#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # check_ucd : pull results from a UCD SNMPD extension # # usage: check_ucd -H hostname -C community -t timeout -d -v modulename # use strict; use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw/$opt_H $opt_C $opt_t $opt_v $opt_d/; my($UCD) = ""; my($HOSTNAME,$COMMUNITY,$MODULE) = ('localhost','public',''); my($TIMEOUT) = 10; my($DEBUG) = 0; my($STATUS,$MESSAGE) = (3,"Unable to check plugin"); my($snmp,$snmperr,$resp); my($instance) = -1; my($oid); # Process the arguments getopts('H:C:t:v:d'); $TIMEOUT = $opt_t if($opt_t); $COMMUNITY = $opt_C if($opt_C); $HOSTNAME = $opt_H if($opt_H); $MODULE = $opt_v if($opt_v); $DEBUG = 1 if($opt_d); if(!$MODULE) { print "No module name specified!\n"; exit 3; } # Open the SNMP connection ($snmp,$snmperr) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname=>$HOSTNAME, -community=>$COMMUNITY, -timeout=>$TIMEOUT ); if($snmperr) { print "Error: $snmperr\n"; exit 3; } # Now, we want to avoid running plugins where not necessary, so we just query # the plugin name until we find a match, or no response. $resp = $snmp->get_table( -baseoid=>"$UCD.2" ); if(!$resp) { print "Error: Not a UCD SNMP daemon, or else no extensions defined.\n"; exit 3; } foreach $oid ( keys %$resp ) { if($resp->{$oid} eq $MODULE) { $instance=$1 if( $oid =~ /\.(\d+)$/ ); last; } } if($instance<1) { print "The $MODULE module is not present on $HOSTNAME\n"; exit 3; } # Now we know the module number, we can pull out the return code and text. # This will cause the module to be run, and so might time out. Also, it # will be run at most 1 time every 30s (the output is cached) $resp = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist=>[ "$UCD.100.$instance", "$UCD.101.$instance" ] ); if(!$resp) { print "Plugin error: ".$snmp->errmsg()."\n"; exit 3; } $STATUS = $resp->{"$UCD.100.$instance"}; $MESSAGE = $resp->{"$UCD.101.$instance"}; $STATUS = 3 if(!defined $STATUS); $MESSAGE = "(No output)" if(!$MESSAGE); print "$MESSAGE\n"; exit $STATUS;