# # Copyright 2009-2011 AppFirst, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #!/usr/bin/env python # ./membase_stats.py import subprocess import getopt import sys class MembaseStats: #mapping a list of resource name we are keeping the state resource_name_mapping = { "curr_items": {"description": "Current active items", "unit": "", "type": "current", "name": "current_active_items"}, "curr_items_tot": {"description": "Current total items", "unit": "", "type": "current", "name": "current_total_items"}, "ep_num_active_non_resident": {"description": "Current non-resident item", "unit": "", "type": "current", "name": "num_active_items_not_in_RAM"}, "get_hits": {"description": "Number of fetches", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_successful_get"}, "ep_bg_fetched": {"description": "Number of items fetched from the disk", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_items_get_from_disk" }, "ep_num_non_resident": {"description": "Number of items stored only on disk, not cached in RAM", "unit": "", "type": "current", "name": "num_total_items_not_in_RAM"}, "ep_total_enqueued": {"description": "Total number of items queued for storage" , "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "total_items_enqueued_for_storage"}, "ep_total_new_items": {"description": "Total number of persisted new items", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_persisted_new_items"}, "get_misses": {"description": "Number of unsuccessful fetches", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_unsuccessful_get"}, "mem_used": {"description": "Current memory usage", "unit": "B", "type": "current", "name": "memory_usage"}, "ep_total_cache_size": {"description": "Cache size", "unit": "B", "type": "current", "name": "total_cache_size"}, "bytes_written": {"description": "Number of bytes written", "unit": "B", "type": "cumulative", "name": "bytes_written"}, "ep_queue_size": {"description": "Number of items in the disk written queue", "unit": "", "type": "current", "name": "disk_write_queue_size"}, "ep_io_num_write": {"description": "Number of io write operations", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_io_write_operations"}, "ep_io_num_read": {"description": "Number of io read operations", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_io_read_operations"}, "ep_total_persisted": {"description": "Total number of persisted items", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_items_persisted"}, "ep_total_del_items": {"description": "Total number of persisted deletions", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_items_deleted"}, "ep_item_commit_failed": {"description": "Number of times a transaction failed to commit due to storage errors", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "num_failed_transactions"}, "ep_expired": {"description": "Number of times an item was expired", "unit": "", "type": "cumulative", "name": "expired_items"}, } data_file_name = "/usr/share/appfirst/plugins/membase_stats_data" prev_stats = {} d_stats = {} list = False # get the previous value from the data we kept def before_work(self): try: file = open(self.data_file_name, 'r') for line in file.readlines():# read all the previous value line by line items = line.split() if len(items) > 1: resource_name = items[0] resource_value = items[1] try: self.prev_stats[resource_name] = int(resource_value) except Exception,e: pass file.close() except Exception,e: pass def after_work(self): try: file = open(self.data_file_name, 'w') file_content = "" for key in self.prev_stats: file_content += ("%s %d\n" % (key, self.prev_stats[key])) file.write(file_content) file.close() except: pass def usage(self): print "usage:\n\tmembase_stats.py [-l|--list|-h|--help]\n\tmembase_stats.py metric|all\n\t\tWhere metric is one of the metrics shown with a -l|--list" def get_status(self): str_stats = subprocess.Popen("/opt/membase/bin/ep_engine/management/stats all", shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] stats = str_stats.split('\n') for i in range(len(stats) - 1): j = stats[i].index(':') k = stats[i].rindex(' ') try: self.d_stats[stats[i][1:j]] = int(stats[i][k+1:]) except ValueError: self.d_stats[stats[i][1:j]] = stats[i][k+1:] def main(self): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "lh", ["list", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: # print help information and exit: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) self.prev_stats = {} self.d_stats = {} self.before_work() for o, a in opts: if (o in ("-l")) or (o in ("--list")): self.list = True if (o in ("-h")) or o in ("--help"): self.usage() sys.exit(0) self.get_status() if self.list is True: for k in self.self.d_stats.iterkeys(): print k sys.exit(0) # # Nagios developer docs define perfomance data format as: # 'label'=value[UOM];[warn];[crit];[min];[max] # Example from check_http: # HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 8683 bytes in 1.196 second response time |time=1.196437s;5.000000;10.000000;0.000000 size=8683B;;;0 ec="0" # perf_data = "Membase_Stats:OK | " if not args: args.append("all") if "all" in args: keys = self.d_stats.iterkeys() else: keys = args for key in keys: perf_data += self.process_data(key) perf_data += self.get_resident_ratio() perf_data += self.get_cache_miss_ratio() perf_data += self.get_replica_resident_ratio() print perf_data self.after_work() def process_data(self, key): ret = " " if self.resource_name_mapping.has_key(key): type = "current" name = key if self.resource_name_mapping[key].has_key('name'): name = self.resource_name_mapping[key]['name'] if self.resource_name_mapping[key].has_key('type'): type = self.resource_name_mapping[key]['type'] if type == "cumulative": tmp = self.d_stats[key] if self.prev_stats.has_key(key): self.d_stats[key] = self.d_stats[key] - self.prev_stats[key] if self.d_stats[key] < 0: #somehow membase is reseted tmp = 0 else: ret = "%s=%s%s " % (name, self.d_stats[key], self.resource_name_mapping[key]['unit']) self.prev_stats[key] = tmp # update the value we are keeping track of else: ret = "%s=%s%s " % (name, self.d_stats[key], self.resource_name_mapping[key]['unit']) else: ret = "%s=%s " % (key,self.d_stats[key]) return ret def get_resident_ratio(self): resident_item_ratio = 100 if self.d_stats.has_key('ep_num_active_non_resident') and self.d_stats.has_key('curr_items') \ and self.d_stats['curr_items'] > 0: resident_item_ratio = 100 - float(self.d_stats['ep_num_active_non_resident']) / float(self.d_stats['curr_items']) * 100 if resident_item_ratio < 0: resident_item_ratio = 0 return "%s=%s%s " % ('resident_item_ratio', resident_item_ratio, '%') def get_cache_miss_ratio(self): cache_miss_ratio = 0 if self.d_stats.has_key('get_hits') and self.d_stats.has_key('ep_bg_fetched') and self.d_stats['get_hits'] > 0: cache_miss_ratio = float(self.d_stats['ep_bg_fetched']) / float(self.d_stats['get_hits']) * 100 return "%s=%s%s " % ('cache_miss_ratio', cache_miss_ratio, '%') def get_replica_resident_ratio(self): replica_resident_ratio = 100 if self.d_stats.has_key('ep_num_non_resident') and self.d_stats.has_key('curr_items_tot') \ and self.d_stats['curr_items_tot'] > 0 and self.d_stats.has_key("curr_items") and self.d_stats.has_key('ep_num_active_non_resident'): if self.d_stats['curr_items_tot'] > self.d_stats['curr_items']: replica_resident_ratio = 100 - float(self.d_stats['ep_num_non_resident'] - self.d_stats['ep_num_active_non_resident']) / float(self.d_stats['curr_items_tot'] - self.d_stats['curr_items']) * 100 print replica_resident_ratio if replica_resident_ratio < 0: replica_resident_ratio = 0 return "%s=%s%s " % ('replica_resident_ratio', replica_resident_ratio, '%') if __name__ == "__main__": stat = MembaseStats() stat.main()