Welcome to WOTS =============== WOTS is an easily configurable, flexible and hopefully useful logfile monitoring tool. If you know `swatch', it isn't all that different in concept, except that it does quite a bit more, and will do even more in the future. Getting WOTS ============ Well, you already have it , but in case you can't remember some time in the dim distant future, the locations is: http://www.e-dynamics.be/wots The original version can be obtained from: http://www.hpcc.uh.edu/~tonyc/tools/ Building WOTS ============= Nothing to do. All of WOTS is in perl (of course :-). You need perl version 5, preferably 5.00404 or better. WOTS uses the modules Term::ANSIColor (not required, see wots.pl itself for this) and Mail::Send (not required, see wots.pl itself for this) and IO::File (required) You can get them from CPAN. Or...if you don't want the features they offer (highlighted `echo' and `mail', comment out the relevant `use' lines in the file `wots.pl'). Good luck, Tony Curtis 1997, 1998 Franky Van Liedekerke 2004-2012 Installing WOTS =============== Just copy the wots.pl and the wotsrc (config file) to a place of your liking. For convenience, a init script wots.initd is provided. Change in that file the location of wots.pl and the config file, place it in /etc/init.d and activate it using chkconfig or something similar. USING WOTS ========== See the README file for this. RUNNING AS WINDOWS SERVICE ========================== This will be native in wots in the future, but for now: read the TODO file.