#!/bin/bash # #check_toner version 0.5 # #04-10-2009, Henry Franco # # This plugin will check the black toner level on a printer via SNMP. # The plugin returns warning and critical status when the toner # drops below $CRIT AND $WARN. if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./check_toner PRINTER_NAME" exit 127 fi HOST=$1 INK="Black ink available:" CRIT=5 WARN=10 STATUS=0 nagios_plug_dir=/etc/nagios/plugins # GET THE MAXIMUN CAPACITY VALUE FROM SNMP max_level=`$nagios_plug_dir/check_snmp -H $HOST -C public -o mib-` RES=$? # GET CURRENT SUPPLY LEVEL FROM SNMP current_level=`$nagios_plug_dir/check_snmp -H $HOST -C public -o mib-` RES=$? #BAIL OUT IF ANYTHING WENT WRONG if [ $RES != 0 ]; then INK="Toner Unknown - SNMP problem. No data received from host."; echo $INK; STATUS=3; exit $STATUS; fi #EXTRACT VALUES FROM CHECK_SNMP COMMANDS new_max_level=`echo $max_level|cut -d ' ' -f4` new_current_level=`echo $current_level|cut -d ' ' -f4` result=$(echo "scale=2; $new_current_level / $new_max_level;" | bc) #ACTUAL VALUE OF TONER SUPPLY percent=`echo "$result"*"100"/"1"|bc` #CHECK WARNING AND CRITICAL LEVELS if [ $percent -le $CRIT ]; then echo "Toner Critical - "$INK $percent"%"; STATUS=2 elif [ $percent -le $WARN ]; then echo "Toner Warning - "$INK $percent"%"; STATUS=1 else echo "Toner OK - "$INK $percent"%" fi exit $STATUS