Version 0.2: Line 103, fixed the missing "-n" option (Thanks to Chad who pointed this out this out for me). Also added a "shopt -s extglob". (Thx to Chad) Version 0.5: Line 168, fixed a typo (EXIT_UNKNOWN to STATE_UNKNOWN) Version 0.7: Line 193, modified sensor parsing to cut after the first '+' since all positive temperatures are preceded by a '+' Line 211, reduced "verbosity" needed to see verbose info (was 2: -v -v) Line 229-232, now checks to see if no sensor data was found and exits with STATE_UNKNOWN Version 0.8: Line 196 and 230, added 'head -n1' to only fetch the first result from sensors output. On some machine you get two Core0 and two Core1 temps. Moved version history to it's own file, HISTORY