@echo OFF SETLOCAL REM ####### ensure all required info is present --UNIX Var--###### @Echo %1%2%3%4%5%6|find "ARG" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO mseof REM ####### ensure all required info is present --Win Var--###### IF "%1"=="" goto mseof IF "%2"=="" goto mseof IF "%3"=="" goto mseof IF "%4"=="" goto mseof IF "%5"=="" goto mseof IF "%6"=="" goto mseof @echo %4 |find "%%%" IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO mseof @echo %6 |find "%%%" IF not ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO mseof REM ####### assign each to a variable to reference it later..###### SET ip=%1 SET pkt=%2 SET wrta=%3 SET wpl=%4 SET crta=%5 SET cpl=%6 REM ######## capture fresh data to a File ####### @echo ->%1 ping %ip% -n %pkt% >>%1 REM ######## pickout the data we need from the File ####### FOR /F "tokens=11 delims= " %%k in ('findstr /c:"Lost" %1') do set LST=%%k IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO timeout FOR /F "tokens=9 delims= " %%k in ('findstr /c:"Average" %1') do set AVG=%%k REM ######## trim the variables...#### set AVG=%AVG:m=% set AVG=%AVG:s=% :timeout set LST=%LST:(=% set LST=%LST:~0,-1% REM ######## Now the fun stuff, compare the Warning, Critical values..#### if %LST% GEQ %cpl% goto CPL-2 if %AVG% GEQ %crta% goto Crta-2 if %LST% GEQ %wpl% goto WPL-1 if %AVG% GEQ %wrta% goto Wrta-1 Goto OK-0 :CPL-2 @echo CRITICAL: PKT-LS=%LST%%%^|rta=%crta%;%wrta% pl=%LST%%% rem GOTO EOF @exit 2 :Crta-2 @echo CRITICAL: PKT-LS=%LST%%%, RT-AV=%AVG%ms^|rta=%AVG%ms;%wrta%;%crta% pl=%LST%%% rem GOTO EOF @exit 2 :WPL-1 @echo WARNING: PKT-LS=%LST%%%, RT-AV=%AVG%ms^|rta=%wrta%;%crta% pl=%LST%%% rem GOTO EOF @exit 1 :Wrta-1 @echo WARNING: PKT-LS=%LST%%%, RT-AV=%AVG%ms^|rta=%AVG%ms;%wrta%;%crta% pl=%LST%%% rem GOTO EOF @exit 1 :OK-0 @ECHO OK: - PKT-LS=%LST%%%, RT-AV=%AVG%ms^|rta=%AVG%ms;%wrta%;%crta% pl=%LST%%% rem GOTO EOF @Exit 0 :mseof @echo Usage:ping_remote ^ ^^,^ ^,^ @echo example: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -c ping_remote -t 90 -a 65 450,1 700,5 (From Nagios SVR.) @echo : ping_remote 5 200,1 400,10 (From a local win wks where ping_remote.bat resides) @echo : (wpl\cpl are in percent, without the "%%%" symbol!!) rem GOTO EOF @exit 0 :eof