#!/usr/bin/perl # # # $Id: check_printer 65 2009-07-16 17:13:17Z ecrist $ # $HeadURL: https://www.secure-computing.net/svn/trunk/nagios/check_printer $ use strict; use warnings; use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios"; use utils qw(%ERRORS); my $usage = " Usage: $0 host_addr community warn% crit% This script connects via SNMP to a print and checks printer supply levels. This script outputs performance data for all supplies found for toner and drum. "; die $usage unless ($#ARGV == 3); my $base_oid = "."; my $name_oid = "6.1"; my $max_oid = "8.1"; my $curr_oid = "9.1"; my $loop; my $host = $ARGV[0]; my $comm = $ARGV[1]; my @vars = ("snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $comm $host $base_oid.$name_oid", "snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $comm $host $base_oid.$max_oid", "snmpwalk -On -v 1 -c $comm $host $base_oid.$curr_oid"); my(@values, @names, @max, @min); foreach(@vars){ @values = (@values, split /\n/, `$_`); } my %finvalues; foreach(@values){ # matching the following line # . = STRING: "Black Cartridge" $_ =~ m/^([\.\d]+).*:[\s\"]+([\d\w\s]+)\"*$/; $finvalues{"$1"} = $2; } my %status; while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ ## sort this array into an associative in the following format: # $status['name'] : Supply Name # $status['curr'] : Supply Status # $status['max'] : Supply Level When New my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$name_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## we'll assume a name $status{$value}{"sub"} = $1; } } while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$max_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## assign it to the other variable ## search the existing keys, find the one we want foreach my $subvalue (values %status){ if ($subvalue->{"sub"} eq $1){ $subvalue->{"max"} = $value; } } } } while (my ($key, $value) = each(%finvalues)){ my $search = quotemeta("$base_oid.$curr_oid"); if ($key =~ /^$search\.([\d\.]+)$/){ ## assign it to the other variable ## search the existing keys, find the one we want foreach my $subvalue (values %status){ if ($subvalue->{"sub"} eq $1){ $subvalue->{"curr"} = $value; } } } } ## Assemble performance data and error string. my $perf_str = ""; my $is_warn = 0; my $is_crit = 0; my $err_str = ""; while (my($key, $value) = each(%status)){ my $maximum = $value->{"max"}; my $current = round(($value->{"curr"} / $maximum) * 100); my $critical = $ARGV[3]; my $warning = $ARGV[2]; if ($current < $critical){ $is_crit = $is_crit + 1; if ($err_str eq ""){ $err_str = "$key"; } else { $err_str = "$err_str, $key"; } } elsif ($current < $warning){ $is_warn = $is_warn + 1; if ($err_str eq ""){ $err_str = "$key"; } else { $err_str = "$err_str, $key"; } } $perf_str = "$perf_str '$key'=$current%;$warning;$critical;0;100; "; } if ($is_crit){ print "$err_str CRITICAL. See http://$ARGV[0] | $perf_str"; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; } elsif ($is_warn){ print "$err_str WARNING. See http://$ARGV[0] | $perf_str"; exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'}; } else { print "Printer Supplies OK | $perf_str"; exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } ### ### subroutines here ### sub round { my($number) = shift; return int($number + .5 * ($number <=> 0)); }