)=@_; my $parser = new XML::Parser; $parser->setHandlers( Start => \&Newtestlib::rbt_startElement, #End => \&endElement, Char => \&Newtestlib::rbt_characterData); #Default => \&default); #$parser->parsefile($fichier); $parser->parse($x); } #######recuperer les valeur: Name,Status et LastMessage de chaque robot et les mettre dans une table liste_robot########## sub rbt_startElement { my($parseinst,$element,%attrs) = @_; SWITCH: { if ($element eq 'Name') { $attrs{'Name'} = ''; $tag = 'Name'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'Status') { $attrs{'Status'} = ''; $tag = "Status"; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'LastMessage') { $attrs{'LastMessage'} = ''; $tag = 'LastMessage'; last SWITCH; } else {$tag=""}; } } ################################################# sub rbt_characterData { my($parseinst, $data ) = @_; if ($tag eq 'Name'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][0]=$data; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][0]=uc($list_robot[$cpt_robot][0]); #if ($debug==1) { print(" $list_robot[$cpt_robot][0] \n");} } elsif($tag eq 'Status'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][1]=$data; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][1]=uc($list_robot[$cpt_robot][1]); # if ($debug==1) { print(" $list_robot[$cpt_robot][1] \n"); } } elsif($tag eq 'LastMessage'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][2]=$data; $list_robot[$cpt_robot][2]=uc($list_robot[$cpt_robot][2]); #if ($debug==1) { print(" $list_robot[$cpt_robot][2] \n\n");} $cpt_robot++; } } ############################################################# sub recup_robot{ #recuperation du tableau concernant les informations sur les robots if ($debug == 1){print ("\n --------------------------------affichage des resultats-------------------------- \n"); for($i=0;$i<$cpt_robot;$i++) { for($j=0;$j<"3";$j++) { print (" \n $i $j $list_robot[$i][$j] \n "); } } } return($cpt_robot,@list_robot); } ####################################################### sub get_file_rbtsce{ #recuperer le nom complet du fichier file_rbt_sce my ($file)=@_; if($debug==1){print("\n ici file=$file");} $file_r="$file.txt"; my $sec; my $min; my $hour; my $day; my $month; my $year; my @Month_name = ( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ); ( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year ) = ( localtime ) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; my $t= "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d %s %04d"; my $s = $sec; my $m = $min; my $h = $hour; my $mday = $day; my $mon =$month;# @Month_name->[$month]; my $y = $year+1900; my $wday = 3; $t=time(); $file_tmp="$file_r\_tmp.$t"; open(FILE_R,">$file_tmp") || print("impossible d'ouvrir tmp_$file_r.$t"); } ############################ sub get_file_tmp{ return $file_tmp; } ############################ sub get_file_trace{ #recuperer le nom complet du fichier trace my ($file)=@_; if($debug==1){print("\n ici file_trace=$file");} $file_t=$file; open(TRACE,">>$file_t"); } ############################ sub writing_robot{ #ecriture des infrmations sur les robots dans le ficheir file_rbt_sce my($base,$cpt_rbt,@list_rbt)=@_; @list_robot= @list_rbt; $cpt_robot=$cpt_rbt; $base=$base; my $now = localtime; print TRACE "***** start :OPEN file_rbt_sce_$base at : $now *****\n"; for($i=0;$i<$cpt_robot;$i++) { print FILE_R ("$word_rbt\|\|$list_robot[$i][0]\|\|$list_robot[$i][1]\|\|$list_robot[$i][2]\n"); if($debug==1){ print("$word_rbt\|\|$list_robot[$i][0]\|\|$list_robot[$i][1]\|\|$list_robot[$i][2]\n");} } if($debug==1) { print("\n remplissage du fichier $file_r \n");} } ############################## fin robot ########################## ######################################################### ####### Robot ######## ######################################################### ####################################### debut sceanrio ########################################################## sub req_sce{ #requete n�1 sur les scenario(listscenariostatus) my($name)=@_; if($debug==1){print("name=$name");} my $msg ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"> <soap:Body> <ListScenarioStatus xmlns=\"http://www.auditec-newtest.com\"> <mode>Robot</mode> <range>0</range> <args> <string>$name</string> </args> </ListScenarioStatus> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>"; ######ENVOI DE LA REQUETE EN MODE "POST" au serveur dont l'adresse a etait introduite par l'utilisateur en ligne de commande ######## my $rq = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "http://$nmc:$port$url"); #creation de l'entete SOAP + message $rq->header(SOAPAction => '"http://www.auditec-newtest.com/ListScenarioStatus"'); $rq->content($msg); $rq->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $rq->content_length(length($msg)); ###la longeur de la requete en ne comptant pas l'entete SOAP mais en comptant tous les caracteres memes les blancs my $rs = $userAgent->request($rq); ############################################## my $y; $y=$rs->content; print TRACE "\nthe result of the second request is:\n $y\n"; if($debug==1) {print("\n recuperation de la requete scenario r�ussite \n");} print TRACE "end of the second request\n"; return $y; } ################################################################################################# sub get_name{#recuperer le nom du robot en cours my ($nam)=@_; if($debug==1){print("\n name=$nam");} $name=$nam; } ############################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# sub request_sce{#requete n�2 sur les scanrio(listresult) my ($name)=@_; my $msgc ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"> <soap:Body> <ListResults xmlns=\"http://www.auditec-newtest.com\"> <mode>Robot</mode> <range>30</range> <args> <string>$name</string> </args> </ListResults> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>"; my $reqc = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "http://$nmc:$port$url"); $reqc->header(SOAPAction => '"http://www.auditec-newtest.com/ListResults"'); $reqc->content($msgc); $reqc->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $reqc->content_length(length($msgc)); my $resc = $userAgent->request($reqc); my $z; if($debug==1) { print($resc->content);} $z= $resc->content; return $z; } ################################################################################################################# sub sce_parser{#parser de la requete n�1 sur scanrio my ($y)=@_; my $parser1 = new XML::Parser; $parser1->setHandlers(Start =>\&Newtestlib::sce_startElement, # End => \&endElement, Char =>\&Newtestlib::sce_characterData); # Default => \&default); $parser1->parse($y); #print FILE_R ("\|\|");### } ######################################################################################################### ###recuperer les valeur: Name,Status et LastMessage pour les scenarios de chaque robot + ecriture dans le meme fichier que celui des robots file_rbt_sce_nomserveur +remplir une table contenant les scenario liste_sce ############## sub sce_startElement { my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_; SWITCH: { if ($element eq 'MeasureName') { if ($debug==1) { print "MeasureName: ";} $attrs{'MeasureName'} = ''; $tag = "MeasureName"; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'Status') { if ($debug==1) { print 'Status: '; } $attrs{'Status'} = ''; $tag = 'Status'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'LastMessage') { $attrs{'LastMessage'} = ''; $tag = 'LastMessage'; last SWITCH; } else {$tag=""}; } } sub sce_characterData { #modifier en nomrobot,nomscenario,status,lastmessage my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_; if($tag eq 'Status'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $liste_sce[0][1]=$data; # } if($tag eq 'LastMessage'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $liste_sce[0][2]=$data; $liste_sce[0][2]=uc($liste_sce[0][2]); } if($tag eq 'MeasureName'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $liste_sce[0][0]=$data; $liste_sce[0][0]=uc($liste_sce[0][0]); #noms des scenarios du robot $name print FILE_R ("\n$word_sce\|\|$name\|\|$liste_sce[0][0]"); $liste_sce[0][4]=0; #################################### print TRACE "third request\n"; my $z=Newtestlib::request_sce($name); print TRACE "\nthe result of the third request is:\n $z\n"; my $parser2 = new XML::Parser; $parser2->setHandlers( Start => \&sce_c_startElement, Char => \&sce_c_characterData); $parser2->parse($z); if($debug==1) { print("\n il est au niveau du deuxieme parseur xml \"$parser2->parse($z); \"n ");} sub sce_c_startElement { my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_; SWITCH: { if ($element eq 'MeasureName'){ $attrs{'MeasureName'} = ''; $tag = 'MeasureName'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'Id') { $attrs{'Id'} = ''; $tag = 'Id'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'ExecutionDate') { $attrs{'ExecutionDate'} = ''; $tag = 'ExecutionDate'; last SWITCH; } else {$tag=""}; } } sub sce_c_characterData { my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_; if($tag eq 'Id'){ $data=~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse1=$data; $parse1=uc($parse1); #$parse1 contient l'id d'un scenario } elsif($tag eq 'ExecutionDate'){ $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse2=$data; $parse2=uc($parse2); } elsif($tag eq 'MeasureName'){ $data=~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse4=$data; $parse4=uc($parse4); if(($liste_sce[0][0] eq $parse4)&&($liste_sce[0][4]==0 )){#verification que la l'identifiant recuper� correspond bien a la mesure recuper�e ulterieurement #verifier que le nom du scanrio dans mes 2 tableau scanrio(lsitscanariostatus et listresult) est le meme afin d'ajouter l'id dans le premier tableau $rbt_sce[0][0]=$name; $rbt_sce[0][1]=uc($parse4); $rbt_sce[0][2]=uc($parse1); $rbt_sce[0][3]=uc($parse2); $liste_sce[0][4]=1; if($debug==1) {print("\n $name $liste_sce[0][0],$liste_sce[0][1],$liste_sce[0][2] !!!! $rbt_sce[0][0],$rbt_sce[0][1],$rbt_sce[0][2],$rbt_sce[0][3]\n");} print FILE_R ("=$rbt_sce[0][2]\|\|$liste_sce[0][1]\|\|$liste_sce[0][2]\|\|"); print TRACE ("\"if($tag eq 'MeasureName'){\" of the \"sub sce_c_characterData {\" of the result of third request\n"); children_request(); children_parser(); print FILE_R ("\|\|"); } else{if($debug==1) {print("\n saut pour:$name $liste_sce[$i][0]\n");}} } if($debug==1) { print("\n nouveau scenario\n");} } } } ################################################################################################################# ################################################################ ######## Mesures filles ######### ################################################################ sub children_request{ print TRACE "fourth request\n"; my $msgch ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"> <soap:Body> <ListResultChildren xmlns=\"http://www.auditec-newtest.com\"> <resultId>$parse1</resultId> </ListResultChildren> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>"; my $reqch = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "http://$nmc:$port$url"); $reqch->content($msgch); $reqch->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $reqch->content_length(length($msgch)); my $resch = $userAgent->request($reqch); if($debug==1) {print("\n resultat de la requete children\n");} if($debug==1) { print($resch->content);} print TRACE ("\nthe result of the fourth request is :\n$resch->content\n"); $response_children= $resch->content; if($debug==1){ print ("\n t= $response_children\n");} print TRACE "the result of the fourth request is:\n $response_children\n"; } ###################################################################################### sub children_parser{ my $parser3 = new XML::Parser; $parser3->setHandlers( Start => \&ch_startElement, Char => \&ch_characterData); $parser3->parse( $response_children); sub ch_startElement { my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_; SWITCH: { if ($element eq 'MeasureName'){ $attrs{'MeasureName'} = ''; $tag = 'MeasureName'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'ExecutionValue') { $attrs{'ExecutionValue'} = ''; $tag = 'ExecutionValue'; last SWITCH; } elsif ($element eq 'MeasureThreshold') { $attrs{'MeasureThreshold'} = ''; $tag = 'MeasureThreshold'; last SWITCH; } else {$tag=""}; } } sub ch_characterData { my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_; if($tag eq 'MeasureName'){ $data=~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse3=$data; } if($tag eq 'ExecutionValue'){ $data=~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse5=$data; } if($tag eq 'MeasureThreshold'){ $data=~ s/\n|\t//g; $parse6=$data; if($parse6 == -79228162514264337593543950335){$parse6 = -1;} print FILE_R ("$parse3=$parse5;$parse6!!"); } } } ############################ sub end{ my $now1 = localtime; my $now2 = localtime; ##pour afficher le moment ou le fichier trace fini de se remplir print TRACE ("\n end of the \"file file_rbt_sce_...\" : $now1\n***** $now2 *****\n "); close (TRACE); my $now4 = localtime; #print "\n end : $now4 \n";##pour afficher le moment ou le program close(FILE_R); FILE: #my $t= -s $file_r; if(!(-e $file_r)){ #if($t == 0){ copy("$file_tmp","$file_r") or print "File cannot be copied."; chmod '777',"$file_r"; unlink("$file_tmp"); goto QUIT; } else{ unlink("$file_r"); goto FILE } QUIT: } ############################ sub get_nagios_rbt_state{ my($stat)=@_; my @tab; $tab[0][0]="OK";#etat nmc $tab[0][1]="OK";#etat nagios $tab[0][2]="0";#exit nagios $tab[0][3]="10";#perf $tab[1][0]="SUSPENDED";#etat nmc $tab[1][1]="WARNING";#etat nagios $tab[1][2]="1";#exit nagios $tab[1][3]="5";#perf $tab[2][0]="STOPPED";#etat nmc $tab[2][1]="WARNING";#etat nagios $tab[2][2]="1";#exit nagios $tab[2][3]="5";#perf $tab[3][0]="UNKNOWN";#etat nmc $tab[3][1]="CRITICAL";#etat nagios $tab[3][2]="2";#exit nagios $tab[3][3]="0";#perf $tab[4][0]="UNINSTALLED";#etat nmc $tab[4][1]="CRITICAL";#etat nagios $tab[4][2]="2";#exit nagios $tab[4][3]="0";#perf $tab[5][0]="INOPERATIVE";#etat nmc $tab[5][1]="CRITICAL";#etat nagios $tab[5][2]="2";#exit nagios $tab[5][3]="0";#perf $tab[6][0]="RESUME";#etat nmc $tab[6][1]="WARNING";#etat nagios $tab[6][2]="1";#exit nagios $tab[6][3]="5";#perf if($stat eq "OK"){return ($tab[0][1],$tab[0][2],$tab[0][3]);} if($stat eq "SUSPENDED"){return ($tab[1][1],$tab[1][2],$tab[1][3]);} if($stat eq "STOPPED"){return ($tab[2][1],$tab[2][2],$tab[2][3]);} if($stat eq "UNKNOWN"){return ($tab[3][1],$tab[3][2],$tab[3][3]);} if($stat eq "UNINSTALLED"){return ($tab[4][1],$tab[4][2],$tab[4][3]);} if($stat eq "INOPERATIVE"){return ($tab[5][1],$tab[5][2],$tab[5][3]);} if($stat eq "RESUME"){return ($tab[6][1],$tab[6][2],$tab[6][3]);} } ############################ sub get_nagios_sce_state{ my($stat)=@_; my @tab; $tab[0][0]="Available";#etat nmc $tab[0][1]="OK";#etat nagios $tab[0][2]="0";#exit nagios $tab[1][0]="Warning";#etat nmc $tab[1][1]="WARNING";#etat nagios $tab[1][2]="1";#exit nagios $tab[2][0]="Failed";#etat nmc $tab[2][1]="CRITICAL";#etat nagios $tab[2][2]="2";#exit nagios $tab[3][0]="Canceled";#etat nmc $tab[3][1]="OK";#etat nagios $tab[3][2]="0";#exit nagios $tab[4][0]="Unknown";#etat nmc $tab[4][1]="UNKNOWN";#etat nagios $tab[4][2]="3";#exit nagios $tab[5][0]="OutOfRange";#etat nmc $tab[5][1]="UNKNOWN";#etat nagios $tab[5][2]="3";#exit nagios if($stat eq "Available"){return ($tab[0][1],$tab[0][2]);} if($stat eq "Warning"){return ($tab[1][1],$tab[1][2]);} if($stat eq "Failed"){return ($tab[2][1],$tab[2][2]);} if($stat eq "Canceled"){return ($tab[3][1],$tab[3][2]);} if($stat eq "Unknown"){return ($tab[4][1],$tab[4][2]);} if($stat eq "OutOfRange"){return ($tab[5][1],$tab[5][2]);} } sub get_plug_rbt_name{ my $name_plug_rbt="Newtest_plugin_rbt.pl"; return $name_plug_rbt; } sub get_plug_sce_name{ my $name_plug_sce="Newtest_plugin_rbt_sce.pl"; return $name_plug_sce; } sub more_param{ my (@arg)=@_; my $passif; $passif=get_passif_arg(); if ($arg[0] eq "" || $arg[1] eq "" || $arg[2] eq "" || $arg[3] eq "" ){ print("the file needs more parameters\nthe parameters are:\nthe name of the config file Newtest ex:/tmp/newtest_config.cfg\nthe case of execution ex:for the passif case 'p' and for the actif 'a'\nthe adress of the NMC ex:\nthe name of the robot ex:berlin\nfor the passif case :the name of the host (only for the file concerning the plugin scenario) ex:\n host_berlin \n ex: perl Newtest_plugin_rbt.pl c:\newtest_config.cfg a berlin ---> actif case\nex: perl Newtest_plugin_rbt.pl c:\newtest_config.cfg p berlin host_berlin --> passif case"); return "no-ok"; } if($arg[1] eq "$passif" && $arg[4] eq "") { print("the file needs an other parameter which is the name of the host\nex: host_berlin "); return "no-ok"; } } sub name_plugin_rbt{ my $plug_rbt= "Newtest_plugin_rbt.pl"; return $plug_rbt; } sub name_plugin_rbt_sce{ my $plug_rbt_sce= "Newtest_plugin_rbt_sce.pl"; return $plug_rbt_sce; } sub get_suffix_preffix_file_pooler{ my $suffix_file_pooler="Newtest_file_rbt_sce_"; my $preffix_file_pooler='.txt'; return ($suffix_file_pooler,$preffix_file_pooler); } sub get_suffix_preffix_trace_plug_rbt{ my $suffix_trace_plug_rbt="trace_Newtest_plugin_rbt_"; my $preffix_trace_plug_rbt='.log'; return ($suffix_trace_plug_rbt,$preffix_trace_plug_rbt); } sub get_suffix_preffix_trace_plug_sce{ my $suffix_trace_plug_sce="trace_Newtest_plugin_rbt_sce_"; my $preffix_trace_plug_sce='.log'; return ($suffix_trace_plug_sce,$preffix_trace_plug_sce); } sub get_passif_arg(){ my $passif_arg="p"; return $passif_arg; } sub robot_values{ my @tab; } sub get_word_for_robot{ $word_rbt="RBT"; return $word_rbt; } sub get_word_for_scenario{ $word_sce="SCE"; return $word_sce; } sub get_rbt_state { my @tab; $tab[0]="OK"; $tab[1]="SUSPENDED"; $tab[2]="STOPPED"; $tab[3]="UNKNOWN"; $tab[4]="UNINSTALLED"; $tab[5]="INOPERATIVE"; $tab[6]="RESUME"; return @tab; } sub exec_plug_sce_passif{ my ($current_dir)=@_; my $name_plug_rbt=Newtestlib::get_plug_rbt_name(); my $name_plug_rbt_sce=Newtestlib::get_plug_sce_name(); $current_dir= substr($current_dir,0, index($current_dir,$name_plug_rbt)); my $road_sce=$current_dir.$name_plug_rbt_sce; return $road_sce; } sub more_param_sce{ my (@arg)=@_; my $passif; $passif=get_passif_arg(); if ($arg[0] eq "" || $arg[1] eq "" || $arg[2] eq "" || $arg[3] eq "" || $arg[4] eq ""){ print("the file needs more parameters\nthe parametrs are:\nthe name of the config file Newtest ex:/tmp/newtest_config.cfg\nthe case of execution ex:for the passif case 'p' and for the actif case 'a'\nthe adress of the NMC ex:\nthe name of the robot ex:berlin\nthe name of the host for the passif case or the name of the scenario the actif case(only for the file concerning the plugin scenario) ex:\n host_berlin (passif case) or dns_test(actif case for the file concerning the plugin scenario)\nex: perl Newtest_plugin_rbt_sce.pl c:\\newtest_config.cfg a berlin dns_test ---> actif case\nex: perl Newtest_plugin_rbt_sce.pl c:\\newtest_config.cfg p berlin host_berlin ---> passif case"); return "no-ok"; } } 1;