Turn on/off Notifications for Nagios hosts/services by Aaron Segura (aaron.segura@gmail.com) --------------------------------------- Usage: notifications [host] [service] --------------------------------------- Revisions: * 0.2 11/02/2006 Initial Release * 0.3 11/03/2006 Added "all" service parameter --------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------ You will need to modify the "STATEFILE" definition at the top of the script to point to your nagios status.log file. This file is used in order to validate host and service names. Also modify the CMDFILE definition to point to your nagios.cmd file. USAGE ----- There are three modes of operation: Host, Service and Global. Global: # notifications on -- will turn notifications on # notifications off -- will turn notifications off Host: # notifications hostname off -- turns off notifications for the particular host. Note that this does not turn off notifications for the services attached to that host, just any host-based notifies. (See below) Service: # notifications hostname servicename off -- turns off notifications for the named service on the named host. # notifications hostname all off -- turns off notifications for all services on the named host. *** All host and service names are checked against the status.log file to make sure they actually exist before submitting the command to nagios. Questions, comments, flames -> aaron.segura@gmail.com