#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Nagios plugin to perform SNMP queries against Infortrend based RAIDs, this includes Sun StorEdge 3510 and 3511 models. Parses the results and gives an overall view of the health of the RAID. Version: 1.8 Created: 2009-10-30 Author: Erinn Looney-Triggs Revised: 2010-01-05 Revised by: Erinn Looney-Triggs License: check_infortrend, performs SNMP queries against Infortrend based RAIDS Copyright (C) 2010 Erinn Looney-Triggs This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' #TODO: # doctests import os import subprocess import sys __author__ = 'Erinn Looney-Triggs' __credits__ = ['Erinn Looney-Triggs', ] __license__ = 'AGPL 3.0' __maintainer__ = 'Erinn Looney-Triggs' __email__ = 'erinn.looneytriggs@gmail.com' __version__ = 1.8 __status__ = 'Development' # Nagios exit codes in English UNKNOWN = 3 CRITICAL = 2 WARNING = 1 OK = 0 class Snmp(object): ''' A Basic Class for an SNMP session ''' def __init__(self, version='2c', agent='localhost', community='public', verbose=0): self.community = community self.agent = agent self.verbose = verbose self.version = version def query(self, snmp_command, oid): ''' Creates an SNMP query session. snmpcmd is a required string that can either be 'snmpget' or 'snmpwalk'. oid is a required string that is the numerical OID to be used. ''' full_snmp_command = self._which(snmp_command) if not full_snmp_command: print snmp_command, ('is not available in your path, or is not ' 'executable by you, exiting.') sys.exit(CRITICAL) command_line = ('%s -v %s -O v -c %s %s %s') command_line = command_line % (snmp_command, self.version, self.community, self.agent, oid,) if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Performing SNMP query:', command_line try: p = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: print 'Error:', sys.exc_info, 'exiting!' sys.exit(WARNING) # This is where we sanitize the output gathered. output = p.stdout.read().strip() if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Raw output obtained from query:', output return self._parse_snmp_output(snmp_command, output) def _parse_snmp_output(self, snmp_command, output): r''' Parse the SNMP output and return values as integers or strings. Returns a list of items for walk and a single item for gets. Doctests Follow: >>> s = Snmp() Strings should be returned as strings. >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpget', 'STRING: "Notification"') 'Notification' Strings with leading/trailing spaces should be returned minus quotes and spaces: >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpget', 'STRING: " Notification "') 'Notification' Integers should be returned as integers: >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpget', 'INTEGER: 0') 0 Other text/errors should be returned as strings: >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpget', ('No Such Object available on ' ... 'this agent at this OID')) 'No Such Object available on this agent at this OID' Walks of integers should return a list of integers: >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpwalk', 'INTEGER: 0\nINTEGER: 64') [0, 64] Walks of strings should return a list of strings: >>> s._parse_snmp_output('snmpwalk', ('STRING: "Any Source"\n' ... 'STRING: "Notification"')) ['Any Source', 'Notification'] ''' final_output = [] for item in output.split('\n'): try: style, value = item.split(':') except ValueError: # If exception occurs this is probably a warning message # pass through. style = None value = item if style == 'INTEGER': final_output.append(int(value)) elif style == 'STRING': # Strip whitespace, quotes, then whitespace again final_output.append(value.strip().strip('"').strip()) else: # We treat any unknowns as strings final_output.append(value) if snmp_command == 'snmpget': final_output = final_output[0] if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Final output after cleaning:' '%s') % (final_output) return final_output def _test(self): ''' For internal use only, runs doctests against the module. ''' import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True) return None def _which(self, program): ''' This is the equivalent of the 'which' BASH built-in with a check to make sure the program that is found is executable. ''' def is_exe(file_path): ''' Tests that a file exists and is executable. ''' return os.path.exists(file_path) and os.access(file_path, os.X_OK) file_path = os.path.split(program)[0] if file_path: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None class CheckInfortrend(Snmp): ''' Main class that performs checks against the passed in RAID, this class inherits from Snmp so Snmp is required or a suitable substitute needs to be made. There are four optional arguments that are passed to the init constructor: community: a string giving the community password agent: a string giving the destination host as either an IP for FQDN verbose: a integer, any number other than zero will give you verbose output version: a string specifying the SNMP version to use only 1, and 2c are supported ''' def __init__(self, community='public', agent='localhost', verbose=0, version='2c'): # Base OID found during auto detect self.base_oid = '' # Holder for state counts self.state = {'critical': 0, 'unknown': 0, 'warning': 0} # Holder for nagios output and perfdata output self.output = [] self.perfData = [] # Initialize our superclass Snmp.__init__(self, version, agent, community, verbose) def auto_detect(self): ''' Perform auto detection on designated SNMP agent in order to determine which base OID to use. There can be more OIDs, and I am sure there are. Just add the base OID to the list and the agent can be detected. This method expects no arguments. ''' # Infortrend's base oid: # Sun's base oid for 3510: # Sun's base oid for 3511: baseoids = ['', '', '', '',] for baseoid in baseoids: result = self.query('snmpget', baseoid + '') if result != 'No Such Object available on this agent at this OID': self.base_oid = baseoid break if not self.base_oid: print ('Unable to auto detect array type at host: %s, ' 'exiting.') % (self.agent) sys.exit(CRITICAL) if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug 2: Base OID set to:', self.base_oid return None def check_all(self): ''' Convenience method that will run all of the checks against the RAID. This method expects no arguments. ''' self.auto_detect() self.check_model_firmware() self.check_drive_status() self.check_device_status() self.parse_print_exit() return None def _check_battery(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the battery status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' # If status is 0 everything is copacetic if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Battery is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-2] == '1': outputLine.append('Battery charging on') except IndexError: pass try: numeral = self._convertBinarytoInteger(binary[-4:-2]) if numeral == 1: outputLine.append('Battery not fully charged') elif numeral == 2: outputLine.append('Battery charge critically low') self.state['critical'] += 1 elif numeral == 3: outputLine.append('Battery completely drained') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': # This is a normal state on cheaper RAIDs thus no warning outputLine.append('Battery-backup is disabled') except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Battery is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_current_sensor(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the current sensor status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Current sensor malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: numeral = self._convertBinarytoInteger(binary[-4:-1]) if numeral == 3: outputLine.append('Over current warning') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 5: outputLine.append('Over current limit exceeded') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Current sensor is not activated') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Current sensor not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_door(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the current sensor status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Door, door lock, or door sensor ' 'malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-2] == '1': outputLine.append('Door is open') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Door lock not engaged') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Door is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_fan(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the fan status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. Conversions for fan speed: 12292 < 4000 rpm 77828 = 4000 - 4285 rpm 143364 = 4286 - 4570 rpm 208900 = 4571 - 4856 rpm 274436 = 4857 - 5142 rpm 339972 = 5143 - 5428 rpm 405508 = 5429 - 5713 rpm 471044 > 5713 rpm Unfortunately, because we are not receiving the actual fan speed warning and critical thresholds can't be used. In order to graph this data I chose the top value for each choice, this is not as detailed as I would like but it should give you an idea. ''' #Infortrend decided to do mappings from certain numbers to fan speeds #Why they couldn't just output the speed is beyond me, but I don't do #hardware design so maybe there is a good reason. fanSpeeds = {0:0, #Indicates fan speed is not available. 12292:4000, 77828:4285, 143364:4570, 208900:4571, 274436:4857, 339972:5428, 405508:5713, 471044:5800, } warnRPM = '6000' critRPM = '7000' minRPM = '0' maxRPM = '8000' if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Fan speed is:%s rpm.'% (fanSpeeds[sensorValue]) self.perfData.append("'%s'=%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (deviceDescription, fanSpeeds[sensorValue], warnRPM, critRPM, minRPM, maxRPM)) if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') #Begin our output line binary =self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Fan is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Fan is off') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Fan is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_hdd_model_serial_number(self, hdd): ''' For internal use, grabs the model and serial number for the d rive number that is passed in and appends it to the nagios output. This is designed to be used when a failed drive is detected, the model and serial number is grabbed for convenience. It can however, be used for other purposes. Takes one argument hdd which is an int of the drive you wish to check. ''' hddModel = ('Hard Drive Model:', self.base_oid + '' + str(hdd), 'snmpget') hddSerialNum = ('Hard Drive Serial Number:', self.base_oid + '' + str(hdd), 'snmpget') model = self._query(hddModel)[1] self.output.append('model:%s' % (model)) serialNumber = self._query(hddSerialNum)[1] self.output.append('serial number:%s' % (serialNumber)) return None def _check_hdd_status(self, hdds): ''' For internal use, parses list returned from hddStatus OID and checks for error conditions. Requires one argument hdds which has to be a list of one or more return values from hddStatus OID. ''' # For completeness here are the codes that we accept as being # good. # 1 : On-Line Drive # 2 : Used Drive # 3 : Spare Drive # 9 : Global Spare Drive # 18 : Drive is a valid Clone of another Drive # 128 to 143 : SCSI Device warningCodes = {0:'New (Unassigned) Drive', 4:'Drive Initialization in Progress', 5:'Drive Rebuild in Progress', 6:'Add Drive to Logical Drive in Progress', 17:'Drive is in process of Cloning another Drive', 19:'Drive is in process of Copying from another Drive' } criticalCodes = {63:'Drive Absent', 252:'Missing Global Spare Drive', 253:'Missing Spare Drive', 254:'Missing Drive', 255:'Failed Drive' } for drive, status in enumerate(hdds): if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: checking drive:', drive, 'with status:', status if status in criticalCodes: self.state['critical'] += 1 self.output.append('Drive ' + str(drive + 1) + ': ' + criticalCodes[status]) # Grab the serial if the drive has failed, for lazy admins if status == 255 or status == 63: self._check_hdd_model_serial_number(drive + 1) elif status in warningCodes: self.state['warning'] += 1 self.output.append('Drive ' + str(drive + 1) + ': ' + warningCodes[status]) return None def _check_ld_status(self, logicalDrives): ''' For internal use. Check the status of the logical drives, expects a list of strings gathered from the ldStatus OID. ''' warningCodes = {1:'Rebuilding', 2:'Initializing', 3:'Degraded', } criticalCodes = {4:'Dead', 5:'Invalid', 6:'Incomplete', 7:'Drive Missing', 64:'Logical Drive Off-line' } for drive, status in enumerate(logicalDrives): if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Checking logical drive: ' '%s with status: %s') % (drive, status) if status in criticalCodes: self.state['critical'] += 1 self.output.append('Logical Drive ' + str(drive + 1) + ': ' + criticalCodes[int(status)]) elif int(status) in warningCodes: self.state['warning'] += 1 self.output.append('Logical Drive ' + str(drive + 1) + ': ' + warningCodes[int(status)]) return None def _check_power_supply(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the Power supply status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') #Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Power supply is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Power supply is off') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Power supply is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_speaker(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the speaker status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Speaker is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Speaker is off') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Speaker is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_slot_states(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the slot status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Slot sense circuitry is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-2] == '1': outputLine.append('Device in slot has been marked bad ' 'and is awaiting a replacement') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-3] == '1': outputLine.append('Slot is not activated') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Slot is ready for insertion/removal') except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Slot is empty') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_temp_sensor(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the temperature sensor and returns the value as perfdata to be used by nagios. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' # Temperature is in Celcius temperature = (sensorValue / 2 ** 17 ) - 274 warnTemp = '70' critTemp = '80' minTemp = '0' maxTemp = '100' self.perfData.append("'%s'=%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (deviceDescription, temperature, warnTemp, critTemp, minTemp, maxTemp)) # If status is 0 everything is copacetic if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') #Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Temperature sensor is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: numeral = self._convertBinarytoInteger(binary[-4:-1]) if numeral == 2: outputLine.append('Cold temperature warning') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 3: outputLine.append('Hot temperature warning') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 4: outputLine.append('Cold temperature limit exceeded') self.state['critical'] += 1 elif numeral == 5: outputLine.append('Hot temperature limit exceeded') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Temperature sensor is not activated') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Temperature sensor is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_ups(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the UPS status. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') #Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s ' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Unit is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-2] == '1': outputLine.append('AC Power not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: numeral = self._convertBinarytoInteger(binary[-4:-2]) if numeral == 1: outputLine.append('Battery not fully charged') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 2: outputLine.append('Battery charge critically low') self.state['critical'] += 1 elif numeral == 3: outputLine.append('Battery completely drained') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('UPS is off') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('UPS is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def _check_voltage_sensor(self, deviceDescription, status, sensorValue): ''' For internal use, checks the voltage sensor. Expects a string for the deviceDescription, an integer for the status and an integer for the sensorValue. ''' if status != 0: outputLine = [] outputLine.append(deviceDescription + ':') # Begin our output line binary = self._convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(status) if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Device:%s, Value:%s, Status code:%s' 'binary:%s') % (deviceDescription, sensorValue, status, binary) try: if binary[-1] == '1': outputLine.append('Voltage sensor is malfunctioning') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: numeral = self._convertBinarytoInteger(binary[-4:-1]) if numeral == 2: outputLine.append('Low voltage warning') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 3: outputLine.append('High voltage warning') self.state['warning'] += 1 elif numeral == 4: outputLine.append('Low voltage limit exceeded') self.state['critical'] += 1 elif numeral == 5: outputLine.append('High voltage limit exceeded') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-7] == '1': outputLine.append('Voltage sensor is not activated') self.state['warning'] += 1 except IndexError: pass try: if binary[-8] == '1': outputLine.append('Voltage sensor is not present') self.state['critical'] += 1 except IndexError: pass self.output.append(' '.join(outputLine)) return None def check_device_status(self): ''' Check the status of the RAID device and most associated components. This checks components like the CPU temperature, fan speed, sensor temperatures, etc. This method expects no arguments. ''' luDevTypeCodes = {1:(self._check_power_supply), 2:(self._check_fan), 3:(self._check_temp_sensor), 4:(self._check_ups), 5:(self._check_voltage_sensor), 6:(self._check_current_sensor), 8:(self._check_temp_sensor), 9:(self._check_door), 10:(self._check_speaker), 11:(self._check_battery), 17:(self._check_slot_states), } # Description as a string luDevDescription = ('Logical unit device description:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') # Type of device by code luDevType = ('Logical unit device type:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') # Values of temps etc. luDevValue = ('Logical unit device value:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') # Status of devices luDevStatus = ('Logical unit device status:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') deviceDescription = self._query(luDevDescription)[1] deviceType = self._query(luDevType)[1] deviceValue = self._query(luDevValue)[1] deviceStatus = self._query(luDevStatus)[1] for number, device in enumerate(deviceType): luDevTypeCodes[device](deviceDescription[number], deviceStatus[number], deviceValue[number]) return None def check_drive_status(self): ''' Check the Hard Drive Status of the RAID and return the result. This method expects no arguments. This will check: Logical Disk Drive Count Logical Disk Spare Drive Count Logical Disk Failed Drive Count Logical Disk Status and parse the results for any error conditions Hard Drive Status and parse the results for any error conditions ''' ldTotalDrvCnt = ('Logical Drives:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') ldSpareDrvCnt = ('Spare Drives:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') ldFailedDrvCnt = ('Failed Drives:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') ldStatus = ('Logical Drive Status:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') hddStatus = ('Hard Drive Status:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpwalk') # Get the logical drive count check, driveCount = self._query(ldTotalDrvCnt) driveCount = ','.join(['%s' % element for element in driveCount]) self.output.append(check + driveCount) # Get the spare drive count check, spareCount = self._query(ldSpareDrvCnt) spareCount = ','.join(['%s' % element for element in spareCount]) self.output.append(check + spareCount) # Get the failed drive count check, failedCount = self._query(ldFailedDrvCnt) failedCount = ','.join(['%s' % element for element in failedCount]) self.output.append(check + failedCount) # Get the logical disk status check, logicalDriveStatus = self._query(ldStatus) self._check_ld_status(logicalDriveStatus) # Get the status of the hard drives check, driveStatus = self._query(hddStatus) self._check_hdd_status(driveStatus) if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Output from checkDriveStatus:', self.output return None def check_model_firmware(self): ''' Pull the system's make, model, serial number, firmware major and minor numbers. Expects no arguments to be passed in. This method expects no arguments. ''' privateLogoVendor = ('Vendor:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpget') privateLogoString = ('Model:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpget') serialNum = ('Serial Number:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpget') fwMajorVersion = ('Firmware Major Version:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpget') fwMinorVersion = ('Firmware Minor Version:', self.base_oid + '', 'snmpget') # Get the vendor string check, vendor = self._query(privateLogoVendor) self.output.append(check + vendor) # Get the Manufacturers model check, model = self._query(privateLogoString) self.output.append(check + model) # Get the serial number check, serialNumber = self._query(serialNum) self.output.append('%s %s' % (check, serialNumber)) # Get the major and minor firmware versions check, firmwareMajor = self._query(fwMajorVersion) check, firmwareMinor = self._query(fwMinorVersion) self.output.append('Firmware Version:%s.%s' % (firmwareMajor, firmwareMinor)) if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Output from checkModelFirmware:', self.output return None def _convertBinarytoInteger(self, binary): ''' Convert the given binary string to an integer. Appends 0b to the string before conversion. ''' return int('0b' + binary, 2) def _convertIntegerToBinaryAndFormat(self, number): ''' Convert the given integer to a number and removes the leading 0b and returns. ''' return bin(number)[2:] def parse_print_exit(self): ''' Parse the results, print the output and exit with the appropriate status. ''' finalOutput = '%s:%s' if self.verbose > 1: print ('Debug2: Results passed to parsePrint: ' '%s %s') % (self.state, self.output) if self.state['critical']: status = 'CRITICAL' elif self.state['warning']: status = 'WARNING' elif self.state['unknown']: status = 'UNKNOWN' else: status = 'OK' finalLine = '' for line in self.output: finalLine += ' ' + line + ' ' # Add in performance data if it exists if self.perfData: finalLine += '| ' for line in self.perfData: finalLine += line + ' ' # Construct and print our final output finalOutput = finalOutput % (status, finalLine) print finalOutput sys.exit(eval(status)) return None # Should never be reached def _query(self, items): ''' For internal use, requires one input a tuple of items to be checked. That tuple must contain the following, a string defining the check in human readable terms, a string with the oid, and a string specifying the SNMP command to be run, usually snmpget or snmpwalk. ''' check, oid, snmpCmd = items result = self.query(snmpCmd, oid) if self.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2:', check, result return check, result # def _test(self): # ''' # For internal use, runs doctests against the module. # ''' # import doctest # doctest.testmod() # # return None def sigalarm_handler(signum, frame): ''' Handler for an alarm situation. ''' print ('%s timed out after %s seconds, ' 'signum:%s, frame: %s') % (sys.argv[0], options.timeout, signum, frame) sys.exit(CRITICAL) if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse import signal parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='''Nagios plug-in to monitor Infortrend based RAIDs, this includes some Sun StorEdge RAIDs such as the 3510 and the 3511.''', prog="check_infortrend", version="%prog Version: 1.8") parser.add_option('-c', '--community', action='store', dest='community', type='string',default='public', help=('SNMP Community String to use. ' '(Default: %default)')) parser.add_option('-H', '--hostname', action='store', type='string', dest='hostname', default='localhost', help='Specify hostname for SNMP (Default: %default)') parser.add_option('-t', '--timeout', dest='timeout', default=10, help=('Set the timeout for the program to run ' '(Default: %default seconds)'), type='int') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help=('Give verbose output ' '(Default: Off)') ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.verbose > 1: print 'Debug2: Options taken in:', options print 'Debug2: Arguments taken in:', args signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sigalarm_handler) signal.alarm(options.timeout) #Instantiate our object CHECK = CheckInfortrend(community = options.community, agent = options.hostname, verbose = options.verbose) #This runs all of the checks CHECK.check_all() signal.alarm(0)