'Script to check the status of a DOMAIN controller and report to Nagios 'requires DCDIAG.EXE 'Author: Felipe Ferreira 'Version: 3.0 ' 'Mauled over by John Jore, j-o-h-n-a-t-j-o-r-e-d-o-t-n-o 16/11/2010 to work on W2K8, x32 'as well as remove some, eh... un-needed lines of code, general optimization as well as adding command parameter support 'This is where i found the original script, http://felipeferreira.net/?p=315&cpage=1#comments 'Tested by JJ on W2K8 SP2, x86 ' W2K3 R2 SP2, x64 'Version 3.0-JJ-V0.2 'Todo: Proper error handling ' Add /help parameter ' Add support for the two tests which require additional input (dcpromo is one such test) 'Version 3.0-JJ-V0.3 ' Removed some surplus language detection code ' Including non-working English test on a W2K8 x32 DC ' Added support for multi-partition checks like 'crossrefvalidation'. Previously the last status result would mask previous failures ' Incorporated Jonathan Vogt's german and multiline tests 'Force all variables to be declared before usage option explicit 'Array for name and status (Ugly, but redim only works on last dimension, and can't set initial size if redim dim name(), status() redim preserve name(0) redim preserve status(0) redim preserve lock(0) 'Debug switch dim verbose : verbose = 0 'Return variables for NAGIOS const intOK = 0 const intWarning = 1 'Not used. What dcdiag test would be warning instead of critical? const intCritical = 2 const intUnknown = 3 'Lang dependend. Default is english dim strOK : strOK = "passed" dim strNotOK : strNotOk = "failed" 'Call dcdiag and grab relevant output exec(cmd) 'Generate NAGIOS compatible output from dcdiag printout() 'call dcdiag and parse the output sub exec(strCmd) 'Declare variables dim objShell : Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") dim objExecObject, lineout, tmpline lineout = "" 'Command line options we're using pt strCmd Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(strCmd) 'Loop until end of output from dcdiag do While not objExecObject.StdOut.AtEndOfStream tmpline = lcase(objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine()) 'Check the version of DCDiag being used and change the global 'passed' / 'failed' strings call DetectLang(tmpline) if (instr(tmpline, ".....")) then 'testresults start with a couple of dots, reset the lineout buffer lineout= tmpline 'pt "lineout buffer '" & lineout & "'" else 'Else append the next line to the buffer to capture multiline responses lineout = lineout + tmpline 'pt "lineout buffer appended '" & lineout & "'" end if if instr(lineout, lcase(strOK)) then 'we have a strOK String which means we have reached the end of a result output (maybe on newline) call parse(lineout) lineout = "" end if loop 'Why call this at the end? Is it not pointless as we've looped through the entire output from dcdiag in the above loop?!? 'call parse(lineout) end sub sub DetectLang(txtp) 'Change from looking for English words if we find the string below: if (instr(lcase(txtp), lcase("Verzeichnisserverdiagnose"))) then 'German pt "Detected German Language, changing the global test strings to look for" strOK = "bestanden" strNotOk = "nicht bestanden" end if end sub sub parse(txtp) 'Parse output of dcdiag command and change state of checks dim loop1 'Is this really required? Or is it for pretty debug output only? txtp = Replace(txtp,chr(10),"") ' Newline txtp = Replace(txtp,chr(13),"") ' CR txtp = Replace(txtp,chr(9),"") ' Tab do while instr(txtp, " ") txtp = Replace(txtp," "," ") ' Some tidy up loop ' We have to test twice because some localized (e.g. German) outputs simply use 'not', or 'nicht' as a prefix instead of 'passed' / 'failed' if instr(lcase(txtp), lcase(strOK)) then 'What are we testing for now? pt "Checking :" & txtp & "' as it contains '" & strOK & "'" 'What services are ok? 'By using instr we don't need to strip down text, remove vbCr, VbLf, or get the hostname for loop1 = 0 to Ubound(name)-1 if (instr(lcase(txtp), lcase(name(loop1)))) AND (lock(loop1) = FALSE) then status(loop1)="OK" pt "Set the status for test '" & name(loop1) & "' to '" & status(loop1) & "'" end if next end if ' if we find the strNotOK string then reset to CRITICAL if instr(lcase(txtp), lcase(strNotOK)) then 'What are we testing for now? pt txtp for loop1 = 0 to Ubound(name)-1 if (instr(lcase(txtp), lcase(name(loop1)))) then status(loop1)="CRITICAL" 'Lock the variable so it can't be reset back to success. Required for multi-partition tests like 'crossrefvalidation' lock(loop1)=TRUE pt "Reset the status for test '" & name(loop1) & "' to '" & status(loop1) & "' with a lock '" & lock(loop1) & "'" end if next end if end sub 'outputs result for NAGIOS sub printout() dim loop1, msg : msg = "" for loop1 = 0 to ubound(name)-1 msg = msg & name(loop1) & ": " & status(loop1) & ". " next 'What state are we in? Show and then quit with NAGIOS compatible exit code if instr(msg,"CRITICAL") then wscript.echo "CRITICAL - " & msg wscript.quit(intCritical) else wscript.echo "OK - " & msg wscript.quit(intOK) end if end sub 'Print messages to screen for debug purposes sub pt(msgTxt) if verbose then wscript.echo msgTXT end if end sub 'What tests do we run? function cmd() dim loop1, test, tests const intDefaultTests = 6 cmd = "dcdiag " 'Start with this 'If no command line parameters, then go with these defaults if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then redim preserve name(intDefaultTests) redim preserve status(intDefaultTests) redim preserve lock(intDefaultTests) 'Test name name(0) = "services" name(1) = "replications" name(2) = "advertising" name(3) = "fsmocheck" name(4) = "ridmanager" name(5) = "machineaccount" 'Set default status for each named test for loop1 = 0 to (ubound(name)-1) status(loop1) = "CRITICAL" lock(loop1) = FALSE cmd = cmd & "/test:" & name(loop1) & " " next else 'User specified which tests to perform. for loop1 = 0 to wscript.arguments.count - 1 if (instr(lcase(wscript.Arguments(loop1)), lcase("/test"))) then 'If parameter is wrong, give some hints if len(wscript.arguments(loop1)) < 6 then wscript.echo "Unknown parameter. Provide name of tests to perform like this:" wscript.echo vbTAB & "'cscript //nologo " & Wscript.ScriptName & " /test:advertising,dfsevent'" wscript.quit(intUnknown) end if 'Strip down the test to individual items tests = right(wscript.arguments(loop1), len(wscript.arguments(loop1))-6) pt "Tests: '" & tests & "'" tests = split(tests,",") for each test in tests cmd = cmd & " /test:" & test 'Expand the array to make room for one more test redim preserve name(ubound(name)+1) redim preserve status(ubound(status)+1) redim preserve lock(ubound(lock)+1) 'Store name of test and status name(Ubound(name)-1) = test status(Ubound(status)-1) = "CRITICAL" 'Default status. Change to OK if test is ok lock(Ubound(lock)-1) = FALSE 'Don't lock the variable yet. 'pt "Contents: " & name(Ubound(name)-1) & " " & status(Ubound(status)-1) next end if next end if 'We end up with this to test: pt "Command to run: " & cmd end function