#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # World of Warcraft Realm detector plugin for Nagios # Written by Scott A'Hearn (webmaster@scottahearn.com) # Last Modified: 07-21-2008 # # Usage: ./check_wow -r # # Description: # # This plugin will check the status of a World of Warcraft realm, based # on input from an XML-based status dump of all realms from worldofwarcraft.com. # # Output: # # If the requested realm is found in the retrieved XML, the plugin will # will check the status of the realm. If the realm is up, the plugin will # return an OK state with a message containing the status of the realm as well # as some extended information such as type (PvP, PvE, etc) and population. # If the realm is down, the plugin will return a CRITICAL state with a message # containing the status of the realm as well as any available extended # information such as type (PvP, PvE, etc) and population. # # If the requested realm is not found in the retrieved XML, the plugin will # return an UNKNOWN state with an appropriate warning message. # # If there is an invalid [or no] response from the worldofwarcraft.com server, # the plugin will return a CRITICAL state. # # Notes: # # To avoid compile errors with Nagios' embedded perl interpreter, modify the # Nagios config file, "checkcommands.cfg" with the following to use the shell's # perl interpreter instead: # # define command { # command_name check_wow # command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER1$/check_wow -r $ARG1$ # } # # use modules use strict; # good coding practices use XML::Simple; # for parsing xml use Getopt::Long; # command-line option parsing use LWP; # external content retrieval use lib "nagios/plugins"; # nagios plugins use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage ); # nagios error and message libraries # init global vars use vars qw($PROGNAME); $PROGNAME="check_wow"; my ($ver_string, $browser_agent, $browser, $xmlurl, $full_code, $opt_V, $opt_h, $opt_r, $xml, $data, $e, $realm_type, $realm_pop, $track_found); $xmlurl = "http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/realmstatus/status.xml"; $ver_string = "v 1.2 2008/07/21 10:43:49"; # init subs sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); # define command-line option handling Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "r=s" => \$opt_r, "realm=s" => \$opt_r); # show version info, exit if ($opt_V) { print_revision($PROGNAME, '$Id: check_wow.pl,' . $ver_string . ' $'); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } # show help, exit if ($opt_h) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } # get first command-line param $opt_r = shift unless ($opt_r); # if no command-line param passed, show usage/help, exit if (! $opt_r) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } # create xml object $xml = new XML::Simple (ForceArray => 1); # new browser object, with agent $browser_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/"; $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $browser->agent("$browser_agent"); # retrieve xml file from WoW site $full_code = $browser->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $xmlurl)); if ($full_code->is_success) { # if success, process $full_code = $full_code->content; # blizzard made the tree one level deeper - pull that out $full_code =~ s/<\/?rs>//gi; } else { # otherwise, fail UNKNOWN print "Realm UNKNOWN - Realm status not received"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } # internal tracking variable $track_found = 0; # read XML file $data = $xml->XMLin($full_code); # loop through all xml elements foreach $e (@{$data->{r}}) { # if current node is the requested realm ... (case insensitive!) if (lc($e->{n}) eq lc($opt_r)) { # this is a sample of the output i'm expecting from the hashed xml #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper($e); #$VAR1 = { # 'l' => '3', # population # 'n' => 'Andorhal', # 's' => '1', # server status # 't' => '2' # type # }; # get realm type if ($e->{t} == 1) { $realm_type = "Normal"; } elsif ($e->{t} == 2) { $realm_type = "PVP"; } elsif ($e->{t} == 3) { $realm_type = "RP"; } elsif ($e->{t} == 0) { $realm_type = "RPPVP"; } else { $realm_type = "Unknown"; } # get realm population if ($e->{l} == 1) { $realm_pop = "Low"; } elsif ($e->{l} == 2) { $realm_pop = "Medium"; } elsif ($e->{l} == 3) { $realm_pop = "High"; } elsif ($e->{l} == 4) { $realm_pop = "Max (Queued)"; } else { $realm_pop = "Unknown"; } # if the status of requested realm = 1, realm is UP if ($e->{s} == 1) { # success - realm is up; exit OK print "Realm OK - " . $e->{n} . " (" . $realm_type . ") is up [Population: " . $realm_pop . "]"; exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } else { # realm is down; exit CRITICAL print "Realm CRITICAL - " . $e->{n} . " (" . $realm_type . ") is down [Population: " . $realm_pop . "]"; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}; } # set flag that requested realm has been found and processed $track_found = 1; } } # if requested realm has not been found in retrieved XML, exit UNKNOWN if ($track_found == 0) { print "Realm UNKNOWN - '" . $opt_r . "' not found, check spelling"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } # usage function sub print_usage () { print "Usage:\n"; print " $PROGNAME [-r | --realm ]\n"; print " $PROGNAME [-h | --help]\n"; print " $PROGNAME [-V | --version]\n"; } # help function sub print_help () { print_revision($PROGNAME, '$Id: check_wow.pl,' . $ver_string . ' $'); print "Copyright (c) 2008 Scott A'Hearn\n\n"; print_usage(); print "\n"; print " Standard World of Warcraft realm name, case sensitive.\n"; print "\n"; # support(); } # end