History of WOTS =============== 2.3 - Update so send_nsca works with nagios 3, introducing a new config parameter 'nscapassword' for this (see wotsrc.sampe for usage) - new config parameter 'nscaport', defaults to 5667 - new handler "sendnsca_onceperclient": sends only one message for each client to a nsca server. Ideal for logs that contain info on many servers and you want the error to arrive at each server seperately in nagios, but you also only want one message per run to be sent (so you don't get a flood of nsca messages). Practial usage: samhain yule log, and each server in nagios has a passive service called e.g. "integrity status" 2.2 - Now we use IO::File by default, and the getpos problem is worked around, so no need for nogetpos anymore - The location of the config file now needs to be given on the cli - Added an option "isalivelog" (see README) - Added options "mailserver" and "mailmethod" (see README) - Added cli option "include_old_lines" (see README) - Updated the wotrc.sample file - Removed the Makefile, otherwise problems on windows - Using seek and tell instead of getpos/setpos (they are buggy) - In the past, monitored files were kept open, but this resulted in locked files on windows. Now the logfiles are by default closed/reopened on windows (option "close_and_reopen" can be set, see README) - Added a perl-handler to send nsca messages to a nagios server (instead of needing an external program for this). See README. - Memory usage improvements. There are still some leaks, but very hard to track down ... 2.1 Added a "nogetpos" option (see the wotsrc example, for when getpos doesn't work well in the perl module FileHandle or IO::File) Added wots.in.IO_File, where we use IO::File instead of Filehandle 2.0 (Franky's version) Many new options: - variable pathfile names (see example wotsrc file) - continue, ignore, ignore_rest_file, syslog options (see example wotsrc file) - restart the daemon after a certain amount of passes (to prevent memory leaks from accumulating) 1.22: changed the configuration a bit. Now we edit Make.config to set up location of interpreters etc. Then "make" will actually configure things, and "make install" as before (prompted by comments from Martin Paul -- easier to let the user tell us where things). 1.21: maintenance update 1.20: changed to Term::ANSIColor module for highlighting. experimental ~L, ~M matching in exec command. 1.19: rewrote backreference handler for partial pattern matches 1.18: minor bug fixes 1.17: added a "once" option to "!", so that e.g. ping checks don't bombard you with mail if a host is unreachable for a long time. 1.16: Tidied up some perl strict and -w slackness. --version just gives version and dies. Running fine with perl5.00404. 1.15: removed a bug which manifests itself at eof() on FreeBSD 1.14: Added ! to From lines to indicate a command to be run, stdio is piped into the pattern checker. 1.13: Upgraded to perl5.00402 - made necessary changes